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  • rahul69

    MemberNov 21, 2016

    how this program of C works and what is the output
    The code given is an example of bit manipulation in C.
    The first element of the structure is assigned a space of 2 bits and next two are given 4 bits each.
    Since int is used (signed integers), the output will be 1,2,-3.
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  • Jasim Chouhan

    MemberNov 23, 2016

    The code given is an example of bit manipulation in C.
    The first element of the structure is assigned a space of 2 bits and next two are given 4 bits each.
    Since int is used (signed integers), the output will be 1,2,-3.
    Thank you Rahul
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  • dmankit

    MemberNov 24, 2016

    The output of this code is:
    1 2 -3
    As int use signed integers, so 13 get converted into -3.
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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