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  • vik001ind

    MemberFeb 15, 2010

    Re: Urgent

    I think, its possible but I can't be sure until I try it out. mobile have setting for bluetooth connection with more than 1 pc.
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  • Pechu

    MemberFeb 16, 2010

    Re: Urgent

    Connect to the internet in one laptop(say A) using a mobile enabled with Bluetooth and GPRS.
    Now you can browse internet in laptop A.

    Now you must get the other laptop(say B) in LAN with the laptop A, so that you can browse in laptop B as well.
    To do this, just connect the two laptops using a ethernet LAN cable, or simply using WIFI(wlan).

    It should work. I never tried though. 😀

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  • rishub.vishal57

    MemberFeb 25, 2010

    please give me more details about that.its interesting to hear that
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