Member • Jan 28, 2014
Google Glass Will Be Available With Prescription Lens.
Google recently announced a partnership with a vision care giant VSP Global to offer prescription lenses for its Android powered glasses. The main goal behind this partnership is to make Google Glass available for the potential users that today wear prescription eyewear. Statistically, there are 110 million users in United States that currently wear prescription eyewear, and Google can't afford neglecting 110 million users.So, partnership with giant eyewear company like VSP Global with network of 30,000 eye doctors appears to be a good fit.
Google Glass with prescription lens will assure that no prescription eyewear users have to awkwardly mount Google Glass on their eyewear to enjoy it. The similar complaint still exist in 3D TV which requires to wear 3D Glasses on prescription eye wear, it is a problem which is yet not resolved. Google Glass, which so far available only to few selected developers, is likely to hit the consumer market with price tag of $1,500 by December of 2014.
Google Glass with prescription lens will assure that no prescription eyewear users have to awkwardly mount Google Glass on their eyewear to enjoy it. The similar complaint still exist in 3D TV which requires to wear 3D Glasses on prescription eye wear, it is a problem which is yet not resolved. Google Glass, which so far available only to few selected developers, is likely to hit the consumer market with price tag of $1,500 by December of 2014.