  • Hi,
    I am a very old CEian, and had been away for some time here. Nothing has changed much for me. The interest and craziness towards engineering hasn't seen any change. I am currently working in a private MNC in an area totally not related to engineers. It's been little worrying for me, as i always wanted to work as a Design engineer.

    Well, i know i need to dump my current job and start search. But, i haven't found any openings or jobs for Core Electronics/ Embedded Hardware anywhere. All that i get to see are software, software and software. Indian Job industry has so much sway towards Software jobs, and we are all not able to find right jobs in Hardware industries.

    Do we have any solutions? People like me, just start typing in your thoughts on getting a job in Mech/Electrical/Electronics/Telecom jobs in India.
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberNov 29, 2016

    You are totally correct when you talk about the thrust towards "software" jobs. Trust me, it is not a bad thing - the software service industry has thus far been instrumental in providing the necessary push towards becoming a tech superpower. It has created employment and made cities "hubs" for employment.

    Coming to the thrust of your question: For a core job in any of the fields, you can either try the R&D units of major companies (mostly located in Bengaluru/Chennai/Pune/Mumbai/Gurgaon) or go the more satisfying way - startups! I have heard these days startups pay at-par (if not more) than the "giants", but more importantly, the quality of the work that you shall end up doing at a startup is magnitudes more satisfying. One of the less mentioned advantages would come when it comes to the "mentality" towards work: startups have a lot to prove (and hence lose), and as such innovation is expected (more importantly, welcome!) at the workplace. This is not the case with the big companies, innovative minds rise and die on short cycles there primarily because of the lack of recognition for creativity and intelligence. Unless, of course, you can find the perfect match of a big company and a job that lets you realize your true potential.

    You are experienced enough to not mistake my opinion for career advice.

    Note: I comment as an external observer. I do not work for a startup. My views are formed from the outside and could be a totally wrong representation of reality.
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    MemberNov 29, 2016

    Well, i understand that R&Ds can be a good stop for me. But, how to join them? Applying to them on their company website doesn't give a good probability of getting there. As far as Start-ups are concerned, they are also too low in number in Core fields.

    Are there any tips / tricks, which can be helpful?
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberNov 30, 2016

    Well, i understand that R&Ds can be a good stop for me. But, how to join them? Applying to them on their company website doesn't give a good probability of getting there.
    I do not subscribe to this thought. I think companies hire from their website + through portals like LinkedIn + through employee referrals. You are free to access at least 2 of the 3 mentioned here. Apply on the company website. Get in contact with the recruiting manager on LinkedIn. If I were hiring a candidate for a R&D role, I would strictly look at his/her achievements (not just the %/GPA, although having good academic qualifications and %/GPA never hurt). I strongly suggest using LinkedIn correctly - as a professional networking tool. I see many have started using it like a social networking substitute. Get in touch with technical managers, show your interests and take it from there. Apply on the website - make an excellent resume and.....a great cover letter. Yes, from my understanding, nothing speaks of professionalism like a good cover letter.

    I am not old enough to be providing career advice (so you might already know all of ^^^), but I strongly feel that if you have a good profile, the company will contact you after you post your resume on the website/contact the recruiter on LinkedIn.
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    MemberDec 2, 2016

    Thanks Shashank. Will have to rightly try that. I've been using Linkedin with no benefits from it. Will do that, and see how it goes. As far as knowing recruiting managers, i don't think some companies will let that know in their jobs portal (where we upload resumes). Nevertheless, what you said was right and try-able.

    It's now time to know the companies which i can choose from.
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    MemberMar 3, 2017

    #-Link-Snipped-# Greetings. Sir, your inputs please.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberMar 3, 2017

    How about government R&D labs CSIR, DST, DRDO and such. Pay is not too bad. Work can be quite exciting.
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Recruitment and Assessment Centre | RAC, DRDO</a>
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">CSIR Recruitment 2023 | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Latest 243 CSIR jobs vacancies updated on 11 Jan 2023</a>
    DST Institutions:
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>
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    MemberMar 3, 2017

    I agree with this, sir, but there are some constraints for the qualification. Moreover, B.E graduates are mostly taken as project assistants which is more of a clerical work needed for the senior scientists. I have seen my friends doing that in I I S c.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberMar 4, 2017

    I shall pass on IISc.
    My first 30 years of R&D work was in various CSIR, IITM, CSIR again and a DST institution. I always had independent responsibilities. Even as a Junior and later as a senior scientific assistant in the first ten years.
    Of course it all does depend on the chiefs. I was lucky to have some of the best in the country ( I dare to say, the world).
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