Member •
Jul 3, 2007
Air Run Engine sounds interesting. I'm game for it. Tell us everything that you've got 😁
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air run engines according to me needs 4,351 psi......thts impossible here for normal assembly.its highly dangerous for us to assemble here...any ways i think ur in someother theory i beleive.so pls let us know.....
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sounds real interesting do give some details
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Air Run Engine sounds interesting. I'm game for it. Tell us everything that you've got 😁
Hey Crook ...Intrest Alone dosent fetch you anything. Dedication must be added to it which helps you acheive anything.. kool 😎
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air run engines according to me needs 4,351 psi......thts impossible here for normal assembly.its highly dangerous for us to assemble here...any ways i think ur in someother theory i beleive.so pls let us know.....
Naresh ... You are in a simple guess which anyone with commensense can say, ie." you need to have a hugely compressed air around 4000-6000 psi".. but not just leaving your damn rough guess...but just think about these following things..
😒 Isn't it possible to arrest that pressurized air in a container since pneumatics is currently a hit in the manufacturing industry as the best un conventional M/C Process.
😒 Isn't it great to find a simple engine which has just an inlet and an outlet for air and let the torque be created continuously since all the strokes here will be power strokes..
😒 Try to remind the steam engines which had served us for years for our travelling.... this Air-run is just re-engineering for that only.
Ok Naresh ... Try to find the answers for the above and youcould know how easily it could happen to be realtime success.
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sounds real interesting do give some details
If i am not going to give you the information regarding the topic i have started.. you people will kick me out of this board.. But the thing is... how far you people are ought to make a note on it and have a try and give it your level best. merely getting the information fetthces you nothing.. but a discussion is always the best way to learn anything which helps you remind for your lifetime.. ;-)
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😛Well This is not a new Thing buddy i have already done a project over by producing electrical Energy throughCompressed air.😎😉
For Every Body on this Net.
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😛Well This is not a new Thing buddy i have already done a project over by producing electrical Energy throughCompressed air.
For Every Body on this Net.
Yes Yes Yes.. If i am Buddy You Must be Boss.
Boss, Thats gr8. yu hd a project on ompressed air for some current y coupling i to a generator. gr8. but let me introduce u to this thread.
Air run Generator, the actors you consider n this ????
The power output required, may be to light a bulb or to run a whole institute..
So if its an institute the torque i.e. to be produced ... !!!ow Much??
And then the size of the generator and the windings, .. How many turns.
On the Otherside,
Mechanical Losses in both Enigine and in the generator, Iron Losses & Magnetic Losses ..
As far as an engine is considered ....
( How you are going to maintain the compressed air, how you gonna supply it to the engine, what mechanism you gonna use, how many valves it may have, whatn torque it may produce.... and so on)
This is what this iscussion is for. his is not merely telling that i know this, i had done this.. please help the fellow members, or since u r a master and we are the buddies please tell your considerations and explain your experiences.
Stay in Touch.. MASTER...
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Hi Friend (TheBugInYou),
I am 3rd year Mechanical Engg Student .Now I am looking for a project. Pls tell me can u give the project details in Air-Run Engines ?
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Hi Friend (TheBugInYou),
I am 3rd year Mechanical Engg Student .Now I am looking for a project. Pls tell me can u give the project details if i provided my knowlege in Air-Run Engines ?
You Are Welcome Dear...
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Can i get your email id? ;-)
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I request all members to discuss on forums (that's why we all are here 😁 ) . Information discussed here will be available to others as well.
-The Big K-
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The Air Car can travel up to 120 miles on one tank of air, costing only $2 to fill, ( or free if you use a solar panel to run a DC motor to your compressor) There are many Gas stations that also do not charge for there air. The only draw back is that this engine is a bit loud! Any gasoline engine can be converted to run on compressed air.
The gas tank will no longer be needed, The Carburetor, exhaust
system and cooling system will also no longer be needed. By using air hoses and homemade electric air selenoid switches ( or see Graingers.com, I think they sell these type of pnumatic air swithches.) We can make this by using air guns connected to HV solenoids. When 120 vdc or 400 vdc of electricity enters the coil it will pull the metal plunger back into the coil and at the same time the metal rod plunger will be pulling down the air valve handle on the air gun or guns. If you make your own homemade Solenoid it is cheaper, I would suggest that you use # 30 copper coated wire with about 800 to 1000 turns around a plastic tube, such as PVC pipe. Your solenoid can be about 5" in length and you will need to glue a 1/2" piece of the same size diameter of your metal rod. when electricity is appllied it will turn this metal into a high power magnet and thus increasing the torque of the pull. The spark plug wire is already timed and gives of about 3,000 vac, which we can use to trigger your solinoid or a HV thryristor switch. another words we can build an elctronic switch using a High voltage Thryristor transistor which can be made to turn on the 120 - 400 vdc power to your HV Solenoid. A Solenoid can be designed or bought to run on the High Voltage / low amperage coming from the Lawn mower spark plug wire. Once your automatic air valve is done and is working well, we will then want to buy a High Efficient Air Compressor Motor. Connect this to the shaft of your lawn mower. Then connect the air output to a 2nd input of your air tank! The motor can now perform work as well as replinish itself with air.
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Pls Tell whether the information i provided is correct or not .If it is correct i will post more 😀
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Ple tell How much is the approximate cost of this project?😒
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yo i will tell u tht this project is to just create pollution somewhere else!
so for compressing air , u may need compressors to work on electricity and to make electricity , u will need , something called generating , now there is pollution , so it will create huge pollution! according to me.!
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Can i get your email id? ;-)
pm me man instead
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Member •
Oct 3, 2007
I have been following this thread since long. Looking forward to further updates!!
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What the hell?
Dude, theBuginYou! Are you serious are horsing around? Yes a few of us do know what air-run engines are and I just saw one today on youtube and its working is an amazing idea but but but CMON!!!
If you are interested in this then get some information like when was it first made and who made it and where (ITALY, yes first produced in italy) and then why dont we use a normal engine (It will blowup on your face thats why) and what are the major design changes in the new engine! Post this info here.
Things like this so that the people who read this post can actually contribute something...and help each other...
So cmon, you are the one who started this thread so lead us now! And dont worry about people asking for the whole "Project" idea, it will take them 10 years of commonman salery to actually fund the project...and construct an engine from scratch.
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How it works
This engines have attracted much curiosity and prompted many questions. For various reasons, one of which is industrial secrecy, we haven´t published all technical details on this site.
However, over the coming months, just before we begin serial production, we´ve decided to reproduce an unprecedented amount of information and data on the famous "MDI Air Car".
After ten years of research and development of pollution-free engines and cars powered by compressed air, MDI is proud to present:
This way, enough time is given to create the pressure in the cylinder. The torque is also better so the force exerted on the crankshaft is less substantial than in a classic system.
Gear changes are automatic, powered by an electronic system developed by MDI. A computer which controls the speed of the car is effectively continuously changing gears . The latest of many previous versions, this gearbox achieves the objective of seamless changes and mimimal energy consumption.
The moto-alternator connects the engine to the gearbox. It has many functions:
It supports the CAT´s motor to allow the tanks to be refilled.
As an alternator it produces brake power
It starts the vehicle and provides extra power when necessary.
mileage and general running
Much has been said and written about the mileage of our vehicles and there has generally been a lot of unfounded speculation about the use of compressed air.
We have never claimed that the thermodynamic graphs of our engines would be adiabatic (nor are they isothermic). Mileage presents no problem - the volume and pressure of air in the car can be increased considerably. (by changing the tank size or the air pressure). The data published at this link, should help to re-establish the truth and give definitive information on these two points.
An exclusive technology for truly clean vehicles:
A range of pollution-free vehicles
Innovative industrialization and commercialization concepts
Zero-pollution urban transportation concept
Power generation sets
Co-energy generation
Marine engines
Distribution and valves
To ensure smooth running and to opitimize energy efficiency, our engines use a simple electromagnetic distribution system which controls the flow of air into the engine.
The basic principles of the CAT´s 34 Engine
This engine was developed between the end of 2001 and the beginning of 2002. It uses an innovative system to control the movement of the 2nd generation pistons and one single crankshaft. The pistons work in two stages: one motor stage and one intermediate stage of compression/expansion.
The engine has 4 two-stage pistons, i.e. 8 compression and/or expansion chambers. They have two functions: to compress ambient air and refill the storage tanks; and to make successive expansions (reheating air with ambient thermal energy) thereby approaching isothermic expansion.
Its flywheel is equipped with a 5kW electric moto-alternator. This motor is simultaneously:
the motor to compress air
the starting motor
the alternator for recharging the battery
an electric moderator/brake
a temporary power supply (e.g. for parking)
No clutch is necessary. The engine is idle when the car is stationary and the vehicle is started by the magnetic plate which re-engages the compressed air. Parking manoeuvres are powered by the electric motor.
The CAT´s 34 P04 engine is equipped with patented variable-volume butts and a dynamic variable-volume volumetric reducer.
The dual energy system
The Series 34 CAT´s engines can be equipped with and run on dual energies - fossil fuels and compressed air - and incorporate a reheating mechanism (a continuous combustion system, easily controlled to minimize pollution) between the storage tank and the engine.
This mechanism allows the engine to run exclusively on fossil fuel which permits compatible autonomy on the road.
While the car is running on fossil fuel, the compressor refills the compressed air tanks. The control system maintains a zero-pollution emission in the city at speeds up to 60 km/h.
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You may have a Working Demo Video Here....
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I Want To Know How Air Run Engine Works
If U Can Give Me Some Technical Information About This Engine
And If U Know Something About Six Stroke Engine
Please -please Tell Me
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I am trying to design this as my engg. project.😒
anybody knw hw much is the estimated cost of this project?
I am inviting all engineers for the further discussion of this thread....😁
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I am trying to design this as my engg. project.😒
anybody knw hw much is the estimated cost of this project?
I am inviting all engineers for the further discussion of this thread....😁
Kool da
The Estimated Cost may range between 4-7 Lakhs for designig a single cylinder 50mm Bore Dia Engine. Its due to the new designing of the crank and pistonheads.
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4-7 lakhs..........😔😔
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Do u have any other project idea ?
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I forgot to tell....
My group selected this as our engg project . Both min project and main project .
There are 8 members in my team . Divided into 2 groups (4+4) .
Mini Project
The first group going to conduct a feasibility study about the engine and air compressor .
The second group designing the engine based on this study.
Main Project
combining the above 2 result and fabrication 😁😁
So we need help abt technical ideas.
I will update this section regularly with our results..
Hope all of you help us....
Lets start and design a air run engine....
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I need your email id .I can't PM u. It shows the following error
Contact Info
TheBugInYou has no contact information.
TheBugInYou has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.
As you said earlier,
.....This engines have attracted much curiosity and prompted many questions. For various reasons, one of which is industrial secrecy, we haven´t published all technical details on this site.......
It is not possible to discuss everything here .
Please give ur gmail or email id
Waiting for reply...
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One happy new....
Our project going well...
Our feasibility study over 😁😁😁
Thanks for all supporters
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Nice Nik!!!
You had your Feasability Test naa..
I had A Few Q??stions For you..
1) What have you done for testing its feasability?
2) Did you make any prototype model of your so said engine!
3) Did you have CAE aka analsis using any of the softwares like Pro/E or ANSYS ??
Moreover this is a public discussion board and everybody here were one's who are enusiastic to know more than what they read from books. So please don't say i DID, Do show us and let others know.
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I am a new commer here but interested in these projects
I have once heard about this that somebody run a scooter with compressed air but i thought that this might be possibe only when the engine possesses a very high compression ratio and for this normal engines design is insufficient as stresses produced on the parts will also be very high
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I am a new commer here but interested in these projects
I have once heard about this that somebody run a scooter with compressed air but i thought that this might be possibe only when the engine possesses a very high compression ratio and for this normal engines design is insufficient as stresses produced on the parts will also be very high
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I am a new commer here but interested in these projects
I have once heard about this that somebody run a scooter with compressed air but i thought that this might be possibe only when the engine possesses a very high compression ratio and for this normal engines design is insufficient as stresses produced on the parts will also be very high
You r Right...
Have you gone through the video link i posted along with the Design...
Once have a look at it and then continue reading this......
1) I accept that higher compression ratios are required to make an engine run with compressed air....
Thats is the reason why the designer had introduced the concept of Articulated Quick Return Connecting Rod.....
This helps the Secondary Piston(Smaller) to reach its BDC lately and TDC quickly....
So here the introduction of the secondary piston helps the engine to utilize more and more compressed air energy before it exhausts.
2) Your Next Doubt is Regarding Price of the Items.
Dude, Nickle-Cadnium Alloys are being prefered for this design from my side. So by the analysis of the engine using different alloys... we may attain a suitable material for that. So no need to worry about that When Batch Production is once started.
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Hello to everyone, I am new in this forum.
I know for sure that couple of years ago (maybe some more dont remember) there was an initiative and a proposal based on a prototype from France.
The concept was about a compressed air driven vehicle quite small for city rides. If I find the link in my files I ll post it here.
There is a company located in Greece which is doing applied research and has already moved towards the compressed air concept for power production plus heating-cooling services at the residential level. The scale up should not be a problem, however, there is yet not a prototype since the cost for all parts would be around 3M euros and the local authorities are more keen in playing with lignite (so so stupid).
Anyway, for you that want to see more: google it: daedalus or Biretscor project.
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ok, here we are:
From France:
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Dear Thermal.....
This is a discussion Board. Not a links Archive. Please let all know the drawbacks of the model proposed for MDI. Merely searching through Google and posting the results dosen't fetch that much to anyone.
Take it Lite........
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please post the project details .....
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i am not clear about this i have read all of the material given here but all the materials sounds very confusing
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I forgot to tell....
My group selected this as our engg project . Both min project and main project .
There are 8 members in my team . Divided into 2 groups (4+4) .
Mini Project
The first group going to conduct a feasibility study about the engine and air compressor .
The second group designing the engine based on this study.
Main Project
combining the above 2 result and fabrication 😁😁
So we need help abt technical ideas.
I will update this section regularly with our results..
Hope all of you help us....
Lets start and design a air run engine....
U might have done everything but yet it will not serve the purpose of this forum u need to tell what u have done and also i u have some material then surely we can give our email address
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its intresting , but for compressing air we need air compressor , genrator n a electricity to run motor so its little difficult to obtain .but we r CRAZY we can do it
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Dear Nitin.............
Don't try to use the word CRAZY as much as you can but Try to think as crazy as you can...
Just Joking.
And this is what you are thinking, that you need electricity. But... This is a concept where the compressed air is being stored in a tank and then it is utilized all the way. So no Generator,or electricity needed. OK ????????
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Dear Rishi,..........
Fine fine. Even i am confused by your reply. please let me know what made you that confused.
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please help me understand the basic cycle of the engine in steps like suction compression in this way
can somebody help me??
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dnt know... tell me more..............
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Air - run engines...on wht principal these work...
and whats the concept behind this all?
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Hi friendz......
Me back to this forum. Last month i was busy with my project and her i am attaching some videos of my project....
Plz post your comments abt this video here.....(Its taken from my mobile phone...I will upload a quality video later)
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Videos :
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Videos :
How about posting them on YouTube?
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I will upload them to you tube...
This videos are from my mobile phone...
I will upload a quality video....
and once again thnks for your support
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How about posting them on YouTube?
hi i have just joined this community so i want to know more about it
and about air run engines and how can i implement this.😀
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hi i have just joined this community so i want to know more about it
and about air run engines and how can i implement this.😀
For any questions related to community, post them in the "newbie training center" section of CE Forums.
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give me some idea about solartracker
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Update... Videos uploaded to youtube
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QvcC5lj8Og" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">- YouTube</a>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFAgmG1SnIk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">- YouTube</a>
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The air engine u talkin bout work on d pressure of compressed air .d pistons work without ignition .u can use a wankel engine or a reciprocatin one. do gimme d details u have....
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it sounds as new but in recent year we will be able to know every thing about it😁
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Within the next two years, you could see the first air-powered vehicle motoring through your town. Most likely, it will be the e.Volution car that is being built by Zero Pollution Motors. The cars have generated a lot of interest in recent years, and the Mexican government has already signed a deal to buy 40,000 e.Volutions to replace gasoline- and dieselpowered taxis in the heavily polluted City.
Makers of the e.Volution are marketing the vehicle as a low pollution or zero pollution car. However, there is still some debate as to what the environmental impact of these air-powered cars will be. Manufacturers suggest that because the cars run on air they are environmentally friendly. Critics of the air-powered car idea say that the cars only move the #-Link-Snipped-# from the car's exhaust to somewhere else, like an #-Link-Snipped-#. These cars do require <a href="https://science.howstuffworks.com/electricity.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">How Electricity Works | HowStuffWorks</a> in order for the air to be compressed inside the tanks, and fossil fuel power is needed to supply electricity.
The e.Volution is powered by a two-cylinder, compressed-air engine. The basic concept behind the engine is unique . it can run either on compressed air alone or act as an #-Link-Snipped-#. Compressed air is stored in carbon or glass fiber tanks at a pressure of 4,351 pounds per square inch (psi). This air is fed through an air injector to the engine and flows into a small chamber, which expands the air. The air pushing down on the pistons moves the crankshaft
Zero Pollution Motors is also working on a hybrid version of their engine that can run on traditional fuel in combination with air. The change of energy source is controlled electronically. When the car is moving at speeds below 60 kph, it runs on air. At higher speeds, it runs on a fuel, such as gasoline, diesel or natural gas.
Air tanks fixed to the underside of the vehicle can hold about 79 gallons (300 liters) of air. This compressed air can fuel the e.Volution for up to 124 miles (200 km) at a top speed of 60 miles per hour (96.5 kph). When your tank nears empty, you can just pull over and fill the e.Volution up at the nearest air pump. Using a household electrical source, it takes about four hours to refill the compressed air tanks. However, a rapid three-minute recharge is possible, using a high-pressure air pump.
The car's motor does require a small amount of #-Link-Snipped-#, about .8 liters worth that the driver will have to change just every 31,000 miles (50,000 km). The vehicle will be equipped with an <a href="https://auto.howstuffworks.com/automatic-transmission.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">How Automatic Transmissions Work | HowStuffWorks</a>, rear wheel drive, <a href="https://auto.howstuffworks.com/steering2.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Rack-and-pinion Steering - How Car Steering Works | HowStuffWorks</a> and a 9.5 foot (2.89 m) wheel base. It will weigh about 1,543 pounds (700 kg) and will be about 12.5 feet (3.81 m) long, 5.7 feet (1.74 m) tall, and 5.6 feet (1.71 m) wide., which gives the vehicle power.
The car's motor does require a small amount of #-Link-Snipped-#, about .8 liters worth that the driver will have to change just every 31,000 miles (50,000 km). The vehicle will be equipped with an <a href="https://auto.howstuffworks.com/automatic-transmission.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">How Automatic Transmissions Work | HowStuffWorks</a>, rear wheel drive, <a href="https://auto.howstuffworks.com/steering2.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Rack-and-pinion Steering - How Car Steering Works | HowStuffWorks</a> and a 9.5 foot (2.89 m) wheel base. It will weigh about 1,543 pounds (700 kg) and will be about 12.5 feet (3.81 m) long, 5.7 feet (1.74 m) tall, and 5.6 feet (1.71 m) wide.
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For a second there, I thought the post above was spam. Too many keyword links 😛
Here is the link to the original article:
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i've some qust
if this type of engine can beer d load???? if how mutch
what about storage tank how big it would be?
how much efficiency will be achieve???
are you considerin energy to compress d air
why there is need to special material
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guys i read all ur reviews, i think its a very simple & most of them can't understand this concept ,to say that i had developed this kind of engine running out of a compressed air in my project & i had succeded in it and i am further reinnovating the engine to squeeze out more work out of it guys...
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it can produce 11.5 bhp at 1500 rpm & to say u that there is a concept that as the volume decreases the pressure increases,so reduce the size of the bore & stroke length more the power..........
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Do you want to publish your paper here on CE and post some Pics so we can learn from it?
It would be wonderful you know.
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Do you want to publish your paper here on CE and post some Pics so we can learn from it?
It would be wonderful you know.
Yes, send your report/pics to varun (at) crazyengineers (dot) com or admin (at) crazyengineers (dot) com
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auto lover
it can produce 11.5 bhp at 1500 rpm & to say u that there is a concept that as the volume decreases the pressure increases,so reduce the size of the bore & stroke length more the power..........
Yep.. Im gr8tly interested in it.. If u post the details, it will be of gr8 Help.. Thanx..
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no dude i dont know anything about it .......
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Hey, Gohm in another post gave an idea about the compressed air engines. Here is the link #-Link-Snipped-#
Are we expecting the white paper by the way?
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hi budy i m interested in looking forward for ur project.
i havent heard abt this project so far but i m keen interested in looking forward for this project.
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😁hey hw r u going 2 describe ur project details to me.
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Do Air-Run Engines Practically Becomming to be Success? I wish to know the answer. Does anyone know.
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Member •
Jul 5, 2008
Not possible! everyone knows I only post sarcasm and childish humor. I try to keep my posts knowledge free. ;-)
Hey, Gohm in another post gave an idea about the compressed air engines. Here is the link #-Link-Snipped-#
Are we expecting the white paper by the way?
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hi guys! I want to do a paper on air run engines! So can u help me out with the techincal description of these engines!
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help me go know about it some more
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Member •
Jul 27, 2008
i am thinking about making a bike run on air engine as a project. do you think it will work??? if so then give me some tips and details as to how i can do it....
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Member •
Jul 28, 2008
Yes, you could successfully produce an air run motorcycle, wouldn't be overly difficult. A nice single or twin air engine would be good and could be found "off the shelf". Replace the frame mounted gas tank with a compression cylinder and off you go. please keep us posted & provide some pictures as your project develops!
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i am thinking about making a bike run on air engine as a project. do you think it will work??? if so then give me some tips and details as to how i can do it....
This is great initiative m@d. Why don't you start a project thread on CE for this and work on it? (a.k.a. CE BOT or CE IM)
I'm sure, apart from gohm and raj87verma88, there will be other who will help you complete your project. What say? If you are ready we can list down the activities.
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re: einstein89
generation is generally less polluting than any volatile fluid based on board power producing device, energy generation at plants instead of on board is like shopping at in bulk, it is cost effective and efficient, this is why electric cars can run around all day long on 25 cents worth of electricity, of course there is a middle man in this case(the air compressor) but i am of the opinion that an air compressor is a more efficient device than any gas/diesel/propane etc engine.
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Good idea folks ! But the matter of pollution can be avoided by installin a vane motor which can draw air from the atmosphere and store it in a tank . Usually vane motors do not produce environmental hazards
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auto lover
it can produce 11.5 bhp at 1500 rpm & to say u that there is a concept that as the volume decreases the pressure increases,so reduce the size of the bore & stroke length more the power..........
Kool guyz...!!!!!!!
Dear Auto Lover....
If u r sure that the increase in swept volume and the decrease in the clearance volume possess higher compression ratio's...!! Then why do people struggle to get higher compression ratios for high speed diesel engines. Think over it PLEASE..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😁
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re: einstein89
generation is generally less polluting than any volatile fluid based on board power producing device, energy generation at plants instead of on board is like shopping at in bulk, it is cost effective and efficient, this is why electric cars can run around all day long on 25 cents worth of electricity, of course there is a middle man in this case(the air compressor) but i am of the opinion that an air compressor is a more efficient device than any gas/diesel/propane etc engine.
How do you feel so?? Air has more turbulence than liquid. Thats why i thought of using compressed air to run engines, than using some hydraulic mechanism.. But none of these will come on par with the combustion power of HCs. How do u think that compressed air has more eff. than HCs..😕
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You Belive or Dont Belive..... Its True. I Will Provide you Everything ALong with the project Design But before that letme know how many of you know about this and whats your opinion...
Please do Poll Wether It Works or Not.....😁
Hi ...... this is rampon .....& tis project is very interesting........ i hav not heard till now......can u plz tell about that project.........
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Naresh ... You are in a simple guess which anyone with commensense can say, ie." you need to have a hugely compressed air around 4000-6000 psi".. but not just leaving your damn rough guess...but just think about these following things..
😒 Isn't it possible to arrest that pressurized air in a container since pneumatics is currently a hit in the manufacturing industry as the best un conventional M/C Process.
😒 Isn't it great to find a simple engine which has just an inlet and an outlet for air and let the torque be created continuously since all the strokes here will be power strokes..
😒 Try to remind the steam engines which had served us for years for our travelling.... this Air-run is just re-engineering for that only.
Ok Naresh ... Try to find the answers for the above and youcould know how easily it could happen to be realtime success.
hi .......... this is rampon doing BE....
can u plz send details to me about air run engines
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The Air Car can travel up to 120 miles on one tank of air, costing only $2 to fill, ( or free if you use a solar panel to run a DC motor to your compressor) There are many Gas stations that also do not charge for there air. The only draw back is that this engine is a bit loud! Any gasoline engine can be converted to run on compressed air.
The gas tank will no longer be needed, The Carburetor, exhaust
system and cooling system will also no longer be needed. By using air hoses and homemade electric air selenoid switches ( or see Graingers.com, I think they sell these type of pnumatic air swithches.) We can make this by using air guns connected to HV solenoids. When 120 vdc or 400 vdc of electricity enters the coil it will pull the metal plunger back into the coil and at the same time the metal rod plunger will be pulling down the air valve handle on the air gun or guns. If you make your own homemade Solenoid it is cheaper, I would suggest that you use # 30 copper coated wire with about 800 to 1000 turns around a plastic tube, such as PVC pipe. Your solenoid can be about 5" in length and you will need to glue a 1/2" piece of the same size diameter of your metal rod. when electricity is appllied it will turn this metal into a high power magnet and thus increasing the torque of the pull. The spark plug wire is already timed and gives of about 3,000 vac, which we can use to trigger your solinoid or a HV thryristor switch. another words we can build an elctronic switch using a High voltage Thryristor transistor which can be made to turn on the 120 - 400 vdc power to your HV Solenoid. A Solenoid can be designed or bought to run on the High Voltage / low amperage coming from the Lawn mower spark plug wire. Once your automatic air valve is done and is working well, we will then want to buy a High Efficient Air Compressor Motor. Connect this to the shaft of your lawn mower. Then connect the air output to a 2nd input of your air tank! The motor can now perform work as well as replinish itself with air.
Hi Friend (TheBugInYou),
I am 3rd year Mechanical Engg Student .Now I am looking for a project. Pls tell me can u give the project details in Air-Run Engines ?
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no idea abt it...but eager to know abt it....
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dono much abt it
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no idea abt it...but eager to know
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Please do Poll Wether It Works or Not.....
The engines that actually runs on compressed air.there are evidences.The air that is stored in carbon/fibre tanks is fed through the engine. This compressed air can fuel the car for up to 124 miles (200 km) at a top speed of 60 kilometres per hour. •The motor requires oil of about 0.8 liters for every 31,000 miles (50,000 km). •The storage tank holds 300 litres of compressed air at 300 bar.Air cars have safety features in their containers thereby avoiding danger involved in high-impact crashes. Moreover, air is non-flammable.
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plz give me the whole dsigns and matter
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im also a mechanical engineering student.
im looking for a mini project which useful for somthing.
hay isee both the topics in u two.
may i get details abt the air run engine and producing electrical Energy throughCompressed air. just post it to me..
im also interest in mechatronics topics.
just help me
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Member •
Feb 10, 2009
Good to meet a mech student, hope you like CE! Can you narrow down your questions to specifics? What questions/problems with an air run engine are you working on? Although we all will be glad to provide help, guidance & answer questions; it is not right to be handed a completed project which you did not "earn" the experience of. Let us know how we can help you!
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i don,t know nothing more abt that, just some usage and somthing like that. thats all...
plz give me the whole dsigns and matter
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hay i need more details abt that...
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Member •
Feb 11, 2009
Sorry, I do not think it is right to just give you a completed project as previously mentioned, they must be earned. You will only be hurting yourself doing it your way & many consider it cheating. I will be more than happy to help answer any specific questions you might have about the design or project though! Why not pick another topic/project/field of study you have interest in or knowledge of instead? You will be a more fullfilled person if you do. There is a wealth of information out there on air run engines with just a little amount of exploration. Lots of development opportunity out there for those passionate enough to "dive in" and actively get involved in this ( and countless other) area. Hope to see you "in the pool"...
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send me tat report plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Thread Closed
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It is open again
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Dear Engineers...
You are asking me the data for u r project.
What does it mean.
Are u looking for some material which can fill your project book ???
My motto is to induce your minds in the way i.e. useful to the environment and society and future generations. I almost provided you all the data required to initialize your research on this topic.
For people who are looking for some data which is very clearly explaining the design of air-run engines..... a big SORRY for them. I am not a project data giver. I want us to make u think and come out with an answer.
OK .... till date i have been finding you people collecting some data from net... posting that here.... and some showing some videos of their prototype.
Listen.... Knowledge is something which can be attained when u r completely committed to learn and but not merely fetching for something which is already available on net.
Refer the books. Nowadays.. almost all the subject books are available on net. Collect the required literature. Fix your path to fix this issue. Study as much as you can. CO ordinate with others. Nobody here can do everything alone. Coordinate... the cumulative of your ideas will give you the results.
Fine its my turn to suggest you a path.
What is air?
What are its properties and its behavior at various temperatures & pressures?
What is a Diesel/petrol cycle. ? What does P-V diagram say ??
What is the cheapest fuel available & why it is cheap ?
What if water?? why only air ??
what is a CI engine? How does it differ from SI.
If its a air-run does the existing engines work??
If they wont work... what is the objective of the new engine ???
What is the first model of engine in universe?
How did steam engines work in those days?? What cycles did they follow ????
The above are few objectives which you must be familiar before you start this research. Guys... i am no selfish nor a intellectual. I am a 2006 passed out Mechanical Production Engineer, currently working in Engineering Research Group for a Material Handling Turnkey group under a majestic brain Mr. Radha Swamy, M.Tech from IIT Delhi (First Batch). I just say that he is known for his common sense as he calculates everything by just a look without a pen paper or calculator which takes a day for us to. He is damn strong who had made miracles and had run few industries, which make spares like connecting rods for companies like Mahindra & Mahindra. The greatest thing is that all his industries were built out of scrap bought from Iron-reseller. I have also been like you people asking curiously for the answer as soon as i get a question.
But, I have learnt a lot from my guru, Re-collect the available, Compare the problem with existing literature, find the difference factor, propose a model/cycle, make your own laws, fix to them, check them in worst conditions, make your design run live. You had succeeded man. No other looking back.
So guys... please i request you to be real engineers.
Just one last word.....
Who is an engineer ?????
Its like that, you had u r degree .... so u r an engineer ???
Or you had presented a paper in IIT and won prizes ????
This is the question my guru asked and replied like this....
But after listening these words from him, I started to keep on tracking every small thing which I come across including Bagon spray, which let me crawl in to subjects like Computational fluid Dynamics.
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This was the reason I had closed the thread in the first place. Most of the posts are full of people wanting free project to show it to there professors and get praise and marks they don't deserve. I opened it again on request.
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Member •
Feb 14, 2009
Thanks for opening it again Patty, I hope we can continue to discuss ideas about the design and not side-tracked by "gimmie-gimmie" requests. Sorry about my two off-topic posts! now let's get back to the show...
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yup its good...but do send the design for a ref. dude🎉
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Member •
Feb 15, 2009
No, I will not send anyone a design or complete a project for you, dude. I think that was clearly stated.
I hope people will like to discuss this concept, propose specific questions/answers or debate practicality/future use of such a design. If so, please post! Otherwise if we only have beggars I am done with this thread...
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boss me tooo ready
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Here i am posting my project videos...
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Member •
Jun 28, 2009
Thanks for sharing the vids!
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seen about it on discovery long ago😁
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hi friends.....
Yes, it could. You could compress the air at your house using an air compressor, fill a compressed-air tank in the car, and the car could run off of it. You could use an engine very similar to a #-Link-Snipped-# (using pressurized air instead of pressurized steam) to convert the compressed air to rotational energy
The main problem you would have is the size of the "gas tank" you would need to get any kind of reasonable range. You would need a LOT of compressed air to take a car very far.
An alternative would be to use a liquefied gas like liquid nitrogen. You can think of liquid nitrogen as air that has been compressed so much it has liquefied. Liquid nitrogen is much denser than compressed air, so you could store enough in a car to give it reasonable range. You could then fill up at the liquid-nitrogen station.
A compressed air car would generate no #-Link-Snipped-# while you are driving. However, the #-Link-Snipped-# that produces the electricity that compresses the air (or liquifies the nitrogen, for that matter) is probably generating pollution from the coal or oil it is burning. Power plants are relatively clean and very efficient compared to #-Link-Snipped-#, so this is not a bad trade-off. Still, it's important to compare apples to apples.
Another thing that would be interesting to figure out is the efficiency of a liquid-nitrogen engine. If you burn #-Link-Snipped-# in a car engine, only about 20 percent of it powers the wheels. The rest creates wasted heat. It would be interesting to see how efficient a power plant is, plus how efficient a nitrogen liquefier is, plus how efficient a liquid-nitrogen engine is -- that would tell you whether you were creating a technology that is better or worse than the gasoline engine in terms of efficiency.
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An alternative would be to use a liquefied gas like liquid nitrogen.
I appericiate the idea, but liquified nitrogen 😀shock😀 is not a really good alternative!!
First off, since it is stored under tremendous pressure, think of the increase in factor of safety and hence the cost!!!
Also there are following points to consider (Hope you don't mind me quoting from wikipedia):
Frost formation
Unlike internal combustion engines, using a cryogenic fuel requires heat exchangers to warm and cool the working fluid. In a humid environment, frost formation will prevent heat flow. To prevent frost build up, multiple working fluids can be used. This adds topping cycles to ensure the heat exchanger does not fall below freezing. Additional heat exchangers, weight, complexity, efficiency loss, and expense, would be required to enable frost free operation.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_nitrogen_economy#cite_note-Knowlen-1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Liquid nitrogen engine - Wikipedia</a>
However efficient the insulation on the nitrogen fuel tank, there will inevitably be losses by evaporation to the atmosphere. If a vehicle is stored in a poorly ventilated space, there is some risk that leaking nitrogen depletes the level of oxygen in the air and causes suffocation. Since nitrogen is a colorless and odourless gas that already makes up 78 % of air, such a change is difficult to detect."
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Great to hear about the Air-run engines,
I was not aware of this type of engine until i saw this thread.
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hi buddy!!!
yep we can run an engine with air
but condition is highly compressed air has to be used.
Also we cannot run these at high speeds..
if any extra information is needed pls ask me😀
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It's good to get engines run in air mate...
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Hi friend,
This is possible but it is not simple air but it is compressed air we are going to use here.
You can go to how stuff work for more information on CAT engine and car run compressed air .
Can You tell me, some project that i can do, in my winter vacation , i am 2nd yr mech. student.
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is this technology, had advantage over oil, as this needs electricity .
is this not transferring from car to power plant ?
How much chances is their , to produce less pollution than fossil fuel used car ?
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Guyz.. I'm back...
For those who are stil interested to construct the working model for their college project or so...
I simply request you go through the whole thread and raise your questions...
I wanna see how many are really interested to do this thing in material... than simply commenting on the thread with the then and their jargon which hit u r mind while reading someone's question 😛
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#-Link-Snipped-#: I have been thinking about vehicles running on compressed air for some time. I was thinking about rotary air engines,I tried to do some calculations and develop a design, but never came up with something useful.Now after going through this post i realized that , i was trying to run even before I could stand.Am going to start with a clean slate now,will try to gain as much knowledge as possible and then try again.
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Hi friend, I don't know about it.Please explain it.
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@white-hat .. fine.. how about converting of air pressure in to force... That's the key for this design.
#-Link-Snipped-#.. Study the whole thread and then raise questions 😀
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