Full moon rising over Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, N Z

Mark Gee made this remarkble full moon silhouette as the orb rose over the Monut Victoria Lookout in New Zealand.

Quote Mark Gee:
The video is as it came off the memory card and there has been no manipulation whatsoever. Technically it was quite a challenge to get the final result. I shot it on a Canon ID MkIV in video mode with a Canon EF 500mm f/4L and a Canon 2x extender II, giving me the equivalent focal length of 1300mm.

Beautiful in full screen view.

Sent in by Asif Adheni


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# , That looks awesome! How come the moon looks so big?
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    That is typical of telephoto shots. Even to the normal eye if you happen to see the moon rising over a far away tree, the moon looks enormous. Actually the angle subtended at the eye by the moon is about half a degree. A far awy tree may have an angle say a third of this. Our brain knows the size of the tree. So it scales up the unknown moon proportionately to give an impression of a huge moon.

    (Incidentally, the tagging seems to have worked)
  • lal
    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# , That looks awesome! How come the moon looks so big?
    "the equivalent focal length of 1300mm" makes the moon that big. As the focal length increases, the background starts shrinking. Even a very small area in the background fills the frame! This makes the picture look as if even a small thing in the background is too large.

    I wonder how far has he set his camera from the people in this very image to achieve this beautiful result.

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