  • hello guy's,
    I goone to make my own search engine.But i need multithreaded problem.
    But i hear that no feature of thread is available in java script programming.Any one know how to implement multithreaded programming in java script.
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  • mahul

    MemberOct 5, 2010

    Hi Mohit,

    The first question that I would like is why do you need a multithreaded javascript code to run a search engine?

    Anyway, javascript is multithreaded by default. By this I mean that you can write two javascript functions which are independent of each other(maybe write some thing to a text box) at regular intervals. If you do this , you will notice that both of these functions work independent of the other which signifies that the browser automatically runs both the functions on different threads.
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberOct 5, 2010

    No no buddy actually i am not going to build a search engine.Just thinking to animate the process of writing on a search engine.Searching page is mine but the link returns from google.
    Suppose you want to searching about some article on 4004 processor.I give you a link which will automatically write the 4004 processor in the search box and return the link from google database.
    Well thanks for your information....!!
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberOct 16, 2010

    You mean page suggestions as shown in google when you type anything in search box
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberOct 16, 2010

    Suppose that you want to know who is mohit cboy.I gave you a link.
    After clicking on that link it will display the animation like this

    and You are automaticully redirected to the searched page....I just display the animation what you have to search on google and you are automatically redirected.
    Here i will display the animation on google search page but i want to do this type of animation on my own page and only the output is from google database.
    Isn't cool...!!
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberOct 16, 2010

    I have done it using java but jvm is not enables in everyone browser so i decided to do it in java script.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberOct 16, 2010

    Well its very easy to do in javascript and
    Can you post your java code?
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberOct 17, 2010

    Actually i don't have the code at this time.I lost that code during formatting of my PC.
    But it's vary easy in java you just have to implement the thread concept and you have done.
    But i don't have any idea how this can be done in java script.
    I am a beginner in java script.So please help me goyal in code that program.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberOct 21, 2010

            <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
                function Redirect()
                        window.location="link of searched page";
                    setTimeout('Redirect()', 3000);
    Does this answer your query?
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberOct 23, 2010

    @Goyal we can do this also by using "onmouseover" function in input tag but the question is how to create that animation.
    We must need thread concept to do this animation in java script.That is why i posted this question here.After getting reply i didn't get time to try this.So don't know how the thread concept works in java script.
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