I have an idea for open e commerce company for only promoting Advertisement. I need details and future about this business, how is market, how to open this business.
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#-Link-Snipped-# - You will have to explain your idea a bit in more detail so that we can help you with your queries. Will you be only promoting advertising? What's the incentive for the advertisers to put up their ads on such a portal? What's for the users in it?
If you are planning on something like HomeShop18; which purely runs an advertising channel; you'll have to inform us what exactly is your portal going to do that'll attract the visitors.
Yes sir, its like that only. But in my website we put adds like Foods, Holidays, Hotels, Hospitals, Electronic shops, Branded company adds, automobiles and etc sir. My native is pondicherry sir, so first i put adds for all company in my city and also i put common adds sir. Kindly tell this business have potentials in future or not because i am fresher for this business.
I'm guessing you're going the classifieds way. The biggest challenge in online business is to get the users to be interested in your service. Everything else follows. Do you have a plan on why would users visit your site and not directly get all the information from Google (from individual sites for food, holidays, hotels etc.)?
Sir, I think you hear the missing flight, if some one send message to Malaysian airlines i have capable to find the plane without any electronics devices. They take this message serious and give chance or they think this persons is terrorists. If they want to be part of finding missing flight means who contact sir. kindly reply.