Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
silverscorpionIf you are using gmail, there is an "Undo Email" option that appears right after you send the email. If you want to stop that email from being sent, you can use that option to stop that particular email from being sent. However, this undo option is available only for a very short time after you initially send it.
If you and the recipient to whom you sent the mail are both using outlook and Microdoft Exchange Account for email management, then there is an option for recalling sent messages, as long as the recipient has not read them. ie., it will delete the particular mail or replace it with another mail as long as the recipient didnt read it. If he had already read it, he will still get a message saying "xxx would like to recall the following mail etc etc.." but the damage is already done. If the recipient had not yet read the mail, it could be deleted or replaced.
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
ashOuch! Its time for damage control in situations like this. Depending on how hazardous this was, your colleague should discuss with your supervisor on how to follow up with the affected parties. The faster, the better.
Mistakes happen, but they tend to be overlooked if you are prompt in your resolution and follow up with something better.
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Yea.. these things happen. Officially, client-vendor relationships are meant to be confidential. But off the record, information will always be passed around. Your boss probably has lunch with a competitors boss. And the VoIP business world is small, it won't be a surprise that clients use multiple vendors. If you are the middle man, even if your customer finds out who your supplier is, at times would still make economic sense to deal with you.anoopthefriendHe screwed up big time. There's no turning back now. He's shown one of our vendors who the other is! It's so screwed up now!
Administrator • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 7, 2013
It was more of a nuisance really, especially if you are shooting off urgent emails. Its better to just use the undo function like Harshad mentioned, lol.Kaustubh KatdareI remember Gmail had an addon that asked people to solve some equation after they hit the 'send' button and then confirm that they 'really' want to send the mail.
Member • Jul 7, 2013
Member • Jul 8, 2013