  • Chitti

    MemberDec 13, 2011

    Efficiency Of Boiler!

    Duration of trial of boiler is 16 hrs.
    Total heating surface is 3000 m[sup]2[/sup].
    Total grate area is 4 m[sup]2[/sup].
    Mean absolute pressure is 12.5 bar.
    Total coal burned is 6850 kg.
    Total mass of water evaporated is 65000 kg.
    Temperature of feed water is 40[sup]o[/sup] C.
    Conditions of steam is 0.93 dry.

    then determine ---

    Mas of coal burned per m square of grate area per hour.
    Mass of water evaporated per kg of coal under actual condition.
    Equivalent evaporation per kg of coal.
    Equivalent evaporation per m square of total heating surface per hour.
    Efficiency of boiler.

    (the calorific value of coal is 27720 KJ/kg.)
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  • rebellionofrebel

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    are you posting an assignment given to you on the forum to get it solved by other fellow CEans??? If thats the case, its not good buddy!!!!!!
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberDec 20, 2011

    i can solve it but it requires lot of typing effort 😡. I am thinking to overcome this problem😀
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