  • The title pretty much says it all.
    I'm not an engineer but have been tinkering (mostly with computers) and various inventions my whole life.

    I wanted to build a mini wind-turbine to hang off my fire escape in New York City.

    I eventually intend to power a fiber optic light show with the system but I'm trying to get the turbine down first.

    I see no reason why a desk fan couldn't be converted into a generator, the only hurdle I can imagine would have something to do with the fan being either AC or DC.

    Any thoughts?
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberDec 22, 2009

    Welcome to CE Eufouria 👍

    Nice thought buddy
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  • husi8400

    MemberDec 22, 2009

    ur idea seems to be very interesting dude.... but a fan blade cannot be used as a turbine thats bcoz it is designed for the purpose of blowing air ..whereas turbine blades are aerodynamic in shape unlike a table fan's some research on turbine blade aerodynamics.. and also on well's turbine. i think it might help u with ur concept...goodluck...
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  • saggi1991

    MemberJan 16, 2010

    i request you to ellaborate your idea.
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  • gaurav.bhorkar

    MemberJan 16, 2010

    Wow! Thats interesting.
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