  • Do you think Indian companies hiring process is outdated now? i.e Group Discussion (A Major Elimination Round) and all

    This happened with me during my engineering days when I was fighting for Job, but due to this freaky process of GD, I was always rejected because of my weak English.

    Now same is happening with my younger brother, who recently cleared all his CA (Chartered Accountant) groups in first attempt, but now while searching for job in a good MNC, he is already rejected by 5 companies so far just because of GD round, I know how much he is passionate about his work, but since he don't have any interest in topic like "is india secular or not?" he is rejected

    Is this really justified?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 11, 2014

    Yes it's outdated; but it continues to work for companies because it's 'established'. Companies need to setup various elimination criteria no matter what the candidate is capable of. Several deserving candidates get filtered out because of-
    • < 60% aggregate score in engineering exams (that check your mugging abilities, and not overall aptitude)
    • Inability to converse in fluent English (this is the BIGGEST drawback when you're hiring developers/coders who can do very well without knowing English). If the candidate is being selected for marketing / sales / communication position - they might be required to have good English skills; but otherwise - it's totally NOT required.
    • Faulty selection process: <a href="">Is Group Discussion an effective method of selecting candidates in corporate?</a> Someone please do a reality check how the meetings are held in conference rooms. Everybody remains silent and uninterested while one person speaks because he/she must. Huh! addition - one of the reasons many good candidates get filtered out because of inept interviewers. This is sad; but true. An interviewer must be open minded and should *NOT* reject the candidate if he/she does not agree to his/her views.

    At CrazyEngineers, we've put an end to several such idiotic processes. We rely on talking to potential candidates more and checking his/her previous work.
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberMar 17, 2014

    I saw my HR reading #-Link-Snipped-# recently!

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMar 17, 2014

    Strongly agree. I believe it is really very outdated. The HR teams are entitled to come up with fresh, new innovative ideas of picking up the right kind of talent for a job. I believe MNCs won't implement this immediately, because this process needs a radical change right at the roots. But, smaller companies (startups and mid-sized companies) should definitely let go of the traditional ways.

    A friend just asked me - "What do I tick under a domain if I have worked on online portals?" Most job application forms want the candidates to choose the domain they've worked on in their work experience so far. Someone who has really enriching work-ex in new kind of domains, just don't fit-in in the traditional set-ups.

    Companies should start considering newer recruitment policies. It will make them tap the hidden potential in future employees.
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