  • Lot of freshers write to me via email about career in software testing, various growth opportunities that exist in India vs. career in software development. The main issue is that no one really tells you what kind of jobs and career do both these career streams offer.

    Update: An updated version of the answer is provided below. You are advised to read the old answer and the new answer to get a better perspective.

    This short essay aims to give you a clarity so that you can make a well informed decision and be happy about your career choice. I'll be as objective as possible, combining my own experiences of working in software development & testing team for over 3 years (I left the IT industry afterwards) and try to give you an overall idea of what to expect. I'll encourage you to read entire post and if you have questions, post them below.

    Understanding The Indian IT Industry :

    The Indian IT industry is mostly services based industry which relies mostly on two types of jobs : software development and software testing (QA). There are other streams too, but those are out of the scope of this discussion. We'll only focus on testing vs. development.

    Typically most big IT industries will take up projects from overseas clients and have engineers work on them. This leads to two career paths - Software Testing & Software Development. Overall - the software development teams are responsible for 'coding' and software testing teams are responsible for making sure that everything adheres to the specifications of the software being developed.

    Roles Played By Software Developers Vs. Software Testers :

    Typically there would be 'two' teams working in sync on a project because both development and testing cannot be separated. Every written code must be checked for quality and without any team not existing - it'd be impossible to create the final software. The point I'm driving home is that both software development and testing teams are equally important. It's a myth that software 'testing' is kind of a 'lower' job as compared to software development.

    When any project begins - both software development and testing teams get involved from day 1. While the actual job of software developers begins much later, software testing teams usually begins right at the time of verifying the specification documents and continues throughout the life cycle of the project. It'd not be wrong to say that software testing teams often have a better knowledge of the overall functioning of the software systems they are working on.

    Software development, is one of the most crucial parts because without it, nothing gets 'developed'. Project manager or team lead will assign specific modules to you which you will have to code according to the specifications finalised by the software testing & business development teams. Every module developed by the developers is checked by the testing team and approved.

    Skill Set Requirements:

    For Developers: The developer skill set will be determined by the nature of the project and the technology stack decided by the software architects (much senior position in the organisation). If the architects decide that a combo of Java, C, Ruby, Python would be used in the project then accordingly developers will be selected who are trained on these technologies.

    For Test Engineers: They require entirely different skill set which could be a mix of Java, C, Ruby, Python along with software manual and automation tools along with scripting languages. There are several automation tools that require programming knowledge. It's a myth that software testing engineers do not write code. Given the complexity of the project a software testing engineer might end up writing more complex code than his developer counterpart. The point to be understood is that - both development and testing jobs require you to have programming knowledge.

    Career Growth:

    Software testing and development engineers have unique growth paths with similarities. Software developers may get promoted to module lead, team lead, project lead, project manager and so on depending on the company's hierarchy.

    A software testing engineer will have a similar path where he/she will become team lead, project lead, project manager, test architect etc. It's a myth that there are no or little growth opportunities in software testing career.

    Salaries Offered To Testing Engineers Vs. Developers:

    It's a fact that few companies offer a bit lesser salary to testing engineers as compared to developers at the initial phase of career. But I've not seen this remaining a problem for longer time in career. In fact, a qualified automation engineer can draw much more salary than a developer with similar work experience (years).

    Ultimately You Will Become Managers

    I'd say 'unfortunately' because every promotion will take you away from your technical expertise. Ultimately you will become managers and will mostly use Microsoft Outlook, Power Point and Excel Sheets no matter which stream (development or testing) you belonged to. At that stage, your salaries will be the same as what the industry offers and your testing stream won't really matter.

    There are few companies that allow you to stick to your roots through caries technical and management career paths. That however is out of scope of this post. You may ask specific questions about this, if you have any.

    Should You Choose Software Development Or Software Testing?

    My answer remains the same as what I've answered in most of the other similar discussions here on CrazyEngineers. If you are 'passionate' about coding [check if you've contributed to open source projects, developed a software in your part time just because it's fun, have you cracked complex coding problems just for fun?] then opt for software development.

    If you aren't passionate about coding and haven't written a single line of code out of interest - any stream is okay for you. I think most of the students will fall in this category. You'll be happy in any career stream - be it development or testing.

    Bottom Line: Don't form opinions or take decisions based on what people say. Most people are not at all exposed to the IT industry or just one of testing or development. Do your own research, gather information on your own from well informed people (CE is an excellent place to do that). If you have questions, post them below. We've several software testing engineers and software developers who will be happy to answer your questions. If you have general comments, they are welcome too.

    Update: While we welcome all your specific questions in this discussion; I'd strongly recommend that you should get yourself registered on #-Link-Snipped-# . It allows you to ask your questions privately to the industry/domain experts and seek help.

    Updated Answer:

    Software testing and software development are two crucial components of the software lifecycle. Both fields have unique roles, require different skills, and offer varied career paths. Here's a comparison:

    Career in Software Development:

    1. Role: Software developers primarily design, build, and maintain software systems. They translate user requirements into code, debug errors, update existing software, and develop new applications.

    2. Skills: Proficiency in one or more programming languages like Java, Python, or C# is necessary. Other essential skills include problem-solving, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, and an understanding of software architecture and design patterns. Familiarity with version control tools and various development methodologies like Agile is also beneficial.

    3. Career Path: Entry-level roles include junior developer or programmer. As they gain experience, they may progress to roles such as senior developer, team lead, and ultimately, software architect. Alternatively, they can move into project management or product management roles.

    4. Pros and Cons: Software development can be creatively fulfilling and offers the opportunity to build something from scratch. However, it can also be stressful due to tight deadlines and pressure to deliver a bug-free product. In terms of salary, software developers generally earn a higher income compared to software testers, but it varies significantly by region, experience, and the complexity of the job.

    Software Testing:

    1. Role: Software testers verify and validate that the software works as expected and is of high quality. They identify bugs and issues before the software gets to the end-user. They may develop and run test scripts, document issues, and report their findings to the development team.

    2. Skills: Familiarity with testing methodologies, tools (like Selenium, JIRA), and scripting languages is often required. A keen eye for detail, excellent communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and a knack for breaking things are crucial.

    3. Career Path: Entry-level roles often include QA (Quality Assurance) tester or test engineer. Advanced roles include senior tester, test manager, and QA lead. Many testers eventually move into roles such as QA engineer, where they design testing frameworks and environments.

    4. Pros and Cons: Software testing plays a vital role in delivering a high-quality product, and there's satisfaction in detecting and resolving issues. However, the work can be monotonous, particularly if automated testing isn't utilised or isn't feasible. It can be challenging if there is insufficient time allocated to testing within the project schedule.

    Conclusion: Software Testing Or Software Development?

    The decision between software development and software testing comes down to personal interests and strengths.

    If you enjoy problem-solving, designing algorithms, and writing code, you might be better suited to a career in software development.

    If you're detail-oriented, enjoy finding faults, and want to ensure software products are of the highest quality, then software testing might be the right path for you.

    Remember, there's overlap between the two fields, and skills learned in one can often apply to the other, offering flexibility in your tech career.

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  • tanvisharma

    MemberMar 11, 2013

    hi biggie, i have researched a lot about this and what i understood is same, be it development or testing both has equal importance.
    for development we need to have very good reasoning and analytical-skills.
    and interest in programming, so finally one has to decide their choice 😀. i have a doubt, after like 1 or 2 years of experience in testing field, can we jump to development side, with full fledged preparation for development?😉 same as a fresher in development side?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 11, 2013

    Both software testing and development jobs would (for that matter, any engineering job would) require you to have reasoning, analytical and logical skills. Changing career paths is difficult but not impossible. Few of my friends decided to shift from development to testing and few jumped from testing to development. But the jump isn't very easy always.

    The major reason for this shift of track being difficult is that once you are experienced in something, no Organization would really want to lose out on your expertise. 2 years later, you'll be commanding higher salary than a fresher and if both of you are starting afresh, the company would rather prefer a fresher than a candidate who's built his/her expertise in testing or development.

    It entirely depends on your employer, nature of projects available, and the criteria that might look favorable to having you switch track after getting experience in one field for two years.

    It doesn't make much sense to switch track actually, unless you get terribly pissed off at work. If you've dedicated two years to something, you should better be building on it than switching to something newer. Of course, if you have a very strong will and are ready to do whatever it takes, you might find yourself in the career path of your choice.

    My friend had spent ~2 years in development and he decided to switch to software testing. He had to change his organisation and take salary cut because the new employer agreed to hire him at a fresher level.
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  • tanvisharma

    MemberMar 11, 2013

    thank you biggie for the information...😀
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  • Sandeeep Usha

    MemberDec 21, 2013

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I'm a B.Tech(CSIT) graduate working as Testing Engineer. I do Manual Testing.
    Coding is my passion and I always wanted to be a developer but unfortunately I got into testing domain😔 after joining our organization.So, I thought of moving to development.Now,I have started doing automation which is interesting but we use only vbscript in QTP.
    Is it better to move to development or to continue career in automation testing by getting hands on QTP and selenium.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 21, 2013

    If coding is your interest, I think you should consider yourself lucky that you're in testing domain. I think you haven't explored all the opportunities the world of QA opens for you.

    I'd strongly recommend that you should develop expertise in all the automation tools out there. Start with JUnit, HTTPUnit, Ruby, Selenium, PERL scripting and QTP. With your main interest in coding; it should be very easy for you to develop expertise in all these automation & scripting tools and trust me - that's going to make your whole profile kick-ass!

    If I were you, I'd definitely leverage my current experience in testing, develop additional skills and then look for the company that offers me the right salary & role. I'm confident that with all of those in your resume - no company will ever deny you a job.

    PS: There's a huge shortage of QTP & Selenium experts. But don't limit yourself to those tools. Combine the best of programming and testing and you should see yourself skyrocketing past your peers in development (and testing).
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  • Sandeeep Usha

    MemberDec 21, 2013

    Thanks for your reply Kaustubh..
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberDec 21, 2013

    If coding is your passion and your are in testing. Selenium is best thing you could learn. It's just replica of core java coding and most of tester fear of coding.
    There is very good market and opportunity in selenium.
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  • Manisha Singh27

    MemberJan 6, 2014

    How is the future of vsts 2012 testing tool of .net ?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 6, 2014

    Manisha Singh27
    How is the future of vsts 2012 testing tool of .net ?
    I'd not recommend any software testing engineer to stick to one particular tool. All the automation tools are intended to automate the manual execution of test cases. Once you become familiar with one tool; learning others shouldn't be too difficult.

    That said, if you are talking about Visual Studio testing tool, I think it should attract you a few job offers; but it'd help if you could do a search on job portals for companies that require knowledge of this tool and then base your decision.
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  • raghunathan

    MemberJan 15, 2014

    I am 2013 passedout
    I completed my engineering(ECE). I got placed in one MNc company as a testing engineer
    i am getting very less salary i am having fear on my career wether i chosen a right career or not .
    please clarify my doubts wheter testing is a good career or not.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - please read the first post in this discussion. It should clarify all your doubts. If you have further questions, you may ask them below. 😀
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  • raghunathan

    MemberJan 15, 2014

    Hi kaustaub
    I have doubt why for testers alone as a fresher they are giving very less salary.

    I have one more doubt some of them saying that the salary for developers will be always high compare to tester.the openings also will be less for the experienced testing candidate.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2014

    I think I'd tag @#-Link-Snipped-# and @#-Link-Snipped-# - both of them have been in the Quality Assurance domain and have years of experience to tell you their own perspective.

    I think it's because Indian companies don't focus on quality as much as they should do. But in the longer term; I guarantee that how much you'll earn has nothing to do with what career stream you've chosen. It's all about excelling in what you are doing.

    I know a person who rose from a junior engineer to vice president of a major company in a short span of about 10 year; all while being in the QA domain. Trust me, you'd definitely want to go where there's a shortage of highly skilled people.
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  • sookie

    MemberJan 16, 2014

    I am 2013 passedout
    I completed my engineering(ECE). I got placed in one MNc company as a testing engineer
    i am getting very less salary i am having fear on my career wether i chosen a right career or not .
    please clarify my doubts wheter testing is a good career or not.
    Its difficult for Electricals & Electronics engineer to go into development domain in starting until you can really impress the interviewer(or boss later) with your programming & data structure skills.
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  • ShSK

    MemberJan 16, 2014

    I passed out in 2012(CS)and was never a coder.Joined an organisation as java developer.Started learning J2EE and found interesting.Later was put into testing project and worked as manual tester.Found relaxing but not challenging.So thinking of switching back to development.On reading the above threads I am really in a fix now.I am more of inclination towards management stuff in IT and don't want be into technical coding all my career life even if i am finding it interesting now.Heard that at one stage growth in development stagnates.Please throw some light on this and also of other career options in IT like BA.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 16, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - I think you should stick to testing field and develop expertise in automation testing. That should give you an edge over others when it comes to promotions or even when making a switch. A testing engineer with background in development would be a killer combination; if you get into QA automation.

    Ultimately, the managers; irrespective of their background, would do similar jobs: Excel, Powerpoint & Outlook (email). The only difference will be that you're likely to be managing the QA teams instead of Dev teams.

    Remember that most of the projects outsourced to Indian IT companies will have the QA component; which is going to be very important when it comes to delivery.

    I'd recommend developing expertise in PERL, QTP, UNIX and also master a few tools like Selenium. Enjoy the best of both worlds (relaxing+coding) and make your way to higher steps in the corporate hierarchy.
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  • micheal john

    MemberJan 16, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    @#-Link-Snipped-# - A testing engineer with background in development would be a killer combination; if you get into QA automation..
    I'd recommend developing expertise in PERL, QTP, UNIX and also master a few tools like Selenium.
    Being java/j2ee developer switching to testing, will there be any scope😀
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJan 16, 2014

    micheal john
    Being java/j2ee developer switching to testing, will there be any scope😀
    Become a Selenium webdriver tester and developer 😀
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  • ShSK

    MemberJan 20, 2014

    thanks for the answers but is it true that career in Core development(J2EE) stagnates at some point,as in no growth in heirarchy or financially?Also whats a BA role n how to assume it? also heard if testing provides lesser switching options while dev gives load of them.
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  • PrachurSaikia

    MemberJan 20, 2014

    Hello Kaustubh,

    I am working as a Software Test Engineer( 1 yr) for a company in Mobility domain. It's is known that mobility domain has been working as great worldwide, but looking into the QA side profession in this domain, how do you see the testing career in Mobile app? I want to work more on Automation side of the testing . If company hire for experienced testing professionals apart from mobility domain, will be able to apply for that? How to switch from mobility testing domain to any other testing domain. Your suggestions would be helpful for me. Thanks
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 20, 2014

    thanks for the answers but is it true that career in Core development(J2EE) stagnates at some point,as in no growth in heirarchy or financially?Also whats a BA role n how to assume it? also heard if testing provides lesser switching options while dev gives load of them.
    I think you're thinking more than required. No one in the world knows what's going to happen to Java, PHP, Computers, Mobiles 15-20 years from now. All you need to be is an 'engineer' at heart - because tools and technologies may change; but people behind them won't.

    The point I'm making is that you should only select your career based on your interests and likings and try to excel in it (remember the movie 3 Idiots?).

    Almost every company out there has testing related jobs. As I said, you'll ultimately get into 'management' mode where the technologies you're working on at present will be replaced by just 2-3 tools.

    Make your own survey before you take a decision.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 20, 2014

    Hello Kaustubh,

    I am working as a Software Test Engineer( 1 yr) for a company in Mobility domain. It's is known that mobility domain has been working as great worldwide, but looking into the QA side profession in this domain, how do you see the testing career in Mobile app? I want to work more on Automation side of the testing . If company hire for experienced testing professionals apart from mobility domain, will be able to apply for that? How to switch from mobility testing domain to any other testing domain. Your suggestions would be helpful for me. Thanks
    Welcome to CE, @#-Link-Snipped-# . Glad to have you with us.

    Looking at the past trends, mobile testing should remain a hot for at least 5 years. The world is currently going through a transition from desktops and laptops to mobiles. However, I expect the businesses will happen on desktops and laptops for at least a decade.

    With that assumption; you should focus on automation testing for the next 1-1.5 years before you think of making a switch. If your organisation does not offer opportunities in automation testing; you may consider learning on your own, joining a course or start contributing any open source project. QTP, Selenium, PERL and Ruby would be good tools/languages to learn and build your expertise in the next 1.5 years. You can take my word that any interviewer will be 10x impressed if you've contributed to open source projects in your part-time apart from your regular job.

    There's no point in limiting yourself to specific areas in the testing domain. I've seen people who got their paychecks doubled only on the basis of QTP (back in 2007).

    Your experience in mobility domain is definitely going to help you; but I strongly recommend that you should build your profile in the automation testing side. Focus on the established tools first (QTP, Selenium) and also keep an eye on the latest tools. Make a systematic plan for the next 1.5 years before you actually make a switch.
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  • PrachurSaikia

    MemberJan 20, 2014

    Kaustubh, thank you for your insightful suggestion . I look forward to having u over this portal again. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 20, 2014

    Kaustubh, thank you for your insightful suggestion . I look forward to having u over this portal again. 😀
    I'm here 24x7x365. 👍 . Make yourself comfortable with the community and start participating. There are lot of interesting discussions around.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberJan 20, 2014

    Honestly, business works differently than academics. When tide is in your favour, you can safely say doing X would result in Y. However, if you stick to that rule, you're in grave danger. Having seen two bust cycles and survived, I can confidently say that the real survival skill is adaptibility. That's what businesses would value you the most for. Adapt to the current circumstances, learn any new skill that is required at your work faster than your peers and do it best.
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  • vikkicrazy

    MemberJan 24, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I am a fresher with one year of experience in application/production support . Now I want to move to a different role . I have an opportunity for becoming a automation test engineer where i will use Ruby on Rails,cucumber scripting etc . I am passionate about coding and enjoy doing it . I love challenges as well . I appreciate suggestions whether i should go for it or wait for a development opportunity .
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberJan 25, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I am a fresher with one year of experience in application/production support . Now I want to move to a different role . I have an opportunity for becoming a automation test engineer where i will use Ruby on Rails,cucumber scripting etc . I am passionate about coding and enjoy doing it . I love challenges as well . I appreciate suggestions whether i should go for it or wait for a development opportunity .
    Creating automated test cases in RoR, Selenium or cucumber is no less a development opportunity - go grab it!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 25, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I am a fresher with one year of experience in application/production support . Now I want to move to a different role . I have an opportunity for becoming a automation test engineer where i will use Ruby on Rails,cucumber scripting etc . I am passionate about coding and enjoy doing it . I love challenges as well . I appreciate suggestions whether i should go for it or wait for a development opportunity .
    Your decision would depend on a lot of factors. It's not clear whether you're getting the new opportunity in the same organisation or a new organisation. If it's in the same organisation, you should spend some time understanding the role and what kind of things you'll be doing. If you find it all interesting - go with it. Opportunities are going to be tremendous!

    As @#-Link-Snipped-# said, it's no less than a programming job but in the testing domain. RoR should find you a lot of new opportunities in coming days. But make sure that you develop kick-ass skill set in the new domain. As I've said several times - a software QA or testing engineer with programming skills is going to be make a killer profile; provided you keep an eye on the industry and relevant jobs.
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  • sookie

    MemberJan 25, 2014

    thanks for the answers but is it true that career in Core development(J2EE) stagnates at some point,as in no growth in heirarchy or financially?Also whats a BA role n how to assume it? also heard if testing provides lesser switching options while dev gives load of them.
    Development gives less options to grow until you have good leadership and management skills but in my experience Excellent developers grow as Architects & Mentors & System(and Business) analysts & Start up owners. They are always assets to a company. Its just their exceptional technical skills that make them grow.
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  • vikkicrazy

    MemberJan 25, 2014

    thank you so much for helping me out to decide @#-Link-Snipped-# and @#-Link-Snipped-# . The opportunity is in the same organisation and I hope this decision will help me in the future and also set a good platform to grow since I am in the early days of my career .
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  • ShSK

    MemberJan 26, 2014

    Development gives less options to grow until you have good leadership and management skills but in my experience Excellent developers grow as Architects & Mentors & System(and Business) analysts & Start up owners. They are always assets to a company. Its just their exceptional technical skills that make them grow.
    thanks for the answer.i would choose development and look forward to becoming a Business Analyst
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  • sumit khubnani

    MemberFeb 2, 2014

    i m 2013 passed out be....etc branch...i want to enter the it field...nd i m not a good coder..then what shuld i prefer..testing or developer????
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 2, 2014

    sumit khubnani
    i m 2013 passed out be....etc branch...i want to enter the it field...nd i m not a good coder..then what shuld i prefer..testing or developer????
    Testing would need you to write code at one point in your career; when you work on automation testing. So the first thing you should do is start working on your coding skills. But out of your choice; testing seems to be more appropriate.
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  • Rajesh43raj

    MemberFeb 3, 2014

    Hello Sir...
    I Saw all of your posts ..
    Sir.. am a fresher 2013Passout..
    am a oracle certified java programmer.. and i didnt got any job..till development side..because to get job in campus we need to know aptitutde and reasoning skills and Group Discussion tests.. that time when i completed my college am little tensed always to attend interview and participate in GD. so that from past 8 months am not getting job.

    Sir i heard from my friends that S/W Testing jobs are easy to get than testing .. so i want to learn Testing Tools.. so to Get a good job in Testing Tools - what to learn 1st becuase there are somany are there like Automation,QTP,Selenium,ETL ,SAP testing etc..

    So.. To learn all there things how much time it wil take...
    today is Feb3rd 2014,I completed my Graduation in June2013..
    so what is to do sir..
    pls.. help to..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 3, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - I'm not sure if testing jobs are easy to get and you should really get it because you aren't getting a developer job. Trust me, testing isn't an option because you can't get into software development. You will end up frustrated in your job quicker. But if you've made up your mind to go into QA (Quality Assurance) as it's called, you should first-
    1. Learn basics of testing
    2. Learn how to do manual testing of software
    3. Start learning automation tools, scripting languages etc.
    'QTP' and 'Selenium' have been top job earners for the testing folks in the past. Selenium seems to be getting more attention because it's a browser based tool and open source. Since most of the new system are being developed to run in web browsers, you may expect more jobs in the Selenium domain. As I've said multiple times above, you should also learn UNIX and a scripting language.

    Learning will totally depend on your own comprehension skills, intelligence and overall interest ing the whole QA domain. It will also depend on how you learn. The more 'practicals' you do; on your own, the fast will be your learning. Selenium and PERL would be great to start with.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberFeb 3, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# ,
    I think you did your OCJP certification long back and trying in interviews.
    Java is very strange language, if you leave coding for even two months you will forget all the keyword which mainly interviewer expect from you.
    (This is very strange hiring process of all IT companies in India, they expect from programmer to be memory ninja than a logical one)

    First you need to decide you like coding or not. In case of you are deciding coding then try learning new framework and start digging inside the core java.
    Even you are going to testing get training on Selenium Webdriver (Which is purely a java testing tools and high in demand these days).
    For all freshers, never ever sit idle. Keep joining some training institute of your interest and keep learning. Work on self project/app development.
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  • sumit khubnani

    MemberFeb 5, 2014

    if i do testing course,then wat r my chances to get a good job in good company??
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  • sumit khubnani

    MemberFeb 5, 2014

    if i do testing course,then wat r my chances to get gud job in good company??as per market scenario
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberFeb 7, 2014

    sumit khubnani
    if i do testing course,then wat r my chances to get gud job in good company??as per market scenario
    The appropriate questions you should be asking is:
    - Do you understand what a software application is? Are you aware of the common loop-holes in a particular type of system? Do you read any QA journals or blogs or forum? If yes, you can be a tester.

    However, if you think your certification will get you a job, let me tell you from experience, serious guys who do all of the above AND have a certification, get the job.
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  • Shailesh21

    MemberFeb 8, 2014


    I have done my BTech 2012 (CS). I haven't got a job yet and looking for a course in testing or SAP but i am in confused in which to join and which is good for the future?

    Can i please have your suggestion.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 8, 2014

    Dear @#-Link-Snipped-# - Please go through the discussion we've had so far. You'll get your own answer. There's no way we can decide which is good for your future because we simply cannot predict.

    If you have very specific questions, post them here.
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  • kiranesh sarur

    MemberFeb 8, 2014

    Hello #-Link-Snipped-#

    As per the discussion i have a doubt, to get jobs based on SAP ABAP is it compulsory to be certified in SAP or is it enough completed course in the private inst who doesn't provide certification on SAP which will be better future as the SAP certification cost 2.50000 to 3,50000 in certified inst please guide me......
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  • vivekgawari

    MemberFeb 16, 2014

    Hello sir,
    I am a B.Tech (Computer) 2013 passed out fresher. I am bit confused whether I am truly interested in development or not. After completing my degree, I got a training from an institute on Java (core and advanced). After joining this class only I suddenly got confident in Java. I have interest in Data structures as its on "Logical reasoning". I have good and/or may be sufficient knowledge of Java to crack the interview, but do not have that confidence about practical exposure in organization (I am good in Linked lists, analytically but have not coded a single project i.e. more lines of code in Java by own ).

    Recently, I prepared for Software testing online (SDLC, fundamental concepts, importance, types - I have only this much awareness of this domain), when I went for an interview on Testing profile.
    I read all the posts on this site.
    I found this interesting.

    And started to think of this as my Career. But had so many confusions between these two domains.

    I read all posts on this portal and many myths and doubts in my mind got cleared.

    My question is it suitable for me if I go to Testing job( with this much knowledge of Testing ) ?
    I am not able to decide sir, please help me.

    P.S. - I am in a great need of a job as there is no other source of income at my home.
    What I wish is to become a well promoted Software Engineer in my career.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 16, 2014

    Whether you are truly interested in software development or not is easy for you to figure out. Do you enjoy solving programming challenges? Have you learned any programming languages just for fun? Have you developed any software project on your own? If you answered yes to any of the above questions - you are interested in software development. It's the question only you can answer correctly and honestly.

    You must have already had enough information about the kind of career you can expect as a software testing engineer. If you think you love software testing more than development; go for it with all your might. The industry respects experts.

    Getting promotions, earning high salary and having a satisfying job is easy to achieve; provided you understand the game well. Being satisfied at the job and commanding high salary is a function of your expertise & skills. Getting promotions is all about maintaining good relationships with your bosses and managers. It also depends on the company you are working for.

    So first work on your 'first confusion', pick up a career line and then dedicate yourself to it. If you go for Java; then make sure that you get certifications and you become a Java expert over a period of time. If you go for testing; master both manual and automation testing.

    I hope this helps. If you have any specific questions; you may ask them below or start a new discussion in this section.
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  • vivekgawari

    MemberFeb 22, 2014

    Thank you sir for such a helpful interaction.
    You almost simplified my confused thoughts and indirectly increased my confidence.

    I'll surely let you know about my career and keep updating you accordingly.

    Thank a lot sir 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 22, 2014

    Thank a lot sir 😀
    Well, here's the deal : you got helped through this forum and we'd expect you to help others on this site. There're are lot of interesting discussions happening on CE where you can contribute 😀
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  • hardik.ez

    MemberFeb 23, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    Let me introduce myself. I am Hardik from Nagpur, India. I have 5+ years of experience in the software industry. I started my career as a software developer in IBM then moved to Philips, worked on telecom and healthcare domain. Been in to development side for 4 years. After that due to personal reasons I had to move back home and assist my family in the business and out of interest I started my own side work which allowed me gain to experience in software sales & marketing.

    Now my situation has changed and I would like to move back to mainstream software industry. I always had this inclination towards Testing & QA, wanted to develop and excel myself in this field. I would like to have your advice on this as to how should I do this? I don't mind going back in to developer's role but I am taking this as an opportunity to change my role to do something which I always wanted to.
    My questions,
    1. I am not sure where should I start from?
    2. Will it be a new beginning for me?
    3. I am not sure if the industry will accept me?
    4. Are ex developers in testing role accepted?
    5. Is it wise to do?
    Your advice on this will surely help me.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 23, 2014

    Looks like I've become a professional career counselor 😀. I'm glad people find my advice useful & helpful.

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CrazyEngineers. I've already stated that anyone with a background the development and sound knowledge of programming will find it easier to make a career in software automation testing.
    • I am not sure where should I start from?
    K: Not sure what exactly you mean here. Switching from development background to testing should not be very difficult, provided you justify what you are doing and 'why' you are doing it. With IBM and Philips on my resume; I'd apply to various IT companies and look for the job.

    It also means you will have to prepare for a testing interview and have a sound knowledge of how testing works, most basic <a href="">Software (Manual) Testing Interview questions</a> & also make yourself familiar with automation testing. Give yourself good 2 months to make yourself ready for the QA profession.
    • Will it be a new beginning for me?
    K: Depends on how you present yourself. It's all about the art of convincing the people that you're a great choice for the role they are looking for. Of course, it's going to be a new beginning for you in the QA domain. There's a hell lot of content to learn.
    • I am not sure if the industry will accept me?
    K: Industry accepts people who can deliver the job. Why not give it a sincere try than seeking people's opinion? There's a lot of fun in proving everyone wrong, you see. Make the industry accept you! Leave them no choice to reject you.
    • Are ex developers in testing role accepted?
    K: ...and why not? There's no discrimination in general in the industry, as you might be aware. I'd try to get in touch with my ex-bosses and colleagues to get into the industry again.
    • Is it wise to do?
    K: Again, you've gotta know what you're looking for! If you really want a career in IT / QA - go for it. You already have exposure to how the industry works. Whether it's wise for you or not - you'll have to decide. Can't advise on it.

    PS: Be around on CE. You will learn a lot from our fellow engineers.
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  • hardik.ez

    MemberFeb 23, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    Thanks a lot for such quick response.
    Agree to your points...I will be around CE as it is filled with lot of info.

    Thanks again
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberMar 5, 2014

    Sapient is a awesome company for Java development. Ask them if you can switch to development side?
    OR, what are the automation tools they are using, if Selenium Webdriver then you are in somehow in Java.
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  • sneha24april

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,
    This is Sneha, i have done MCA and have 2 year exp. in Quality process (This is totally different process as compare to S/W Testing ), now i want to switch my career in S/W testing with my Quality exp.
    So please let me if it is possible and advise me this is my right decision or not for my future in SA/W testing.
    P.s. - What is the future of S/w Testing.

    Please please advise...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 9, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - Could you tell us a bit about "Quality Process"? Not familiar with it.
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  • sneha24april

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    @#-Link-Snipped-# - Could you tell us a bit about "Quality Process"? Not familiar with it.
    Mean performing on SLA and quality of product, report generating, short the data in excel with vlookup and hlookup.
    This is not related with s/W.

    So please advise on my above qs.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 9, 2014

    Thank you for the information, @#-Link-Snipped-# . I think you have experience in technical documentation (correct me). I'd recommend looking for a s/w testing project in your current organisation and see if you have a knack for it. It'd be advisable to take a short course in software manual testing & automation to build up your profile in your own organisation.

    I've put my thoughts on career in software testing in the first post of this discussion and whether the career is right for you is totally up to you. There are opportunities for growth for those who are skilled. I've stated that it's the automation testing that will open ample job opportunities for QA folks. Sticking to just manual testing isn't advisable. Plus Automation testing is quite fun to work in (provided you enjoy writing scripts/code).

    Software testing will continue to exist as long as software continue to exist. It may change form - from desktop based software applications to web-based testing of services to the latest mobile app testing; but software testing will continue and no one should have any doubt about it. You can't simply launch a half-tested product or service. It's similar to saying that even an experienced cook will 'taste' her dish before serving it.

    Do go through the first post in this discussion and if you have any specific questions; post them below.
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  • sneha24april

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    Many thanks for you reply... it would be really help me.
    Yes at this time I have some knowledge of Manual testing. So just want to know it is possible to move in automation in future?
    As per my work this is not much technical. I can take some knowlege of manual testing from any institute and express my work in manual testing with my quality exp. I dont think manual testing is so hard. But please advise Manual testing is a good option or not.
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Thank you for the information, @#-Link-Snipped-# . I think you have experience in technical documentation (correct me). I'd recommend looking for a s/w testing project in your current organisation and see if you have a knack for it. It'd be advisable to take a short course in software manual testing & automation to build up your profile in your own organisation.

    I've put my thoughts on career in software testing in the first post of this discussion and whether the career is right for you is totally up to you. There are opportunities for growth for those who are skilled.
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Thank you for the information, @#-Link-Snipped-# . I think you have experience in technical documentation (correct me). I'd recommend looking for a s/w testing project in your current organisation and see if you have a knack for it. It'd be advisable to take a short course in software manual testing & automation to build up your profile in your own organisation.

    I've put my thoughts on career in software testing in the first post of this discussion and whether the career is right for you is totally up to you. There are opportunities for growth for those who are skilled. I've stated that it's the automation testing that will open ample job opportunities for QA folks. Sticking to just manual testing isn't advisable. Plus Automation testing is quite fun to work in (provided you enjoy writing scripts/code).

    Software testing will continue to exist as long as software continue to exist. It may change form - from desktop based software applications to web-based testing of services to the latest mobile app testing; but software testing will continue and no one should have any doubt about it. You can't simply launch a half-tested product or service. It's similar to saying that even an experienced cook will 'taste' her dish before serving it.

    Do go through the first post in this discussion and if you have any specific questions; post them below.
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Thank you for the information, @#-Link-Snipped-# . I think you have experience in technical documentation (correct me). I'd recommend looking for a s/w testing project in your current organisation and see if you have a knack for it. It'd be advisable to take a short course in software manual testing & automation to build up your profile in your own organisation.

    I've put my thoughts on career in software testing in the first post of this discussion and whether the career is right for you is totally up to you. There are opportunities for growth for those who are skilled. I've stated that it's the automation testing that will open ample job opportunities for QA folks. Sticking to just manual testing isn't advisable. Plus Automation testing is quite fun to work in (provided you enjoy writing scripts/code).

    Software testing will continue to exist as long as software continue to exist. It may change form - from desktop based software applications to web-based testing of services to the latest mobile app testing; but software testing will continue and no one should have any doubt about it. You can't simply launch a half-tested product or service. It's similar to saying that even an experienced cook will 'taste' her dish before serving it.

    Do go through the first post in this discussion and if you have any specific questions; post them below.
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  • yrn

    MemberMar 11, 2014

    Hi Kaustaub,

    I went through your post its very helpful and most of my doubts/myths about software developer and tester got cleared 😀.

    I did my B.Tech in ECE , having 2+ years of experience as a software developer.
    Due to frequent changing of projects,teams and working on internal tools didn't able to learn and expertise in a particular technology which will be of use outside the current company.

    I'm interested to go to software testing field.
    But I'm still in dilemma 😕:
    As I'm having 2+ years of experience will it be a right decision to switch from developer to tester and will it be difficult for me to get the testing job ?

    If I can go for testing job please suggest how should I prepare ( like tools, courses etc.).
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  • Nitesh Nayak

    MemberMar 15, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I did my BE in EXTC. I got an offer from one of the E-learning company as a Software Tester. I have one doubt. If I joined this company which basically develops E-learning products, after 2 years experience would I be able to grab a job in software industry where there are different domains like Banking & Insurance, Finance, Healthcare etc......Would this experience in E-learning field be counted?
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  • daganeha99

    MemberMar 18, 2014

    Hi, I am an MCA (2009 passed out) and then after had abt 2 yrs of exp in developing (JAVA, jsp servlets) then after due to some reasons I need to switch to non IT field. But now I want myself to get back into IT but as its a long time of abt 2 yrs that i haven't write a single line of code I am scared of coding so want to switch in testing. For this I am thinking to do some testing course. Please suggest me that I should move to testing or should upgrade myself in developing....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 18, 2014

    Nitesh Nayak
    Hi Kaustubh,
    I did my BE in EXTC. I got an offer from one of the E-learning company as a Software Tester. I have one doubt. If I joined this company which basically develops E-learning products, after 2 years experience would I be able to grab a job in software industry where there are different domains like Banking & Insurance, Finance, Healthcare etc......Would this experience in E-learning field be counted?
    What project you work on does not matter; as long as you can comfortably do manual and automation testing. I'm assuming you're testing web application; so you should have no problem in switching job. You can always say that the company provided you with a unique opportunity to work on e-learning projects.

    Hi, I am an MCA (2009 passed out) and then after had abt 2 yrs of exp in developing (JAVA, jsp servlets) then after due to some reasons I need to switch to non IT field. But now I want myself to get back into IT but as its a long time of abt 2 yrs that i haven't write a single line of code I am scared of coding so want to switch in testing. For this I am thinking to do some testing course. Please suggest me that I should move to testing or should upgrade myself in developing....
    Don't switch to testing because you are scared of coding. Testing will need fair bit of coding too. You already have 2 years of experience and I think picking up pace should not be very difficult. You'll always have CEans to help you with.

    I'd recommend reading my first post in this discussion. That should help you decide whether you should take up software development or software testing.
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  • sneha24april

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    Waiting for your suggestion. .

    Many thanks for you reply... it would be really help me.
    Yes at this time I have some knowledge of Manual testing. So just want to know it is possible to move in automation in future?

    As per my work this is not much technical. I can take some knowlege of manual testing from any institute and express my work in manual testing with my quality exp. I dont think manual testing is so hard. But please advise Manual testing is a good option or not.

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  • Nitesh Nayak

    MemberMar 21, 2014

    Hi Kustubh,
    Thank you for your valuable advice!!!!!!. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 21, 2014

    Yes at this time I have some knowledge of Manual testing. So just want to know it is possible to move in automation in future?
    The reality is that no one can tell you whether you'll be able to switch to automation. It all depends on the opportunities that come your way and how prepared you are to step on. Since you can't control what opportunities will strike; you should work on making yourself comfortable with automation. You can join any reputed institute in your area and get started with the concepts and tools in automation. The rest can be developed through self-study and some hands-on experience.
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  • Pratik J

    MemberMar 30, 2014

    Hi, I am an MCA (2009 passed out) and then after had abt 2 yrs of exp in developing (JAVA, jsp servlets) then after due to some reasons I need to switch to non IT field. But now I want myself to get back into IT but as its a long time of abt 2 yrs that i haven't write a single line of code I am scared of coding so want to switch in testing. For this I am thinking to do some testing course. Please suggest me that I should move to testing or should upgrade myself in developing....
    You did Coding for 2 years and you are afraid of it ? 😀 lol ,i last drove cycle 7 years ago,but today ,i can still drive it without any problem,Its your confidence which is making you nervous,Boost it !😀
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  • JANE123

    MemberApr 8, 2014

    hello Sir...
    I would be MCA in coming July...
    I have developed Projects on .net,but I feel its too vast..YOU hve to got to learn hell lot of functions to make your Website work...
    Is this same in Testing....Is testing albout indepth knowledge of TOOlS
    Also I want to know whether it would require me to have lots and lots of knowledge as needed in
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  • rfpchar

    MemberApr 11, 2014

    Hi Sir Kustubh,

    First of all thank you for this thread, now I have more insights about being a software tester or developer. Thankfully, I've been hired in a company and they've given me a job in the field of software testing.
    I ask if what preparation do testers need in the start of their career. I've only done manual testing and a little in automation testing (Selenium) but I don't think it's enough knowledge to start with. There will be a training in the first few months of my job, and I want to come prepared with knowledge and skills so I can somehow impress my employer.
    I really have a passion in coding but somehow, being a software tester interest me and I hope I have decided the right career path. You've said that a tester with a good knowledge of programming would be a great combo and I hope this will interest me to learn more.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 11, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - I'm yet to be knighted; so you need not attach 'Sir' in front of my name 😀 .

    You do not need any special preparation. If you wish, you should brush up your skills in any programming language of your choice, read as much as you can about various testing related tools/technologies and blogs. Ask questions (on CE) and keep learning new things. I'd recommend developing expertise in Selenium or any other tool that your company wants you to work on. That should give you a good head-start over others.
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  • iamanands

    MemberJun 23, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I'm working in an IT firm as Junior software engineer(Web application development) and currently i'm getting trained on web technologies like HTML5 , CSS & Javascript. My passion is however, into testing, to be specific in Automation testing. Is it possible to get into testing domain after gaining 1 or 2 years of experience from this company?

    I can get QTP or Selenium certification from NIIT or any other providers, and get training in the weekends. Will that help actually?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 2, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Totally missed your post.

    If you read all the above posts, you'd know that a background in development would definitely help in switching over to software testing. Whether you'll get a job or not is a different question - because it depends on so many factors. All I can say is that the experience you gain in development (~2 years) will be a big help if you decide on switching to testing domain.

    Be sure to build your case and have a strong reason to switch to testing; because any interviewer would be interested in knowing why you want to make the switch.

    At the same time, you will have you build a strong foundation in software testing - so make yourself at ease with concepts of manual and automated testing. It'd be a HUGE PLUS if you could get a certification and proficiency in any of the popular software automation tools - viz. QTP, Selenium and others.
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  • shyam1990

    MemberJul 4, 2014

    Hi kaustubh,
    Iam an MTech (IT) 2014 passout. I got recruited through campus into a top Indian MNC. Last week I received my joining letter which mentions that my domain would be "Testing". My aspiration is to be a Java developer. I also have an OCP (Oracle Certified Profession) certificate in Java. I had Software Testing as a subject in my curriculum and I used to hate it.
    If I join the company and work as Tester for 1 or 2 years, would it be possible for me to switch to development domain? Or Should I quit the job and search for a developer job?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 4, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - if you are determined not to make a career in software testing, do not take up a job in that domain. Switching from testing to development isn't easy; but not impossible as well. I'd advise you not to take chances. Instead, start looking for jobs in Java domain and if possible, get yourself certified in any leading Java technology.
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  • shyam1990

    MemberJul 4, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# - if you are determined not to make a career in software testing, do not take up a job in that domain. Switching from testing to development isn't easy; but not impossible as well. I'd advise you not to take chances. Instead, start looking for jobs in Java domain and if possible, get yourself certified in any leading Java technology.
    Sir I already have an OCP in Java. Sir, which should should be given more importance? desired domain or good company?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 4, 2014

    Sir I already have an OCP in Java. Sir, which should should be given more importance? desired domain or good company?
    Desired domain, always. You can get into your dream company if you are excellent at your preferred domain.
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  • shyam1990

    MemberJul 4, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Desired domain, always. You can get into your dream company if you are excellent at your preferred domain.
    Thank you sir.
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  • Ashucomp

    MemberJul 13, 2014

    To get the job as a software tester, Is it necessary to get the certification from the institutes that provide software training? and if yes then which type of certifications are required?
    And as a fresher what should be my preparation for interview?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 14, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - It's not necessary; but a company may decide to recruit only those who've the certification. In any case, certification will always give you an edge.

    This should be a great starting guide: <a href="">Software (Manual) Testing Interview questions</a>.
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  • Ashucomp

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# - It's not necessary; but a company may decide to recruit only those who've the certification. In any case, certification will always give you an edge.

    This should be a great starting guide: <a href="">Software (Manual) Testing Interview questions</a>.
    Thank you kaustubh sir for your reply....
    One more doubt sir:-I am a fresher and don't know a bit of testing but i have learnt the languages like C, C++, C#,, html, css, javascript also i have learnt core java.
    Then what should i prefer, to go for testing or for development?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 14, 2014

    Without doubting your capabilities of learning; I want to ask you - have you 'really' learned so many languages? Because you'd not have the question whether you want to go for development or testing. It'd be right-out development for you. But if you just know a few bits of every language you mentioned above, you need to sit down and think what is it that you really enjoy doing. Try reading about manual testing and automation testing; and also find out information about the kind of career you'll get if you choose development.
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  • Ashucomp

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    Then what should I do sir?
    I have learnt hese languages in first and second year of Engineering. And I know at least something about those languages. But about testing I don't know anything. I heard this 'testing' word directly in final year. Then what will be better?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 14, 2014

    Knowing 'at least something' doesn't help much. What's stopping you from gaining in-depth knowledge of the programming languages you love? In order to understand 'testing', please read the <a href="">Career In Software Testing Vs. Software Development</a> in this discussion.

    Also read: <a href="">The Top Mistake Fresh Computer Science / IT Graduates Make In Their Resume</a>
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  • Ashucomp

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    Sorry sir I understood my mistake. I have learnt these languages but I have worked only on html, css , and c languages. I must master these languages and then only it will be better to add these languages in my resume.
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  • Ashucomp

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    But what about salary issue sir. You mentioned in your post that companies offer less salary to tester's as compared to developers.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    But what about salary issue sir. You mentioned in your post that companies offer less salary to tester's as compared to developers.
    For testing you need to be domain expert first. Believe me all developer think tester suck their job because most of them focus on small issue rather than broad picture.
    I find very less tester who are expert in the project domain.
    Become domain expert while keep learning automation tools to expertise and management will pay you on your terms.
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  • Ashucomp

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    Anoop Kumar
    For testing you need to be domain expert first. Believe me all developer think tester suck their job because most of them focus on small issue rather than broad picture.
    I find very less tester who are expert in the project domain.
    Become domain expert while keep learning automation tools to expertise and management will pay you on your terms.
    @ Mr. Anup: - thanks. PLEASE suggest me the tools that i should learn for testing...
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJul 14, 2014

    @ Mr. Anup: - thanks. PLEASE suggest me the tools that i should learn for testing...
    I am not in testing but it seems QTP is a hot cake in current market.
    But, if can extends in some programming learn Selenium.
    For, automation testing VB scripting and C++ will add value to your profile.
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  • Peppy

    MemberJul 15, 2014

    Hello Sir

    I have been Working as a software tester in one of the smallest IT Organization but here they give me Associate Supoort Executive Profile for testing.So will it affect on my career whenever if i want to switch to new Organization? also i wanted to ask can you post job links of software testing profile mumbai location..please
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  • Rajan Duggal

    MemberJul 20, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I recently joined IBM and got my domain as automation testing. I was requesting for them to assign me Java as i am interested in development, but they wont approve that.

    I am from ECE background and do not have much programming experience. I have already read all the old comments and now I am convinced that testing is a very good career option too if i keep on developing my skills on different testing tools and gain expertise. But still, should I just stick to testing or should I keep on getting development certifications and then switch to development after 2-3 years (either by staying in the same company or changing company too). And what obstacles are going to be in my way if i try to switch from testing to developing?

    I am good at logical thinking and reasoning so I think I would be good at development. But I am also good at finding loopholes which makes me think towards testing too.
    Please help me decide and plan ahead.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 20, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - welcome to CE. It's a pleasure to have you with us. We'd never rate any domain better over others. There can't be a generic answer. What we have - are all facts which can be verified. That said, whether you should be in testing or development is something that you'll have to find yourself and we can only answer questions based on facts. Find out whether a career in testing looks appealing to you and something that you'd enjoy doing.

    Switching from testing to development has been traditionally difficult but not impossible. You'll have to keep looking for the right opportunity do so. During lateral placements, you'd be evaluated on your past experience and it might be difficult for you to justify and be considered for a development profile with a background in software testing. What I've tried to say is that if you have a flare for development; you can use it to your advantage to make a kick-ass career in software testing (automation testing). Not many software testing engineers are comfortable with coding or scripting and that's where you can have an advantage.

    Logical thinking and reasoning is what you'd need in testing as well; but you'll also have to combine it with a lot of common sense. If you decide on making a career in testing, equip yourself with mastery in various automation tools; by learning to script and code for the most used tools. Learn Pyhon and get a command over server side, db testing. That should open a lot of new prospects for you in coming future.

    The decision part, however, will have to be decided entirely by you. If you are stuck with any question in your decision making process, our fellow CEans would love to help you out. But the final decision has to be yours. We simply can't tell you whether you should make a career in development or testing. I hope this helps.
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  • knani8208

    MemberJul 21, 2014

    Hi i am a 2012 passed out worked as an android developer for 8 months in a start-up with very less salary. Later i got opportunity in an mnc as desktop support l2, so i have changed my stream and i worked there for 2 months while everything going fine i met with accident and it took me totally 10 months to recover and now after some trails i got a job as fresher into development again in other company, except me everyone in my company are experienced guys(more than 2 years), as there are no testers in our organization they asked me to work on testing and i got good appreciations from management for my work as a tester. It was nearly 4 months i have started my career as a tester but now each and every one is suggesting me to jump into development as they are saying like u will be getting less salary in testing(currently i am working for 8k). I am very much confused to make decision as i have already wasted 1 year with my bed rest, please suggest me a good advice thanks in advance
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 22, 2014

    Dear #-Link-Snipped-# - welcome to CrazyEngineers. Your situation is interesting; but you're much better positioned than others who're still looking for jobs.

    You are experienced and have exposure to both development, support and testing. The first step in solving your confusion is to explore the domains - testing and development and find out which one looks interesting. As is evident from various posts in this discussion, there are opportunities in both the domains. If you think testing domain is more interesting - with a mix of coding and overall domain knowledge - then stick to testing and try to build as much experience and skills-set as you can in your current job.

    Salary - either in testing or development is a function of the overall value you provide to the organisation. There are several testing engineers who earn a lot more salary than developers with equal amount of experience in years; and vice versa. There are no set rules, you see.

    The key here is to becoming awesome as a developer or a tester and then switch jobs. If you build your expertise as a software tester - with unparalleled skills in manual and automation testing - I don't think any big company will deny a great salary package to you in the next 2 years. You need a good mix of experience+skill-set to command a better salary.
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  • Madapu Shashank

    MemberJul 23, 2014


    Basically, I am graduate (2010) and worked in BPO sector. Currently i'm not working and decided to move into IT sector. I have some knowledge of Manual testing and should i learn automation tools like selenium, QTP and loadrunner also or manual testing is enough.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 1, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Did you read the first post in this discussion? You need to be master of some and jack of many. 'Some knowledge' of manual testing won't help. You need to be VERY GOOD at manual testing and and also get knowledge of automation testing. You never know what the recruiters are looking for.
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  • Shankar@CE

    MemberAug 1, 2014


    Hello I came across Crazy Engineers and I found it really helpful and informative. My scenario currently is: I passed out B Tech in ECE in 2011 and I had a few backpapers and I finished them by December 2013. Since I wanted to get into the IT industry I learnt Core Java, JEE and Oracle SQL from NIIT.
    I completed it and started searching for a good opportunity but in vain. The reason being the industry only wanted freshers(only 2013/14 passouts) and I am a 2011 passout.

    I have skills in Java and coding (say, beginner). Recently I came across this software testing training in manual testing and automation. (Including the tool Selenium)

    Since in the development domain they are only taking in freshers I am now thinking of taking the career in software testing. With ample exposure to Java and JEE, would this be good decision for me? My other option would be take up a job in a small organisation and work my way up through with experience and then switching, which I dont really want to.

    I came to know that after taking up software testing I would be able to get into a good placement at the training institute.

    So should I go ahead with this plan? Any advices would be welcomed and appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 1, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CE. Are you 100% sure that there's no company in the world that will recruit you for your Java and Coding skills? If yes, then you definitely work on your coding skills and look for the right opportunity.

    You also need to read the first post in this discussion and get a glimpse of what a career in both the domains (testing vs. development) offers and find out for yourself which one is for you. We simply cannot tell you which domain will be better for you. In fact, no one in this world, except you, can decide which is the best career for you. You seem to be hell bent on getting a job in a 'BIG' company. All I can say is that you need to be flexible about achieving what you really want to achieve. First step in the direction is discovering what career path you want to choose for yourself.

    Discover where your heart lies - in development or testing.
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  • Shankar@CE

    MemberAug 1, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CE. Are you 100% sure that there's no company in the world that will recruit you for your Java and Coding skills? If yes, then you definitely work on your coding skills and look for the right opportunity.

    You also need to read the first post in this discussion and get a glimpse of what a career in both the domains (testing vs. development) offers and find out for yourself which one is for you. We simply cannot tell you which domain will be better for you. In fact, no one in this world, except you, can decide which is the best career for you. You seem to be hell bent on getting a job in a 'BIG' company. All I can say is that you need to be flexible about achieving what you really want to achieve. First step in the direction is discovering what career path you want to choose for yourself.

    Discover where your heart lies - in development or testing.


    Thank you for your advice. I wanted to ask you another thing too.

    Is is possible to switch from testing to development. I saw that you replied its difficult but not impossible.

    So what is it that I have to keep doing during I work as a tester to have a chance at being a developer? And speaking in terms of salary, would the testing domain be hand in hand with the salaries in development?
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberAug 2, 2014

    @@Shankar@CE Switching is easy , difficult and impossible.

    That depends on you. If you work as a software tester for 2 years and my package will be say 5 laks, then if you want to switch into development initially you need to work with less package. Compaines will not pay you 5 laks for being a fresher in development.

    So it is possible , but only if you are willing to do it.

    Switch in less than 2 years, or else you will find it more difficult with companies not very interested in that.

    Next coming to pay,

    If you are only doing pure manual testing , gone are the days that people can just survive with manual testing.

    You need to have some or the other skills. Software testing itself is a big thing you have wide variety of domains in that.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberAug 2, 2014

    1. Manual testing for SAP application this is also called SAP testing. Where in you will have in depth knowledge in SAP domain thats one of the best paid skill.

    2. Automation testing: This again has many tools , but now QTP and Selenium knowledge is expected out of anyone and everyone. These tools are quite easy to learn as well.

    3. Performance testing: You have load runner, and Jmeter. This is the highly paid skill and you have to master yourself in analysing the test results and suggesting the improvements to the application performance. This skill is rare in India as of now.

    4. Security testing : I dont know much information: but this is again a well paid domain.

    There might be other sections as well.. but broadly these are the ones which I have in my mind.
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  • Shankar@CE

    MemberAug 2, 2014

    Saandeep Sreerambatla
    1. Manual testing for SAP application this is also called SAP testing. Where in you will have in depth knowledge in SAP domain thats one of the best paid skill.

    2. Automation testing: This again has many tools , but now QTP and Selenium knowledge is expected out of anyone and everyone. These tools are quite easy to learn as well.

    3. Performance testing: You have load runner, and Jmeter. This is the highly paid skill and you have to master yourself in analysing the test results and suggesting the improvements to the application performance. This skill is rare in India as of now.

    4. Security testing : I dont know much information: but this is again a well paid domain.

    There might be other sections as well.. but broadly these are the ones which I have in my mind.

    Thank you very much for the information Sir.
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  • Shankar@CE

    MemberAug 4, 2014


    On an unrelated note, I would like to pose a question to which I have got various answers. I am hoping you could give me the right one.

    I am a 2007-2011 batch in BTech ECE. I had some backpapers. i wrote them and I cleared the last one in June 2013. So my question is, Am I a 2013 btech passout? or 2011?

    In my consolidated marklist the year of passing the last exam is given as June 2013 (as in s1s2 is given as passed year-2013, because the last paper I wrote is a math paper of first year).

    Please do let me know the correct answer. Much appreciated.
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  • Bhargavi A Kulkarni

    MemberAug 4, 2014


    On an unrelated note, I would like to pose a question to which I have got various answers. I am hoping you could give me the right one.

    I am a 2007-2011 batch in BTech ECE. I had some backpapers. i wrote them and I cleared the last one in June 2013. So my question is, Am I a 2013 btech passout? or 2011?

    In my consolidated marklist the year of passing the last exam is given as June 2013 (as in s1s2 is given as passed year-2013, because the last paper I wrote is a math paper of first year).

    Please do let me know the correct answer. Much appreciated.
    What is the year mentioned on ur Degree certificate provided by the University? This is what really matters.
    So check it and ur confusion will be cleared.
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  • Raghu K

    MemberAug 10, 2014

    Hi sir,

    From past 4 years I have been working as developer.even some times I feel that testing jobs is much comfortable than developers job.because as a developer I have to ensure code works fine and nothing breaks.A important thing is issues can from tester at any time and as a developer I have fix it either by staying late night in office or working on weekends.this makes developers life miserable.please give your opinions.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 10, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - your opinion seems to be based of your own experience in the past 4 years. I'd not generalise, however. I think the job of QA engineers is extremely important because if things go wrong - the blame usually goes to the QA engineers for not ensuring the quality.
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  • Raghu K

    MemberAug 10, 2014

    Thank you for your valuable opinion Kustubh.what do you think from developers point of issue.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberAug 10, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# :
    I agree and disagree both, that developer always blamed and have to work for long hour for last minute problem. It's depends on what kind of methodology/team you are working on.
    I have face the your situation for blaming developer all the time, while working in Waterfall development. It's sucks management ware so conservative mindset that they demand for 0 bugs after unit testing.
    But, working in Agile/Scum it's team responsibility that work is delivered with quality, test team are expected to have perfect product knowledge while development team more focused on code quality (even a single indentation). Let the bug come and resolve it.

    Don't worry for blame game, stay out of it.
    Here is your moral booster, hang following lines on your desk and let the test team go crazy

    "As a developer, I always leave bugs in code so that testers can survive.😁"
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  • Raghu K

    MemberAug 11, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# :
    Thank you very much Anoop for understanding my problem and providing deep insight into it.I really like your moral booster.I am definitely going to put your lines on my desk which keeps motivating me.
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  • Anonymous Anonymous

    MemberAug 12, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have roughly around 6 years of experience in software development. I have always been treated as an underdog in my team and i dont see it change in near future. I was thinking of a career in testing since people in my team always snub me saying i am not fit for development.

    What is required if i want a shift from development to testing?
    Is there any certification required?
    Will companies hire me as a tester and if so what experience will they consider?
    How about the package that will be offered?
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberAug 12, 2014

    Anonymous Anonymous
    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have roughly around 6 years of experience in software development. I have always been treated as an underdog in my team and i dont see it change in near future. I was thinking of a career in testing since people in my team always snub me saying i am not fit for development.

    What is required if i want a shift from development to testing?
    Is there any certification required?
    Will companies hire me as a tester and if so what experience will they consider?
    How about the package that will be offered?

    What technology you were working in for past 6 years?

    Since after 6 years of experience its a bit difficult to change the career. But there is no straight answer all rite!

    These things are dealt case to case basis, if you are working in your project for more than a year or 2 if it is services and more than 3 to 4 years if its a product based company. Then necessarily you will have complete functional knowledge of your application.

    If you satisfy the above condition, you can move into Automation testing provided that is available in your team.

    If you have to go to another company into testing, then you need to have very good knowledge in your programming language since that helps in building selenium framework for the team.
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  • ayan

    MemberAug 12, 2014

    Hello @#-Link-Snipped-#
    I've an overall experience of 10.5 years spanning across Software Testing, Test Automation (using QTP-VBScript, Selenium-Java, SoapUI, Coded UI-C#, LoadRunner, JMeter, Ruby) and Field Support. Right now I'm working as a senior test engineer in a product based technology company since last 6.5 years. In my present organization the scope for "vertical" growth as a test engineer, especially in long term, is very limited. So there are two choices - either leave the organization for a better opportunity (to work as a test automation architect/ test manager) or switch to development. Would it be a wise decision to switch to development at this juncture? I'm always open to learn new things, be it a new technology, a new language or a new tool. And I believe (as my fellow team members and also the dev manager believe) switching to a developer role won't be a big challenge for me. But will this change be really "value adding" to my career or is it just a set back? Please share your opinion. Thanks in advance!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 12, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CrazyEngineers. Just be careful while tagging users ' Kaustubh and Kaustubh Katdare are two different users 😀

    10.5 years is a pretty long time in a domain. It appears that switching to another organisation for a better role and opportunity would be more logical step because it leverages your current skills set and experience.

    I'd not say switching to development will be a set-back or even a value add to your career. You'll have to evaluate the opportunity cost keeping in view the long term goals you might have set for your professional career. You might consider answering following questions -
    • Why do I want to make the switch (the domain | organisation)?
    • If growth is what I'm expecting; does switch to development domain help me achieve the growth I'm looking for?
    • What are the financial implications of my decision?
    I think the first question among the lot, will help you arrive at the decision quicker.

    If you decide on trying out your hand in development; will you continue to work in the current organisation? If yes, will it give you the growth? If no, what are your chances of getting accepted at a senior position in another company, as a developer?

    My personal choice, had I been in your situation (with the information you provided) would have been to switch to other company than switching the domain.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 12, 2014

    A related thought : Why not try out development as a part-time hobby? You could always make it a value add to your resume. For example, if you develop a project or software in your part-time; you can very well make it shine in your resume.
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  • ayan

    MemberAug 14, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CrazyEngineers. Just be careful while tagging users ' Kaustubh and Kaustubh Katdare are two different users 😀

    10.5 years is a pretty long time in a domain. It appears that switching to another organisation for a better role and opportunity would be more logical step because it leverages your current skills set and experience.

    I'd not say switching to development will be a set-back or even a value add to your career. You'll have to evaluate the opportunity cost keeping in view the long term goals you might have set for your professional career. You might consider answering following questions -
    • Why do I want to make the switch (the domain | organisation)?
    • If growth is what I'm expecting; does switch to development domain help me achieve the growth I'm looking for?
    • What are the financial implications of my decision?
    I think the first question among the lot, will help you arrive at the decision quicker.

    If you decide on trying out your hand in development; will you continue to work in the current organisation? If yes, will it give you the growth? If no, what are your chances of getting accepted at a senior position in another company, as a developer?

    My personal choice, had I been in your situation (with the information you provided) would have been to switch to other company than switching the domain.
    #-Link-Snipped-# Thank you very much for your valuable comments. It was very helpful for me to take a decision. Thanks again!
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  • Rahil kumar

    MemberAug 17, 2014

    Hello sir,

    I am doing CRM development but right now i am not interested in development because sometime writing a code looks like craking a nut for me
    so i Want to switch in Testing domain.......
    I like programming but i am not hard core programmer
    but many of my seniors are saying to don't switch to testing domain because future opportunities, salary is very less in testing
    future salary provide to testing is:
    = no of experience * 1.5-2

    future salary provide to Development is:
    = no of experience * 3
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  • Alfurqan

    MemberAug 22, 2014

    Hello Sir,
    I seriously need your advice on this.

    I spent my last nearly 2 years in a small company in development and and i enjoyed a lot doing coding , solving problems its just that i love spending time with code and learning any technology.

    Then i got offer from two companies at the same time. Comapny A offered me development role with 100%(expected) hike in salary and Company B offered me in automation testing with 300%(not even imagined) hike. I accepted offer from Company B and joined thinking that i would be able to write scripts and all that stuff like development work.

    But now i have spent two months here and see very less chance of doing scripting, most of the work involve manual testing web service and even my seniors who has spent around 2 years in this company doing the same manual work. i feel like i have taken wrong decision in my career 😔.

    And i don't want to talk this issue with manager as they will tell me that spent 1 year in this role and then u will get chance to move to development, after all 1 year is a big time. i thougt of leaving this company and start searching in development but the salary i am getting here is taking my steps back.

    can u please tell me what should i do now as i am getting frustrated day by day due to there is no coding and scripting is involved. And i am feeling like i lost all my confidence and style.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 22, 2014

    Anonymous Anonymous
    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have roughly around 6 years of experience in software development. I have always been treated as an underdog in my team and i dont see it change in near future. I was thinking of a career in testing since people in my team always snub me saying i am not fit for development.

    What is required if i want a shift from development to testing?
    Is there any certification required?
    Will companies hire me as a tester and if so what experience will they consider?
    How about the package that will be offered?
    Looks like I missed your post.

    First things first - my response is going to be based on what you've written in your post. It looks to me that your reasoning for switching to testing needs a review. You need not switch your domain just because your team treats you as an underdog. I personally do not see it as a 'strong enough' reason to decide on switching from development to testing.

    I'd recommend analysing your own situation and finding out the real problems - which could be manageable. For example, if your team treats you an underdog because of lack of skills or confidence as a team member; then you need to improve on that. If team's overall attitude is the problem you should try switching to another team; or just look for a new job.

    However, if you are convinced that you should switch to testing; I'd recommend reading the first post in this discussion. My recommendation is to look for an opportunity in testing in your current organisation. A certification will be an added advantage; but you should be able to pick up the basics of testing just by reading appropriate sources on the Internet. We've a good bunch of experienced testing engineers on CrazyEngineers who should be able to help you with all the technical difficulties.

    But before you do anything - I recommend finding out the root of the problem.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 22, 2014

    Rahil kumar
    Hello sir,

    I am doing CRM development but right now i am not interested in development because sometime writing a code looks like craking a nut for me
    so i Want to switch in Testing domain.......
    I like programming but i am not hard core programmer
    but many of my seniors are saying to don't switch to testing domain because future opportunities, salary is very less in testing
    future salary provide to testing is:
    = no of experience * 1.5-2

    future salary provide to Development is:
    = no of experience * 3
    Instead of your seniors, you should talk to those who've been in the testing domain for a long time and hold senior positions. Salary is a function of your skills, your responsibilities, position and the organisation you are working for; and I can only laugh at people who say testing engineers will always make lesser salary than their peers in development.

    You haven't told us what the problem is and I assume that you are confused about switching to testing. I'd say you should do a survey and find out what salary is being offered to engineers who've similar experience as yours. Your first check might be in your current organisation itself. Just talk to HR guys about the possibility of switching to testing.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 22, 2014

    Okay, I'd want #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# to read this -

    Then i got offer from two companies at the same time. Comapny A offered me development role with 100%(expected) hike in salary and Company B offered me in automation testing with 300%(not even imagined) hike.
    Companies are offering 3x for testing role! Should clear all the doubts from your heads about the salary being offered to testing engineers.

    Now back to #-Link-Snipped-# 's query : -

    First of all, congratulations on getting the salary beyond your expectations. I'd ask you to control your impatience and enjoy the money you're making. Nothing's gone wrong and you are reacting too early! 2 months is just too short a period to decide whether you've made right or wrong decision. You are currently into manual testing does not mean that you will do the same job forever. My recommendation is to keep looking for opportunities within your current organisation and keep building your expertise in automation testing.

    Instead of worrying, why not build your profile by adding various tools and technologies to it? I'm sure you can use your free time to build expertise in QTP, Selenium, Rational Tools, PERL, RUBY, JScript and other languages, tools that are HOT in the QA markets? Keep bugging the HRs and managers for opportunity in testing; and also keep looking for a job in testing, so that you are prepared to grab the next opportunity that comes your way.

    By the way, you can always quench your thirst for developing/scripting via participating in open source projects. Enjoy the money, keep building your skill-set and also keep looking for opportunities - within your organisation and outside as well. All the best!
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  • iamzero

    MemberAug 23, 2014


    Hello, i have read your post again and again, and i know you will understand my mind wont be at peace unless i get some clear answer.

    Okay i am a recent graduate, from a okay kind of engineering college with 0 placements.

    However i kept oin doing onlinr activities always and haf an experience in website dev, SEO and blogging with being testers for many mobile apps and some very good features of a famous INTERNET company.( yes your guess is right)

    So i got a Manual testing job profile (QA) via in a mobile app company and it has been 3 months. Here is so far background.

    Now my query:

    I am a money minded person and want to earn as much as i can. I have been researching a lot over the web and everywhere it says DEV salaries will and always be higher and career growth will be more.

    Now i know C,CPP, DSA, CORE JAVA, along with client side testing and yes not so confident about CODING but i can learn it out if trained on what a company would work in, like a fresher training which should i get.

    It has been hell time for me looking for jobs and i am in dilemma over QA and DEV. I had no choice so i did get into QA but now want to know how to go about.

    My college never got any company for us and i had to be content with since my CV was inclined more towards testing than dev. I want to know what are your advised and how to go about future.

    Now i can switch if possible since i am still new in the market but dont want to wadte time. What do you guys suggest?

    I have deep understanding of how to go about managing and excelling a product on my personal analysis, but that would require 5 years min to be at position where i can be heard as in a PM or TEAM LEAD.

    Any help at any level will be much appreciated.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberAug 23, 2014

    You are already in job so I would like to give abstract answer here.
    There is always a dilemma which switching jobs or company. I recently been through sleepless days about thinking which direction to go. Because these decisions impact your whole career and probably life.
    In starting of career upto 5-7 year, I suggest you to choose what you love and enjoy working, even on little less money. If you love your job, you can get any level of payment next time. Probably not in A organization then in B or C alphabets goes upto 26 numbers. There are lots of opportunity for good candidates. It's just matter of some time.
    Trust me, take advice from all around but choose what your mind is saying. You only know what exactly you like to do. QA/Dev doesn't matter.
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    MemberAug 23, 2014

    Hello Sir,

    I am 2014 pass-out from Electrical and Electronics Stream.I am looking for a job.I didn't get any opportunity as software developer,so i decided to take up the software testing. Is it good for me to start a career in Software Testing.My coding skills are average in C++ and also like to develop my skills in coding.My plans are also include that i want to pursue MS in 2016.So please help me out what are all the career opportunities that i have in MS after i have 2 years of expertise in software testing domain.
    Thanks in Advance
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 24, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CrazyEngineers. Hope you will enjoy being in our company 😀

    If you want to make money, you need to be excellent at the domain of your choice - and the only way to do that is to absolutely love what you are doing. Your first step should be to identify where your interests are - in testing or in development. And love does not see money!

    It is possible to make a lot of money (just using your own words) in both testing as well as in development. As I've said multiple times, how much money you earn is going to be a function of a lot of factors; which you will figure out as you gain experience in the industry. Unfortunately there is no short-cut to it.

    The only way to make money 'fast' is to start a business - and make it successful. You can do it if that's the line you want to pick up 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 24, 2014

    A general thought:

    We like helping people; but I find it rather strange that those who ask question and get help here; do not even come here to tell us whether they found our advice useful or just drop a 'thank you'. Not that we expect it; but it keeps us motivated to write long replies to your queries, guys!

    Anyway, back to business! Next Question Please?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 24, 2014

    Hello Sir,

    I am 2014 pass-out from Electrical and Electronics Stream.I am looking for a job.I didn't get any opportunity as software developer,so i decided to take up the software testing. Is it good for me to start a career in Software Testing.My coding skills are average in C++ and also like to develop my skills in coding.My plans are also include that i want to pursue MS in 2016.So please help me out what are all the career opportunities that i have in MS after i have 2 years of expertise in software testing domain.
    Thanks in Advance
    You got into testing because you could not get into development. What's your plan if we say it's not good to start career in testing? Will you quit your job?

    The fact is that you can start your career as a software testing engineer OR as a developer - and in the longer run; it absolutely DOES NOT MATTER!

    If your coding skills are average; you should be more worried about improving your programming skills in general and developing expertise in the programming language of your choice.

    No one stops you from making a parallel career in open source domain as a developer as a tester - and trust me any employer would absolutely LOVE to see that you are actively involved in open source projects. Your development skills will definitely be useful in testing domain; and you can use your testing know-how in development - to write better code, maybe.

    No one in the world can tell you what the career opportunities will be 'for you'. Just be assured that there are more jobs in the world than there are skilled people (engineers). Even at CrazyEngineers, we'd love to hire a developer - but we simply can't find the one who can impress us.

    If you choose to opt for MS in CS related course; your chances of getting a job as a QA engineer or a developer will be more - and it totally depends on the recruiter what profile they are looking for; and find you suitable for.

    The final line - pick up a domain for yourself, preferably the one you enjoy, and build your skills-set that impresses yourself and others. You will get a good job and recruiter will be able to offer the money you demand.

    How do I know? If you are just GREAT - we at CrazyEngineers will hire you. If you aren't - your options are always open.
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  • Rahil kumar

    MemberAug 26, 2014

    ok kaustubh
    Is automation testing need skills like hard core programmer?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 26, 2014

    Rahil kumar
    ok kaustubh
    Is automation testing need skills like hard core programmer?
    There are no set benchmarks. It all depends on the complexity of the project you are working on.
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  • Nisha27

    MemberAug 26, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh, nice to see your post... I am in dilemma too.. I have done C++ development for about 10 years now.. I am not that great in coding..But till date whatever job i have taken I have performed well. Now I want to do something different (ie less hectic job).As I have a kid I need to balance between job and family. I have worked in different industries..started with telecom, finance and now airline..
    In my current company we have two teams..development and testing.. I worked in development for 2 years then asked to move to manager was ok with it.. so he asked me to try it for some time and then decide..In testing here we do just manual testing.. dont use any tools..I like doing testing..I have done it just for 3 months now... but a bit worried...As its a airline industry will I be stuck with it forever? As for a tester functional knowledge is the key thing.. will I get job as a tester in other industry? As we do not use any kind of tools or scripting language..Is this experience even useful for me??? I dont want to go back to coding.. to be honest I havn;t got much knowledge about the industry..Even in testing I guess there are many options..performance tester, integration tester, automation tester.. I have no idea what skills are required for these..How do i go about it??? I am very confused.. and sometimes even I think am i too old for this change 😀... Hope to get some clarifications from you....

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 26, 2014

    Welcome to CE, #-Link-Snipped-# . I hope you will enjoy CE and become an active contributor here. CE will keep you up to date about stuff that matters.

    You've a solid background in coding and that should make it easier for you to pick up any scripting language. It's no rocket science and given a background in development; it should be a cakewalk for you even with self study. Do not bother about getting exposure to automation.

    Manual testing, as you'd have figured out by now, is one of the basic stages of testing and therefore manual testing jobs will always be there in the industry. Functional testing would definitely help; and it's entirely up to you to make the best possible use of your experience. Nothing should stop you from getting exposure to automation tools. Learn Python, QTP, Rational Tools, Selenium, UNIX and all the tools/techniques/technologies used in automation testing.

    I'd recommend getting experience in manual testing in your own organisation for some time and also see if you can drive your project to include automation. Too old or not - that's all about how you think. Just do what you enjoy or enjoy what you're doing and the rest will take care of itself.
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  • Nisha27

    MemberAug 26, 2014

    Thanks a lot Kaustubh.. I am planning to do ISTQB course..was just not sure whether to stay in current organisation for sometime or to move quickly...But then with 3 months of testing experience no one would offer me a job..I have taken Python course....and i already work in all i need to learn is few more skills..
    I was in dilemma who to ask this last googled it and got your post..didn't know you people are so active.. Thanks a lot for your reply.. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 26, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - You're in the company of awesome people 😁 on the planet (and you're one of us now).

    ISTQB should be good start. You should not move from your current organisation just yet. Stay at least 1 year and make sure that you've a good exposure to manual and if possible, automation testing. If you wish to look for a new job; do a survey of the typical requirements posted on job portals. You will get an idea of the skills that are in demand.

    Stay around and contribute. I'm sure you can help a lot of people here; and get help for all things testing from the QA folks on CE.
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  • Indu29

    MemberAug 30, 2014

    Hi @#-Link-Snipped-#
    Even my case is so similar to the other posts over here.I am basically a .net developer and have almost 4.5 yrs experience in that.I can rate myself as a good analyst but I never get a chance to work on latest technologies.Always I worked on Basic stuffs and did well in that.recebtly I attended some job interviews and I felt difficult in answering the latest technologies.Even though I got good feedback in basic oops concepts and .net knwoledge ,i lacked the confidence in latest stuffs.Last one year I am doing manual functional testing and so far I got good feedback on testing work from my peers and managers.Now seeing my coding skills my manager offered me automation/performance testing project.Meanwhile I have another opportunity from a different unit on developement (.net) project.But I dont have any idea on what tools I am going to get a project on.Right now I am in dilemma whether I should take up the automation project or return to my core stream development.
    Basically my doubts are:-
    1.Is it a right decision to change the career stream from development to testing at this point of time(right now total exp is 5.5 yrs)
    2.compared to development whether automation or performance testing has good opportunities in the market?
    3.If I change to automation will it be possible for me to shift to different organization in a year or so in testing itself with very less testing experience compared to overall exp.
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  • sudhasanju

    MemberSep 22, 2014

    Hi..i want to know whether software testing having openings or not which platform is good for career not much familiar with coding so pls suggest me..iam an computer science student.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 22, 2014

    1.Is it a right decision to change the career stream from development to testing at this point of time(right now total exp is 5.5 yrs)
    If you enjoyed testing and think that you can make a good career, you should switch. But think out the entire move well. Not being comfortable in .Net should NOT be the reason to switch to testing.

    2.compared to development whether automation or performance testing has good opportunities in the market?
    Opportunities will continue to exists for for people who are excellent at what they are doing. It just cannot be generalised. Opportunities will exist for both QA and Dev folks.

    3.If I change to automation will it be possible for me to shift to different organization in a year or so in testing itself with very less testing experience compared to overall exp.
    The new company will hire you based on your knowledge. It all depends on how much you develop your skillset in testing before applying to new job.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 22, 2014

    Hi..i want to know whether software testing having openings or not which platform is good for career not much familiar with coding so pls suggest me..iam an computer science student.
    As a student, your first duty should be to prepare yourself for the subjects taught in CS course. Also develop your skillset such that you can crack the aptitude tests and technical interviews. Be open to career opportunities that come your way.
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  • Akshata4031

    MemberSep 25, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I would like to get a strong suggestion from you.

    I've done BBA in 2011, and currently I've 2.3 years experience as a NON-IT, working in a very big IT company. But my work is not challenging
    and it's true there is no growth with this work in future.

    I thought of doing Testing course both manual and automation. My brothers are development engineers as we stay altogether, so got interest and asked them that can I switch to IT from NON-IT? The answer was Yes and it is Testing.

    My question is:
    1) Can I switch to IT from NON-IT. If yes, then which are the domains I can switch to.
    2) Testing domain doesn't require any Education stream right? it just requires Graduation?
    3) How about SAS Business Analytics? for a BBA student?

    I would appreciate your strong response.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 26, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Welcome to CrazyEngineers.

    ) Can I switch to IT from NON-IT. If yes, then which are the domains I can switch to.
    Yes you can; and you can switch to any domain you want. It may require hard work in the initial stages; and you should be able to switch to any domain of your choice - development, testing, networking, security. No one, but yourself, can stop you from making the switch. You will need to spot the right opportunity to do so, though.

    2) Testing domain doesn't require any Education stream right? it just requires Graduation?
    Totally depends on the recruiting company. At CrazyEngineers, we don't pay attention to degrees / certificates. Again, you will have to spot the right company that is willing to offer you a job based on your current knowhow than degrees or certificates.

    3) How about SAS Business Analytics? for a BBA student?
    Again, it's a question that only yourself can answer. Typically, you should make a career in the field that interests you a lot. I'd strongly recommend that you should do a study of the topic, the kind of jobs available, whether you feel excited about it etc. I'm an electrical engineer who's working with computers and Internet than designing electrical systems. 😀
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  • Akshata4031

    MemberSep 27, 2014

    Thanks Kaustubh for your valuable guidance.
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  • Pradeep Paul

    MemberSep 28, 2014

    Hello ,
    This is my first post , and i have a query that my company has provided me two options either go for development or testing and from last 9 months i was working in db maintaining scripts using sql server and it is almost normalized. So for which profile i should go. I had done coding in my college days but not at good level and there is knowledge gap in coding also.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 28, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Do go through some of my earlier responses in this discussion. You should get your answer. If you still have the query, I'll respond with an answer specific to your case.
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  • suresh18

    MemberSep 30, 2014

    Hi sir, good afternoon. I am Suresh completed my B.Tech(EEE) in the year 2013 and i am job less.Now I am thinking to shift to IT(software testing), is it the right decision at this time? and it would be helpful to my career?
    I got more worried,because of my one and a half year gap after the completion of my B.Tech.

    waiting for your reply sir.
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  • suresh18

    MemberSep 30, 2014

    I completed my B.Tech(EEE) in the year 2013.I am job less and now i am preferring to shift for IT (software testing).Did I take the right decision and how far it's helpful for the growth of my career?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 30, 2014

    I completed my B.Tech(EEE) in the year 2013.I am job less and now i am preferring to shift for IT (software testing).Did I take the right decision and how far it's helpful for the growth of my career?
    Please read the first post in this discussion. It was written exactly to answer your question.
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  • ShSK

    MemberOct 4, 2014

    I have completed 2 years in IT and a year in manual testing and plan to continue with testing.I attended a automation training session in QTP and now learning the same on my own.As for manual testing experience, I was involved in test scenarios design and execution,direct client interaction to know requirements,worked with Dev teams on defect remediation using HP QC and ALM tools,preparing test summary reports,seeking sign-offs and planning QA phase activities with the onshore team and worked as back up team lead as well.
    What all should i go for to enhance my skills?Can i make a switch on the basis of the pure knowledge of QTP and no real time experience on the same?
    Please guide me on the same.
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  • Rohini Ghanate

    MemberOct 7, 2014

    I am rohini 2013 B.E. in IT passout. Currently Associated with B.E.S.T. in Mumbai as Assistant Programmer.Now I am triying to search job in Software Testing.Is it need to do Software Testing Course? If Yes please suggest institute Name.and help me for searching job.
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  • PKR123

    MemberOct 10, 2014

    Hello Sir,
    I am Pooja , I am electrical engineer, i have passed out in 2013. From last 1 year i am working as electrical design engineer, but what i feel is due to less growth in this field and less salary growth i am loosing my interest. Can you suggest me whether i should go for software testing? will it be good for my career?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 10, 2014

    Rohini Ghanate
    I am rohini 2013 B.E. in IT passout. Currently Associated with B.E.S.T. in Mumbai as Assistant Programmer.Now I am triying to search job in Software Testing.Is it need to do Software Testing Course? If Yes please suggest institute Name.and help me for searching job.
    Software Testing course is optional, but a course or certification from a reputed institute will definitely be an advantage. You may use your programming knowledge to develop expertise in automation testing.

    You should begin your search through job portals.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 10, 2014

    Can you suggest me whether i should go for software testing? will it be good for my career?
    It's a personal decision. If you think software testing will offer a rewarding career, you should go with it. There cannot be a general answer that fits everyone.

    You should read the first post of this discussion which talks about career in software testing and development. If you have specific questions; you may ask here and we'll be happy to help.
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  • PKR123

    MemberOct 10, 2014

    precisely whether electrical engineer can do software testing? whether it require any software knowledge?
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  • harish dondetti

    MemberOct 13, 2014

    Hello Sir,
    I am 2013 passed out CS guy working in a company from 9 months as Java Developer and my manager shifted me to android development from past 5 months. Due to some reasons he wanted me to move to testing department. And also for me writing code is somewhat difficult, but understanding the code is very easy for me.So,please help me in choosing my career in correct path.
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  • Rajat Bhardwaj

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    Hello kaustaub,

    I completed engineering from ECE 2013 and i want to make career in software testing but i heard someone that in testing work saturation occurs. is it true.and there is some any other courses which could help me of building my career.I am confused that which course should i opt please help

    Hello Sir,

    I completed engineering from ECE 2013 and i want to make career in software testing but i heard someone that in testing work saturation occurs. is it true.and there is some any other courses which could help me of building my career.I am confused that which course should i opt please help and what about automation.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 15, 2014

    precisely whether electrical engineer can do software testing? whether it require any software knowledge?
    An electrical engineer can do anything he/she wishes - includes software testing, code writing, climb Everest, SCUBA dive. Electrical Engineering doesn't make one feel inferior.

    PS: I studied electrical engineering to but I never let it interfere in my career 😉 .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 15, 2014

    harish dondetti
    Hello Sir,
    I am 2013 passed out CS guy working in a company from 9 months as Java Developer and my manager shifted me to android development from past 5 months. Due to some reasons he wanted me to move to testing department. And also for me writing code is somewhat difficult, but understanding the code is very easy for me.So,please help me in choosing my career in correct path.
    Deciding your career path is not very difficult. Just pick up what you are very comfortable with and interested in. Read the first post in this discussion about what careers in software testing and development offer. Do your own research and see if software testing looks interesting to you.

    PS: The information you provided does not give us a clear ida of the background. Therefore we are unable to provide the best help that we can.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 15, 2014

    Rajat Bhardwaj
    I completed engineering from ECE 2013 and i want to make career in software testing but i heard someone that in testing work saturation occurs. is it true.and there is some any other courses which could help me of building my career.I am confused that which course should i opt please help
    Could you please explain what 'saturation' means?
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  • Rajat Bhardwaj

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    sir my senior says -that u will get bore cause u have to do same work every time
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 15, 2014

    Rajat Bhardwaj
    sir my senior says -that u will get bore cause u have to do same work every time
    Only you know whether you'll get bored or not. You need not form your opinion based on the experiences of others. There are several people who are totally bored in development / networking / testing / management. This is one prime reason I always that you need to find out what field you find extremely interesting!
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  • Rajat Bhardwaj

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    ok there any other course like animation,automation and any other have good scope and i could get job easily.cause sir i dnt have too much money and time as i already 2013 pass out.
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  • Upasana@CE

    MemberOct 16, 2014

    At first, I was in dilemma whether the testing career is right for me or not but after going through so many posts and blogs related to the same topic i finally got my answer.. Yes I will go in Testing

    @Mr. Katdare I need advice from someone and I think you can help me by just clearing my some doubts...

    I completed my graduation in IT in June 2014 and getting a opportunity to join a testing company as a manual tester. I am not much aware of the kind of growth and the work for this.and as I want to be a Project lead/Manager in my coming few years(4-5) and so i have doubt whether I am opting this career right or not.... because as per the company's policy for 1-2 years they will hire me as Tester only so it hardly seems me jump in my profile to new post....

    So does it create any negative impact later on my career as i started with testing and not development..... does the pace of my career growth will be slow(in testing)??? ..... as right now i am not offered very good package so is this also effects later on when i would apply somewhere??
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  • ajinkyajoshi91

    MemberOct 22, 2014

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 22, 2014

    I want to be a Project lead/Manager in my coming few years(4-5) and so i have doubt whether I am opting this career right or not.... because as per the company's policy for 1-2 years they will hire me as Tester only so it hardly seems me jump in my profile to new post....
    I think you should have a word with the HR officials in your organisation about the typical growth plan a testing engineer can have in your company. That will give you an idea whether you can expect to be a manager / team lead in the next 4 to 5 years.

    Any person's growth in the company depends upon a lot of factors - including your skills, your overall worth to the projects you've worked on and largely to how your bosses see you. The last one, unfortunately holds more importance these days. If you maintain good relations with your immediate bosses (who are responsible for your appraisals), your chances of getting promoted will increase. The corporate appraisal systems are completely flawed and you've to ensure you can sail through.

    So does it create any negative impact later on my career as i started with testing and not development
    I don't see any reason why it should. If you are good at what you are doing - you should get opportunities in your current organisation and also elsewhere. I'd recommend working in your current organisation for 2 years and gather as much experience and skills you can - and then apply for a job in some other company. You will be able to negotiate a lot of things for your new job/role.

    I hope this answers your question.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 22, 2014

    First of all, I strongly recommend that you should FIX THAT BROKEN CAPS LOCK KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD!

    You can find out whether you have interest in something only by doing it for sufficient time. You may start learning about testing field, kind of jobs it offers, the kind of work software testing engineers do et al and make your decision. Joining a software testing class is also a way to find out. I cannot recommend any specific class / institute.
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  • Upasana@CE

    MemberOct 26, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    I hope this answers your question.
    Yep.. to some extent.. Thanks a lot for your time!!
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  • Dido

    MemberOct 26, 2014

    Hi Kaustubh,

    Like to see your post here... It is really helpfull ... I had an 1.6 years experience on JAVA/J2EE, Spring,Hibernate,AJAX,JAVA SCRIPT,SQL/PL-SQL in a small company... and now I am currently working in IBM as a tester(manual testing and automation in RFT) for 10 months... I have some query here...
    1)How is the future of RFT outside of IBM? Should I go for QTP or Selenium?
    2)According to my profile in which domain my career growth will be propebly good(development or testing)?

    3)IS there is any advantage for me to be a tester with development background or to be a tester with testing knowledge...? I want know the demnd and future opportunities accordting to my profile.

    Please give your view opon it... it will be very usefull for me and my career..

    Thank you
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberOct 26, 2014

    1)How is the future of RFT outside of IBM? Should I go for QTP or Selenium?
    Future of RFT outside IBM is also good. There are many companies which use RFT for testing, as they use a bundle of products from IBM.

    And, If i am not wrong you use javascript or some other language in RFT for your testing.

    So switching to QTP or selenium is just a language change and the logic remains as is. So it just a 1 - 2 month job to learn any new tool if you are good with any tool.

    2)According to my profile in which domain my career growth will be propebly good(development or testing)?
    Growth depends on your skills. Not development or testing.

    Seeing your skills - as you are also good with Java why not try learning selenium using java ?

    3)IS there is any advantage for me to be a tester with development background or to be a tester with testing knowledge...? I want know the demnd and future opportunities accordting to my profile.
    An Automation tester always needs coding skills. A tester is expected to have domain knowledge as well. So understand your product well.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 26, 2014

    I agree with what #-Link-Snipped-# said. You should listen to him because he's been a successful QA engineer. Here's my view -

    1)How is the future of RFT outside of IBM? Should I go for QTP or Selenium?
    2)According to my profile in which domain my career growth will be propebly good(development or testing)?

    3)IS there is any advantage for me to be a tester with development background or to be a tester with testing knowledge...? I want know the demnd and future opportunities accordting to my profile.
    You can check for demand for any tool/technology just by going to a job site and performing a search. You may always upload your resume to a job site and see if you get interest from the employer. As a QA engineer, you should NOT limit yourself to just few tools. Equipped with the knowledge of RFT, you should also start educating yourself on Selenium and QTP. Try to be the dream hire for any QA role that suits your profile.

    We do not have all the information to advise you on this. But any domain that makes you immensely interested in it is guaranteed to give you a successful career. That's a very generic answer, but is 100% true.

    You will need coding skills and it's all up to you how you implement your skills. Knowledge of programming language can never be an 'issue'. The knowledge will come handy when learning new automation tools and technologies.

    I hope you found this answer useful.
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  • Crystle Sequeira

    MemberOct 31, 2014

    I joined an IT company in 2013 and was trained in .NET domain there. After this I got into a development project and was put in testing team. Here i worked on automation(internal tool framework developed by the IT company), manual testing (HP QC). After completion of this project, I wish to switch to development as I am very interested in .NET stream. I have very good technical and coding skills. What should I do , stick to testing or development?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 1, 2014

    Crystle Sequeira
    I joined an IT company in 2013 and was trained in .NET domain there. After this I got into a development project and was put in testing team. Here i worked on automation(internal tool framework developed by the IT company), manual testing (HP QC). After completion of this project, I wish to switch to development as I am very interested in .NET stream. I have very good technical and coding skills. What should I do , stick to testing or development?
    You said you want to switch to development; but did not specify any reason that's stopping you from switching. If you are interested in programming on .Net platform, go for it. All the best!
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  • minm

    MemberNov 25, 2014

    Hello Everyone ,
    I am in dilemma that whether I should keep working as a software tester or I should try my luck in Java.Currently I am working as a Associate Quality Analyst in a Product based startup .Earlier I had worked in another startup as a software developer .I am a 2014 passout( cse).My interest lies in testing and java .I quit my previous job(developer) coz I was asked to work on 2 different technologies in 2 months but I wanted to work in just one technology coz I din't want to become jack of all trades but master of none .It is my perspective that If I keep on working on different technologies then I won't be able to get into any MNC as they hire people who have >2 years experience in one technology .As you can't say no to your employers so I was not left with any other option except to quit that job .Meanwhile when I was working there I used to find out a lot of bugs in my own code and used to fix those bugs so I decided to become a software tester as being a software tester you won't be asked to work on different technologies. I put up my resume on a job portal and I got a job in a product based startup as an Associate Quality Analyst.Now I feel like I am trapped again as there are very few vacancies for software testers in mnc's(except for those who have > 3 years experience) in Delhi-Ncr so even now I won't be able to get into any Mnc . My ultimate aim is to get a job in an Mnc and I want to work particularly in these 2 fields Java development or software testing.Reason why I want to get into an mnc is "Job security" "salary is more".I don't know what to do now . I have read that software testers are paid less than software developers.I am totally confused what to do.
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  • sumnel

    MemberNov 27, 2014

    I am working as a java senior software developer. I would like to switch my career from programming to testing. Usually i do manual testing in our projects. i have java exp so i can easily learn selenium tool right?.
    I worked on linux,html,css,js,jquery,php,java,Bugzilla for bug tracking

    How hard it will be to switch the career? what concepts should i focus more on manual testing?

    as a women i have to manage my job and family as well with less pressure on work.

    please suggest me.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 27, 2014

    How hard it will be to switch the career? what concepts should i focus more on manual testing?
    It won't be difficult provided you've made up your mind and convinced that you can make a better career in software testing. I'd recommend taking a short course in software testing to make yourself familiar with the domain and know what to expect.

    Begin with manual testing and start learning about the most popular tools and technologies used in automation testing.
    as a women i have to manage my job and family as well with less pressure on work.
    You should be careful. Testing domain does not guarantee that you will have work with less pressure. You should speak with your managers and team leads to see if you can get a project where the pressure isn't much.
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  • Radhika Deshpande

    MemberNov 27, 2014

    Manual Testers are expected to have expertise in product domain. You should know your product well. Plus you have some development experience. So it will easy for you to change.
    Independent software testing services is growing rapidly with growing technological advancement in IT sector.So it expected that lot of interesting trends will come to software testing domain.
    Some of them already trending are - Testing in Agile Development Environment, Security Testing , Mobile testing, Context-driven testing. You can sometime go through on these.
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  • minm

    MemberNov 28, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# Sirji I had read this line somewhere in this thread that "people come here with their queries and we provide them solutions but they never thank us" . Sir ji what about my query. Even I had posted a query here but no one replied so I have decided that it would be my last post on this website .Signing off from crazy engineers .Thank you very much for not replying .I will find a solution on my own.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 28, 2014

    I will find a solution on my own.
    That's what we want you to do. All the best!
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberNov 28, 2014

    Manual Testers are expected to have expertise in product domain. You should know your product well. Plus you have some development experience. So it will easy for you to change.
    Independent software testing services is growing rapidly with growing technological advancement in IT sector.So it expected that lot of interesting trends will come to software testing domain.
    Some of them already trending are - Testing in Agile Development Environment, Security Testing , Mobile testing, Context-driven testing. You can sometime go through on these.
    Couldn't be agree more . A manual tester expected to be a Ninja of product knowledge otherwise (frankly speaking), there is no value. In testing field if you know your product as well as tools you are like god.

    #-Link-Snipped-# : I don't know if you are reading this of not. The way you have described, it's like you have crush on two girls but you have to choose one, so flip a coin and you will know which one to choose. No one going to tell you development is better or testing is .
    But, since you have worked as java developer and if you choose testing. You might have edge for tools like selenium.
    But I feel that, You are not in dilemma which field to choose but how to get more money as soon as possible. If you are confident about your work quality, why worry about job security.
    PS: I really want to know about your big "MNC" name you would like to work with. If anyone her from those organizations they might help you to find out what exactly they look for, in a candidate, either in development or testing.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberNov 28, 2014

    Today i had been to HTSC testing conference. pardon me if the name is incorrect.

    Its organized by Step-in. There came a lady Shalini MD from Accenture. She was saying that testing, i love testing. i eat , breathe, drink and think about testing . So be passionate about testing . It doesnt matter if you are into dev or qa.

    and never come into qa because your dev dream failed. Everything is valuable and budgets into testing increased from 28% to 35% in 2014 and that still increasing so expect more and more testing jobs.
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  • sapna reddy

    MemberNov 29, 2014

    i am trained in android app and web apps development but now am posted in testing games where we cant see any codes,just test games, but i was very much interested in development. as am testing only games ,is there anything to worry about my career.

    i was an ECE student and there is nothing technical in my game testing project.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 30, 2014

    sapna reddy
    i am trained in android app and web apps development but now am posted in testing games where we cant see any codes,just test games, but i was very much interested in development. as am testing only games ,is there anything to worry about my career.

    i was an ECE student and there is nothing technical in my game testing project.
    You wrote the answer yourself. You are interested in development and your current job does not provide you with what you like. It's time to look for what you want; so start hunting for job that puts you directly into development or into automation project where you can use your testing knowledge and coding knowledge together. What say?
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  • kaustubh sinha

    MemberDec 13, 2014

    Hi kaustubh,
    I have 2 yrs of exp in java development.Though I am trying my level best to develop interest in it as i don't like the Advanced java, frankly speaking i havn't.
    I want to change my domain to Automation or performance testing.But when i go for advice to my seniors they say that in near future each and every company is going to built a platform/frameworks/ORMs which will be will be automatically efficient in terms of performance.Hence there will not be any significant role of a performance test engineer at that time as the application will itself be better performance wise.Hence stick to development.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 13, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Don't you think they'll need to test these platforms/frameworks/ORMs which will do all the 'automatic' stuff? 😀 Can you see how big an opportunity your seniors are hinting at (much to their own dislike, maybe)?

    I'd advise not to make decisions based on what will be 'hot' in future. No one knows. Future predictors and plain ass dumbos.

    Make a career in the things / domain you love doing and are genuinely interested in. That's the proven, time-tested, sure-shot, awesome, kick-ass way of developing one's career. Do NOT pick up testing because you aren't interested in Advance Java. Know what you dislike about Advance Java. Find out if there's something that draws your interest.

    PS: Stay active on CE and help others. That's all I'm asking in return of my advice 😀
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  • Ramya.c

    MemberDec 17, 2014

    I Joined a MNC company 4 years back. i was put up in java domain, initially for 1 year i din do any coding, it was more of manual testing but after that i was given development, i am not much comfortable with development, i see testing is more intresting than development, so i want to switch to testing, but am dilemma whether its a right time to switch to testing bcoz 4 years i was in development, if i need to switch for testing what and all i need to be familiarize with. please suggest me on this. I joined a new firm a month back the same development but since its a support project i find it difficulty am not liking to proceed career here.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberDec 18, 2014

    If you are ok at Java, you can start learning selenium with java and be an automation tester.
    There is no wrong time to switch a career if you are really interested in something (testing here)
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 18, 2014

    but am dilemma whether its a right time to switch to testing bcoz 4 years i was in development, if i need to switch for testing what and all i need to be familiarize with. please suggest me on thi
    Start with the concepts of manual testing and then proceed towards Selenium, QTP and other tools that are used in the project.
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  • Ramya.c

    MemberDec 19, 2014

    Thank u 😀
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  • Nitin0790

    MemberDec 21, 2014

    I m 2014 passout.!!.
    I have done MCA and i want to do job in software development field.After 6 months of completion i still not get any job in Software development.So m thinking of switching to software testing.I dont know about software testing much and decided to have training in testing.So plz help me what to do.I m in very stress about my career.Its about 6 months and still not getting somethink.Plz plz help me or suggest me some useful advice.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 22, 2014

    .I dont know about software testing much and decided to have training in testing.So plz help me what to do
    Start with the basics of manual testing. A starter course in software QA would be of great help. Given your background in MCA, you should be able to understand things real fast and grasp the automation testing concepts sooner. All the best.

    So m thinking of switching to software testing
    If you want to get a job into development; you're bound to get totally bored in QA. Ultimately, you will be at square 1 a few years or months down the line. Choose your career wisely. I hope you have read the first post in this entire discussion thread.
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  • GMORE6

    MemberDec 26, 2014

    hi kaustub..
    i m working in an mnc for 1yr. m working on various technologies like mysql, linux etc..
    bt doesn't find a better carrer in future. if i go for a testing course nd join as a tester then current exp of mine vl b considered ?? since the exp is not in testing.. vl i get a better package than wt m getting now
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 26, 2014

    hi kaustub..
    i m working in an mnc for 1yr. m working on various technologies like mysql, linux etc..
    bt doesn't find a better carrer in future. if i go for a testing course nd join as a tester then current exp of mine vl b considered ?? since the exp is not in testing.. vl i get a better package than wt m getting now
    Why not apply and find out for yourself? It totally depends on the recruiting company whether to consider your work experience as 'experience' per se. Also, whether your package will be better depends on how useful you seem to the recruiters.
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  • GMORE6

    MemberDec 26, 2014

    But if I join any institute by paying high fees nd vl not get d job with expected CTC then ???
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 26, 2014

    But if I join any institute by paying high fees nd vl not get d job with expected CTC then ???
    Don't quit your existing job. Only when you get a new job, resign from your current job.
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  • abhi.bubna29

    MemberJan 4, 2015

    I am Electronics and communications Engineer 2014 pass out. Want to start to start my career in IT sector. so could you please suggest which is the good s/w developing or testing. Also which is good place in pune or mumbai to do the classes for same. Also currently i am working with Wipro (Third party) as a desktop support engineer. So shall i continue over here or start course in software course and then do job
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 4, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# Did you go through the various responses mentioned in the posts above? Did you find any answers among them?
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJan 4, 2015

    Just FYI, Hyderabad is a place where various software courses are not only cheapest but also the best (As per my close friend's review, he studied and was able to click decent job). City's PG services are not that bad and costlier). Let me know if someone wants to go to Hyd!! 😀
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  • Ankan27

    MemberJan 6, 2015

    I am 2013 pass out working as a manual mobile tester with less salary in small scale company with 8 months of experience which not followed the actual process which needed in testing field...
    I am fear about my career that's why i am thinking about to learn QTP tool but i don't understand from where i have learned it because its licensed version not getting easily for downloading.
    So please help me and suggest some better so that i will do something better for groom my carrer
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 6, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# - You should learn QTP from any reputed training institute in your city. If that's not possible, check if your current company can get it for you.

    If both of the above options are not possible, focus your attention to Selenium and other tools that are most frequently being used in the testing domain. That should help you make a switch.
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  • Ankan27

    MemberJan 6, 2015

    Yes its possible i am in Noida..
    So when i got complete my course then will company hire 1 year experience guy who only work as manual tester and going for automation with no experience .
    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# - You should learn QTP from any reputed training institute in your city. If that's not possible, check if your current company can get it for you.

    If both of the above options are not possible, focus your attention to Selenium and other tools that are most frequently being used in the testing domain. That should help you make a switch.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 6, 2015

    Yes its possible i am in Noida..
    So when i got complete my course then will company hire 1 year experience guy who only work as manual tester and going for automation with no experience .
    Keep looking for job. It's likely that your job search will take some time even after you complete your course. Keep making yourself awesome at QTP and keep looking for opportunities. There are enough companies in India that work in automation testing domain who'll need QTP trained professionals.
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  • Ankan27

    MemberJan 6, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Keep looking for job. It's likely that your job search will take some time even after you complete your course. Keep making yourself awesome at QTP and keep looking for opportunities. There are enough companies in India that work in automation testing domain who'll need QTP trained professionals.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJan 6, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# : Go for any good training institute learn either online or through class room training. Once that is done you will get the trial download for a month and that is more than enough for learning basics.

    If you have a QTP team in your current company ,you can ask them for the license etc as well. To practise at office.

    My suggestion: Dont pay so much money for people who say placement gurantee 😀
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  • Ankan27

    MemberJan 15, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# For 1 year experience which automation tool is best to enter in automation currently i m in manual testing and 9 months of experience and want to learn automation tool.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# For 1 year experience which automation tool is best to enter in automation currently i m in manual testing and 9 months of experience and want to learn automation tool.
    Start with any that you can immediately use. QTP and Selenium seem to be in demand across the industry.
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  • Ankan27

    MemberJan 15, 2015

    I heart that opening for QTP is more in 3+ experience not for 1+. So that's why i am thinking of learn QTP but i want to learn QTP..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2015

    I heart that opening for QTP is more in 3+ experience not for 1+. So that's why i am thinking of learn QTP but i want to learn QTP..
    Start learning today so that you can master it in the next 2 years. You'll be much ahead of the competition by then. All the best.
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  • Boon Jin Ooi

    MemberJan 23, 2015

    Hi #-Link-Snipped-#,

    Is there a job position where he is a software engineer/testing engineer? If yes, what will his job scope be?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 23, 2015

    Boon Jin
    Hi #-Link-Snipped-#,

    Is there a job position where he is a software engineer/testing engineer? If yes, what will his job scope be?
    I'm not aware of any specific jobs that demand such roles. Job scope, role and responsibility will be decided by the project managers. There can't be a general answer.
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  • Boon Jin Ooi

    MemberJan 23, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    I'm not aware of any specific jobs that demand such roles. Job scope, role and responsibility will be decided by the project managers. There can't be a general answer.
    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I was wondering which is the best testing tool to used for testing? Especially for a system that is very robust and change constantly.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 23, 2015

    Boon Jin
    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I was wondering which is the best testing tool to used for testing? Especially for a system that is very robust and change constantly.
    Again - depends on the product you are testing. For web based software - Selenium is in demand. Otherwise QTP has been industry favorite for quite some time. There are several companies that write their own testing tools to test their software.
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  • kumar krishna

    MemberJan 27, 2015

    hello sir,
    I have completed my b-tech in 2013(cse) want to make a career in IT field but i do not know even a single line of coding & scared of software developer i know there is also basic need of programming in testing as well. just clarify me briefly?
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJan 27, 2015

    kumar krishna
    I have completed my b-tech in 2013(cse) want to make a career in IT field but i do not know even a single line of coding & scared of software developer i know there is also basic need of programming in testing as well. just clarify me briefly?
    I want to share some knowledge I have gained so far -
    Yes, basic need of programming is very much required for testing as well. You should expect that you will have to write code to pull the test data from the database for your testing. Besides, there are many other scenes where you will have to put your coding knowledge to understand the logic behind the Business ideas.

    As you said, you have completed CSE in 2013, and you are scared of writing code! Please do not say like that. Try to explore why you could not learn the concepts. Try to overcome your issues. If you really want to learn stuffs, start from today itself. You are never late for learning anything anytime. Many brains are awaiting to help you in CE here in any case you find any issue. Please make sure, nobody becomes an awesome developer overnight. They have to work hard. A never-say-quit attitude when any issue is faced, makes a man great in his career.

    Lastly, fix your goal (A developer or a tester) and work hard to gain whatever knowledge it require to make you a master in that field. Overcome all hurdles to achieve your goal.
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  • kumar krishna

    MemberJan 28, 2015

    thanking you for giving reply.
    just clarify me on which language should i know for entering in software testing field ?
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJan 28, 2015

    kumar krishna
    thanking you for giving reply.
    just clarify me on which language should i know for entering in software testing field ?
    If you are entering as a fresher in fresher walk-ins, then I do not think so, recruiter will be looking for any expertise. Do not aim of giving interviews keeping a mindset of becoming tester. Do not hard code this statement at all during your interviews. My advice is - In today's competitive placement walk-ins, just enter an organization without being pre-judgemental. Later on, you can help yourself achieving your dream of becoming tester in following manner:-
    1. You can work for sometime in the assigned profile in your future company. Later on, show interest to your officials that you are more beneficial to the company as a tester. This is practically possible, one of friend switched her profile recently.

    2. If your company is not willing to depute you as a tester, you can go ahead doing various software testing project classes which are scheduled during weekends with the money you get from the salary! After gaining the expertise, you can switch to your desired job profile in other companies. And if you are staying at Hyderabad, let me tell you one thing from my personal experience, the software courses are "The Cheapest" from other places in India. (I may sound absurd, but it is the same experience of many of my friends.)

    Briefing all above Mahabharata, I can only tell, just enter into any organization ASAP. Make yourself known to the professional world. You will not be requiring any guide after that.

    Good Luck! God Bless! 😀
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  • Meghraj Choudhari

    MemberFeb 4, 2015

    Hey Kaustubh Sir,
    I done HARDWARE & NETWORKING From Pune & 12 pass Student.
    I working with PVT LTD company as a Service Engineer from last 3 year.
    But from last 1 year My work is Testing Software in Office.
    I dont have any course for S/W testing so how can i go through S/W Testing..
    I'm Interested in S/W Testing.
    Guide Me
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 4, 2015

    Meghraj Choudhari
    Hey Kaustubh Sir,
    Just from the English usage perspective; 'Hey' and 'Sir' won't go together. If you're addressing someone as 'sir' you better use more formal words like 'Dear' ☕. I'm just making a point and I don't like anyone addressing me as 'sir'; unless the addresser is the queen of England. You got the point, right?

    Meghraj Choudhari
    I done HARDWARE & NETWORKING From Pune & 12 pass Student.
    I working with PVT LTD company as a Service Engineer from last 3 year.
    But from last 1 year My work is Testing Software in Office.
    I dont have any course for S/W testing so how can i go through S/W Testing..
    I'm Interested in S/W Testing.
    Guide Me
    I'm not sure what exactly is the problem/issue or challenge here. If you wish to learn software testing; join a reputed institute or learn online. If you face difficulties, get them solved from our fellow CEans here. I'm not sure what guidance you need unless you mention it with all appropriate and relevant details.
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  • Ankan27

    MemberFeb 5, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh Katdare
    If i Learn QTP then can i work on Selenium or its totally different.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 5, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh Katdare
    If i Learn QTP then can i work on Selenium or its totally different.
    Those are two different tools and require different skills. You will have to learn each tool separately.
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  • Sundar12456

    MemberFeb 9, 2015

    hi Kaustubh Katdare,
    Need to know about ETL testing and the scope of ETL testing if I choose the ETL as my carrier?.
    awaiting reply thanks in advance..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 9, 2015

    Need to know about ETL testing and the scope of ETL testing if I choose the ETL as my carrier?.
    Did you search the Internet for what ETL testing is about? I'm sure you will find all the information you are looking for.
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  • Sundar12456

    MemberFeb 9, 2015

    thanks for the reply mate, i done the Researching using for DB related infomatica , Confusing to choose the QTP or ETL tool. already i discussed in the above subject, and finally i choose manual testing and QTP. some of them telling to choose ETL its good for the career growth need the advice from the CE to choose me carrer as manual testing and QTP or ETL ?
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberFeb 9, 2015

    Career growth is everywhere , ETL or QTP or Selenium or what not.

    The points to be noted is, ETL is something which is not used by small and small to medium companies (Now we have free ETL tools as well and these can change my statement).

    Selenium is the mostly used tool now with respect to web based testing.

    And QTP is still the market leader in testing tools.

    So depending on the demand you get the number of opportunities, but all the things mentioned above have a very guaranteed career growth. Choose what you like.
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  • Sundar12456

    MemberFeb 9, 2015

    Thanks #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Riann

    MemberMar 3, 2015

    I am a Fresher passed out in 2014 in the stream of BE IT with Distinction and overall good score but because of the fear of "i don't want to do thousand lines of coding" in the software developer field i got into the digital field. It's been 6 months now and i see no growth here and i so want to get back to the engineering field but with lack of practical knowledge and expertise i will be taking up a software testing course to learn about tools like Selenium,QTP,LR etc. Do you think this will be helpful in a software testing field for a good placement?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 4, 2015

    the fear of "i don't want to do thousand lines of coding"
    Umm, you might end up writing 10x the code in QTP; if your project demands it. But if thousands of people out there can write it - you can do it too.

    Starting with the basics of manual testing should be a good start. Of course learning automation tools would be a big plus. No one can comment on the 'good placements' part though. It's a function of several factors - and your best chance is to make yourself awesome as a QA engineer; and keep looking for jobs.
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  • abhids788

    MemberMar 8, 2015

    Sir, I am a 2012 passed out candidate from ECE branch. I was preparing for PSU sectors but being disappointed with my performance I want to go for software testing or developer(just i need a job). So, being without any experience and a gap of 2 YEARS, will this create a problem for me to get a job.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 8, 2015

    So, being without any experience and a gap of 2 YEARS, will this create a problem for me to get a job.
    No, if you have proper justification for the gap. The bigger problem could be your overall attitude towards the job. No employer loves to employ anyone who just needs a job.

    Wish you all the best!
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  • abhids788

    MemberMar 8, 2015

    Ok thank you Sir. I got it what u say😀.
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  • shivapriya316

    MemberMar 30, 2015

    hi 2012 passed out .i having 2 years experience as a .net developer ..but have no interest in coding ..can i switch over to tere any chance to join as a fresher in testing ..will mnc's recruit 2012 passdouts as freshers ..please reply
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 30, 2015

    hi 2012 passed out .i having 2 years experience as a .net developer ..but have no interest in coding ..can i switch over to tere any chance to join as a fresher in testing ..will mnc's recruit 2012 passdouts as freshers ..please reply
    Switching to testing because you do not like development isn't the right choice. Because you may find out that even testing is just as uninteresting as coding. Regarding 'Can I switch?' - the answer is yes; and you will have to look for the right opportunity. Had I been in your place, I'd have looked for the right opportunity in the testing domain in my current organisation, gained some experience in testing and then searched for a new job.

    But please make sure that testing is the domain that you wish to make your career in. Once that choice is made, several avenues will open up for you.
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  • shivapriya316

    MemberMar 30, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Switching to testing because you do not like development isn't the right choice. Because you may find out that even testing is just as uninteresting as coding. Regarding 'Can I switch?' - the answer is yes; and you will have to look for the right opportunity. Had I been in your place, I'd have looked for the right opportunity in the testing domain in my current organisation, gained some experience in testing and then searched for a new job.

    But please make sure that testing is the domain that you wish to make your career in. Once that choice is made, several avenues will open up for you.

    Thanks for ur reply sir..since Im a Ece student Im finding coding difficult thinking of moving to jobs without coding part thought of moving to some other domain...Can i learn testing skills through online ..will that help to get testing jobs..As a developer im hving knowledge in manual testing for testing my developed application ..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 30, 2015

    Can i learn testing skills through online ..will that help to search testing jobs
    You've to be confident about your learning skills. Join a reputed institute or start learning online and you will know whether you can grasp stuff by reading about it online. Of course, you can ask all your doubts to fellow professionals from QA domain and I'm sure they'll be happy to help you by addressing your doubts.

    You should really look at this possibility -

    Kaustubh Katdare
    I'd have looked for the right opportunity in the testing domain in my current organisation, gained some experience in testing and then searched for a new job.
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  • shivapriya316

    MemberMar 31, 2015

    Thanks for ur reply sir..since Im a Ece student Im finding coding difficult thinking of moving to jobs without coding part thought of moving to some other domain and thought of moving to testing..Can i learn testing skills through online ..will that help to search testing jobs
    Kaustubh Katdare
    You've to be confident about your learning skills. Join a reputed institute or start learning online and you will know whether you can grasp stuff by reading about it online. Of course, you can ask all your doubts to fellow professionals from QA domain and I'm sure they'll be happy to help you by addressing your doubts.

    You should really look at this possibility -
    Kaustubh Katdare
    You've to be confident about your learning skills. Join a reputed institute or start learning online and you will know whether you can grasp stuff by reading about it online. Of course, you can ask all your doubts to fellow professionals from QA domain and I'm sure they'll be happy to help you by addressing your doubts.

    You should really look at this possibility -
    ok sir ...thanks for ur valuable reply
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  • Seema.n

    MemberApr 13, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh,
    Read your post and its really awesome. Thank you for that.

    I have a confusion and please want some suggestion.

    I have been working as a java developer. I worked in India and now working in UK. I am good at development but not really enjoying it. I feel I am not able to contribute much as a developer.
    I am thinking of switching to testing or selenium testing as it involves java and coding.
    Please let me know what you think about it.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 13, 2015

    Welcome to CrazyEngineers, #-Link-Snipped-# . You did not specify the number of years you've been working as a developer. If you are at the start of your career, you might want to hold on to your career for a while. If you have spent > 5 years, you will have to build a solid case for career shift by having some experience in testing.

    Also keep in mind that you need to be absolutely sure that you want to switch to QA. If possible, try to spend time with testing teams in your current projects and gain some experience. Be aware that you won't be automating all the times and manual testing could get boring over time.

    Selenium testing should be a good start. Choose the tools that are relevant to your projects.
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  • Chandramohan Ankad

    MemberMay 4, 2015

    I passed out in 2013 (EEE), recently i quit my marketing engineer job. I want to work in software field (IT), i never did coding before but i m interested in coding. which is better for me testing or developing? Also which all courses are better to start as a developer.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 4, 2015

    Chandramohan Ankad
    i never did coding before but i m interested in coding
    That's contradictory. If you want to make a career as a developer, you ought to gain some experience in coding. You could have been a part time coder and gained some experience in coding, developed proficiency in one or two programming languages. I'm not sure if it'd be easy for you to get a job as a software developer with no background in programming.

    The same would apply to career in testing. I'd recommend joining a course either in software testing or development. The first post in this discussion would help you understand the difference between career in software testing and development.

    Hope this answers your question.
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  • Sanam Gurung

    MemberMay 7, 2015

    Thanks kaustubh for your information... I was having a great difficulty to consider testing or development for my career start.. I am in my last sem MCA and i am doing testing course too where i am learning selenium and manual testing.. I am good in programming and when i joined testing course many of ma frend were suggesting development instead of testing.. Which was demotivating me ... I searched online for the answer... Which i found yours very relevent to my question.... Thanks a lot for opening up the answer so clearly... You are right the growth depends upon the work u do... Thank you once again Mr. Kaustubh
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  • Danish07

    MemberMay 12, 2015

    I m electrical n electronics engineer 2013pass out .not getting job. One of my friend suggested me to do software testing. I have no idea about testing. If I do this course. How should I see my career growth ?
    And most important if not this then what should I go for?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 12, 2015

    I have no idea about testing. If I do this course. How should I see my career growth ?
    What's exactly stopping you from gathering more information about software testing? There are several resources available on the Internet that will help you understand what software testing is all about.
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  • sanket shiralkar

    MemberMay 12, 2015

    Hi kaustubh,
    I have completed my 1 year in Automation Testing QTP VBS and trainned in .NET. In spare time i developed Csharp ADO.NET programs. I have an internal offer for M.E.A.N technology development also. I like to learn new things. But I fear it should not be like Jack of all trades and master on non.
    Please help and guide me is thr any massive requirement in industry for CODEDUI or shall i continue with QTP - VBS
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 12, 2015

    sanket shiralkar
    Please help and guide me is thr any massive requirement in industry for CODEDUI or shall i continue with QTP - VBS
    I've no clue whether there's 'massive requirement' in the industry for CODEDUI. You can possibly find that out by searching on the Job Sites for the companies that are hiring in the domain. I however know that there will always be job available for an expert. There is no harm in being a jack of all trades as long as you are master of some.
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  • Laxmikanth(Lucky)

    MemberMay 12, 2015

    Hi Folks
    I Have one question to you.Actually i started my carrier with testing straem but i am passionate at coding.
    My question is Is there any choice to move on to developement stream.

    Thanks in advance.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberMay 12, 2015

    Hi Folks
    I Have one question to you.Actually i started my carrier with testing straem but i am passionate at coding.
    My question is Is there any choice to move on to developement stream.

    Thanks in advance.
    Off-course you can switch. Just put yourself at place of interviewer and ask these question to yourself-
    1. How much you are confident in {Blah} programming language? Show some of your best programs/logic you know.
    2.If you wanted to be a developer why you accepted to work in testing?
    3. Just an example -
    Format the string "I am #-Link-Snipped-#" to "(Lucky) Laxikanth am I" and ")ykcuL( htnakixaL ma I". By just using if/else and for while loop. No embedded libraries.

    Word of advice to fellas who are having doubt of switching your career to another domain.
    It just like buying a Rolax watch . No matter what you are wearing a cheap tshirt or brand new Raymond Suite.
    You just go to showroom and show the money, get the the watch. That's all.

    You have to show your potential to the job you will get it. Every other things are bull$h|t that you are not getting interview call. If you are not getting calls today then, you will get tomorrow or from some other company.
    Don't think like 50 year old uncle that there is Infosys , Wipro and TCS are the only IT companies which will give a better job and work-life.
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  • avigarg27

    MemberMay 18, 2015

    Thank you Sir your post is really helpful. You have mentione about Automation Testing but I want to know about Performance Testing as well career growth and learning opportunities in this sector.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 21, 2015

    I want to know about Performance Testing as well career growth and learning opportunities in this sector.
    You may start another discussion to understand performance testing. Asking very specific questions will help you get responses from our fellow engineers who're working in the industry and are experts.

    Career growth typically depends on your skills-set, your relationship with your bosses and other stakeholders in the organisation and opportunities that your organisation presents to you. There can't be a general answer to it. Learning opportunities are typically presented by the project that you will work on. So that's a variable as of now. Don't think much about it just yet.
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  • Bhuvan chandra

    MemberJun 19, 2015

    Hi I am 2014 passed out (B-Tech, CSE) currently working as a Desktop support engineer in wipro from past 6 months. It is hardware and networking related field. I'm not satisfying with my salary as well as less opportunity for career growth. So I'm planning to start my career in software testing. Please suggest me for better life.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 20, 2015

    Bhuvan chandra
    So I'm planning to start my career in software testing. Please suggest me for better life.
    Not sure what help you need. You seem to be on the right path.
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  • Bhuvan chandra

    MemberJun 20, 2015

    Thanks for your replay.
    What are the areas I need to concentrate before I join the training.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 20, 2015

    Bhuvan chandra
    Thanks for your replay.
    What are the areas I need to concentrate before I join the training.
    Assuming that you've made a firm decision to make career in the software testing; I'd suggest starting with the basics of manual testing. Target for a certification in testing and start learning a scripting language. That should be a good start.
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  • Bhuvan chandra

    MemberJun 20, 2015

    Thanks much Kaustubh. 👍
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  • Santhosh266

    MemberJul 21, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I'm a B.E (CSE)graduate, got my domain as "Testing Automation" .I was never a coder. But i would like to do anything that involves less coding part. As you said above Testing part requires Programming Skills equally. Will "Testing Automation" domain be good for me? What will be your choice ? What are the basic skills i need to develop ?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 22, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I'm a B.E (CSE)graduate, got my domain as "Testing Automation" .I was never a coder. But i would like to do anything that involves less coding part. As you said above Testing part requires Programming Skills equally. Will "Testing Automation" domain be good for me? What will be your choice ? What are the basic skills i need to develop ?
    Frankly speaking, what role you get depends on the project you are put in. Automation basically involves writing and deploying scripts. I don't think you need do take any extra steps. Just be open to choices and options that come your way.
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  • Santhosh266

    MemberJul 22, 2015

    thank you sir . 😀
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  • VaidehiV

    MemberAug 7, 2015

    I am applying on-campus for a company named IDeaS , they have job posts for Associate Development Tester and Software Engineer? What do you think I should opt for because we are getting a chance to choose what to apply for!
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  • Gaurav19

    MemberAug 8, 2015

    I am working as developer in an mnc.
    is there any drodown in scope for microsoft technologies?or It will be in Boon Always..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 9, 2015

    I am applying on-campus for a company named IDeaS , they have job posts for Associate Development Tester and Software Engineer? What do you think I should opt for because we are getting a chance to choose what to apply for!
    The decision has to be made by you. It not be fair if we choose the career option for you. Please read the first post in this discussion which talks about the common misconceptions about career in software testing.

    I am working as developer in an mnc.
    is there any drodown in scope for microsoft technologies?or It will be in Boon Always..
    Microsoft keeps evolving and so do other companies. We can't predict future and hence no one will know what will be in the market 5 or 10 years down the line. Your best bet is to pick one technology and keep learning newer ones.
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  • Manubhav K

    MemberAug 15, 2015

    Hi kaustubh,

    I have a work experience of 3.5 years in the IT industry.
    i have worked in testing,development and support roles.The problem is my current supervisor is not ay with me.He says that i don't have the required analytical skills for development role.
    AS you said in previous posts that once you have gained experience in any particular role,it is difficult to
    change tracks.
    What should I do?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 15, 2015

    Manubhav K
    The problem is my current supervisor
    You know the problem and the solution as well. Based on your current experience, switch to the role that you really want to make career in. I said it's difficult because for most of the people who have no experience in the domain they want to switch to. In your case, you seem to have it and should be easy for you.

    I saying 'difficult' or 'easy' cannot be final. Btw, you should talk to your supervisor and find out what exactly it is that you lack and then work on it. If he/she refuses to give you a proper feedback, think of them as 'idiot' and move on. The world is full of idiots filled with negativity anyways. We can't change the world one idiot at a time.
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  • Pallavi Sonkusare

    MemberAug 17, 2015

    I am an Software Tester with 4.5 year experience Manual and automation (QTP) testing. I have domain knowledge of Insurance claims and New business.
    Going forward in the career what field should be taken up on priority as in Managerial or Technical. Personally I am more interested in the technical side but what is the norm in the industry?
    Are there any opportunities in technical side of testing while going up the organizational ladder in the market?
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  • ram_149955

    MemberAug 17, 2015

    Pallavi Sonkusare
    I am an Software Tester with 4.5 year experience Manual and automation (QTP) testing. I have domain knowledge of Insurance claims and New business.
    Going forward in the career what field should be taken up on priority as in Managerial or Technical. Personally I am more interested in the technical side but what is the norm in the industry?
    Are there any opportunities in technical side of testing while going up the organizational ladder in the market?
    If you have interest in coding, you could learn a programming language like Java or Python. There are so many free and open source test automation tools like Selenium, which require programming knowledge.

    You might already know about this, but just in case that VBA language used in QTP is not a programming language but a scripting language. To my knowledge there are very few tools or technologies which use VBA. so I suggest you to try a language like Java or Python.
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  • Monica K

    MemberAug 25, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh ,
    This is Monica . At present I am working in well known Software company . Its being more than 1.5 yrs working experience. I have been recruited for Production Support field but luckily I got project in Development cum Testing domain.
    I have been working on UNIX scripting , did testings as well . If I talk about pure development , I have not done till now. I have done but few fragments of development I would say.
    Right now I am in dilemma stage , because I am planning to switch my job . But before this I want to make my thought clear whether I should start my career in testing or development.
    Please advise me on this.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 25, 2015

    Monica K
    Right now I am in dilemma stage , because I am planning to switch my job . But before this I want to make my thought clear whether I should start my career in testing or development.
    You did not mention the reason you are switching your job. Also, the advise remains the same - pick the career you find interesting. It appears that you do not have experience as a developer. You, however, have been exposed to QA-automation. UNIX scripting, I'd say will only introduce you to coding; but I'm not sure if your next employer will consider is a a development experience.
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  • AP83

    MemberAug 26, 2015

    I had done MCA in this year. Till today mostly I developed Java based and android projects but, I had fear that I'm weak in logic so worry about future, Confuse about which is good path for me as developer or tester?
    Even I'm Mostly interested in Analysis,Database,Testing. I have Leadership strong point, thinking in different way, questionnaire abilities.
    Please guide me right way.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 26, 2015

    I had fear that I'm weak in logic so worry about future, Confuse about which is good path for me as developer or tester?
    Switching to testing because you think you are weak in coding/logic would be disastrous. I'd not recommend it because you might soon discover that you are not meant for testing. Also, I'd recommend my first post in this entire discussion (on page 1) that compares both careers. That should answer your question - which is better for you.

    Even I'm Mostly interested in Analysis,Database,Testing. I have Leadership strong point, thinking in different way, questionnaire abilities.
    If you are interested in software QA, you might consider moving to it. However, I'd strongly recommend that you should first talk to QA folks in at least 2-3 different companies to find out what kind of job they are doing and whether you find it interesting.

    Developer or a tester - no one here can make that decision for you. For me, testing could be a better profession over development; but someone else might just think otherwise, and we'd both be right. ALWAYS make your career in the domain that looks interesting to you.
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  • AP83

    MemberAug 26, 2015

    Thank you Kaustubh.
    Still I'm confuse.
    I have 1 question is what is QA folks?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 26, 2015

    QA folks?
    QA stands for Quality Analyst. A software testing engineers are commonly known as QA professionals.
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  • spoky

    MemberAug 28, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    QA stands for Quality Analyst. A software testing engineers are commonly known as QA professionals.
    Sir I am an MCA 2014 passout. I am a web developer n i have 1 year experience in php .but i now i am not giving my 100% in php. Would it be better for me to go for testing. Plz sir guide me on this should I move to testing coz i have no idea about that but want to move out of php. I feel like nowhere to go. And also tell me what would I require for that.
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  • abhijeet kharmare

    MemberAug 31, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh,i m 2015 BE(E&TC) Passout,looking to switch in IT,but little bit confusing to go for software tester or developer,so please suggest according to career growth as tester vs developer,and if i go for testing then what is prerequisites i.e c,c++??or without knowledge of programming can i go for testing???can i get growth in testing as like developer ??thanks.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 31, 2015

    abhijeet kharmare
    Hi Kaustubh,i m 2015 BE(E&TC) Passout,looking to switch in IT,but little bit confusing to go for software tester or developer,so please suggest according to career growth as tester vs developer,and if i go for testing then what is prerequisites i.e c,c++??or without knowledge of programming can i go for testing???can i get growth in testing as like developer ??thanks.
    Have you read the first post in this entire discussion thread? That should answer your question.
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  • abhijeet kharmare

    MemberAug 31, 2015

    Thank u very much kaustubh sir
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  • abhijeet kharmare

    MemberAug 31, 2015

    bt without any programming language can i go for software testing??it wll create problem during learning or during working???
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 1, 2015

    abhijeet kharmare
    bt without any programming language can i go for software testing??it wll create problem during learning or during working???
    Software manual testing does not require you to know any programming language. However, as you make progress and are required to work on automation testing, knowledge of programming or scripting language will be needed. The choice will be based on the kind of tool you are using to test or the software being tested.
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  • abhijeet kharmare

    MemberSep 1, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Software manual testing does not require you to know any programming language. However, as you make progress and are required to work on automation testing, knowledge of programming or scripting language will be needed. The choice will be based on the kind of tool you are using to test or the software being tested.
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  • Sirajchonu

    MemberSep 4, 2015

    Hi I did my B. Tech (cse) in 2013 I am looking for testing which domain is good career and demand in market
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 4, 2015

    Hi I did my B. Tech (cse) in 2013 I am looking for testing which domain is good career and demand in market
    Web testing is one of the hottest domain in software QA.
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  • sona88

    MemberSep 9, 2015

    hi ,

    I have 3 years exp in development and 5yrs exp in testing and now I would like to move to development. will be the good move ? should I take decision to move from testing to dev now. kindly help me....

    I have exp of 3 yrs in development and 5 yrs in testing and now again I want to move to development back.
    Is the good to my career moving as developer ?
    Anyone suggest me what should I do now?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 9, 2015

    will be the good move ? should I take decision to move from testing to dev now. kindly help me....
    What do you think will go wrong if you move to development?
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  • sona88

    MemberSep 9, 2015

    I am thinking like my earlier experience in testing will go for loss in career growth? and I am still in a confusion to take any decision.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 9, 2015

    I am thinking like my earlier experience in testing will go for loss in career growth? and I am still in a confusion to take any decision.
    Well, you can definitely use your knowledge of testing, the knowledge of bugs to write better code. That should help in your career. I don't think it's confusing at all.
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  • sona88

    MemberSep 9, 2015

    Would you suggest me to switch back to development again?

    or should I continue in a Testing ..........
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 9, 2015

    Would you suggest me to switch back to development again?

    or should I continue in a Testing ..........
    It's difficult to suggest anything from the information you've provided. Let's try to answer a few things before we arrive at a good decision:
    1. Out of development and testing; which one did you like the most?
    2. Why do you want to switch to development?
    3. What are you apprehensions about switching to development or staying with the testing domain?
    4. Do you have any immediate opportunity available in the new role that you are seeking?
    5. What are your own reasons to switch to development or remain in testing?
    Remember, your detailed answers will help us understand your situation better and offer a better advice. All the best!
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  • baji

    MemberSep 13, 2015

    Hi., I am (IT) 2012 passed out guy ., i really don't no what to learn and what to do., but i will want to be an software engineer in IT Field .,pls cal me once sir on 9686048561 / 9963714626
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 13, 2015

    Hi., I am (IT) 2012 passed out guy ., i really don't no what to learn and what to do., but i will want to be an software engineer in IT Field .,pls cal me once sir on 9686048561 / 9963714626
    Do you really think someone will call you and offer help? 😀
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  • Pratiksha Pandey

    MemberSep 21, 2015

    Hi kaustub,

    m a B.Tech Graduate (ECE) in 2015...n willing to make my future in Software Field... please guide what should i opt development or testing... reminding you m not having any software background... but software is my destination m very sure about it.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 21, 2015

    Welcome to CrazyEngineers, #-Link-Snipped-# . Whether you should get into software testing or software development should be decided by you, based on your interests. The first article in this discussion aims to give you an overview of software testing vs. software development and that should help you make a decision. What looks more appealing to you; testing or development?
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  • gowthamkumar

    MemberOct 9, 2015

    hello i am MCA 2015 graduate i dont like programming and codeing, in testing v need coding knowledge .. pls clarify me ...
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  • gowthamkumar

    MemberOct 9, 2015

    hello sir i am not good programmer i like to choose my carrier in Sw testing i have completed my MCA 2015 . Is that right path to choose my carrier
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 11, 2015

    hello sir i am not good programmer i like to choose my carrier in Sw testing i have completed my MCA 2015 . Is that right path to choose my carrier
    Picking up QA because you are not good in programming is NOT the right thing to do. You should choose QA only if you think it's an exciting career.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 1, 2015

    General Note To All Career Help Seekers:

    We can't tell you what choice you should make. Our only intention is to inform you about both career streams. We really can't pick 'development' or 'testing' for you; because that's the choice you should make and be responsible for your choices. If you have questions about these two steams, we can help you compare positives and negatives. But simply asking 'which career / job should I choose' won't get you a 'definite' answer.
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  • rahul373

    MemberNov 3, 2015

    HI #-Link-Snipped-#SIR
    i had started my career in .NET but i have no idea of it i m from electrical and electronics field so i have never done any coding or programing ....and as such i don,t think i have any intrest in it ...and the company in which i started the job is going to pay me upto 6 months should i switch to testing field or continue with it .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 3, 2015

    and as such i don,t think i have any intrest in it
    If you know that you are not interested in .NET, you should explore what are you really interested in. Find out whether you like the field of software testing else you will end up in a similar situation as before.
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  • shankar24

    MemberNov 22, 2015

    am 1 year experienced in mobile app testing..what is the future scope of mobile application testing in india? whether i have to continue this field ? or have to switch to other field ? am not good in coding so please suggest me some easy automation tool to learn & use it in mobile app testing ! pls reply me....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 23, 2015

    what is the future scope of mobile application testing in india?
    It's really impossible to predict anything.
    whether i have to continue this field ? or have to switch to other field ?
    It's your choice totally. If you do not feel comfortable in your current job / profile - you may look at all the available options.
    am not good in coding so please suggest me some easy automation tool to learn & use it in mobile app testing ! pls reply me....
    If your limited skills in coding are hampering your growth, you should start learning how to code. It will help you master the automation tool easily.
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  • srinivasssan

    MemberNov 26, 2015

    Hello Sir
    I am fresher and have recently joined private limited company(Startup) as a Software Tester. I am basically hired as a manual test Engineer. But now I have got an oppurtunity to work as a technical support associate for an MNC which is offering me more good salary as compared to now which I get as a Test Engineer. Actually my subject of interest is Software Testing, and want to pursue career in same, but as of now I am confused that shall I continue with same job and Hope for more good prospectus in future or shall i not miss the oppurtunity to work with MNC with more good pay...So please help me with your opinion. Thank You
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 26, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Decision will totally depend upon your priority and expectation from your career. You say that you've recently joined the job - and it's very much in alignment of your interests. My advice would be to stay in your current job. You should resist the temptation to get a bigger pay package. Use all your energies, efforts and time to learn as much as you can about testing, explore and try to excel in automation testing and I'm sure you'll get much better opportunities in testing itself. Switching to a field of non-interest just because you're getting better salary may not prove to be a right decision in the long run.
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  • swetha12333

    MemberDec 1, 2015

    Hi i am working as a java developer in MNC company.Now i am planed to change my domain.Because i am not good in coding and i am really facing so many technical challenges.For that i plan to shift testing my decision is good or not.can any one guide is my career in testing .i am plan to learn manual + selenium
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  • Kalpana palod

    MemberDec 2, 2015

    Sandeeep Usha
    Hi Kaustubh,
    I'm a B.Tech(CSIT) graduate working as Testing Engineer. I do Manual Testing.
    Coding is my passion and I always wanted to be a developer but unfortunately I got into testing domain😔 after joining our organization.So, I thought of moving to development.Now,I have started doing automation which is interesting but we use only vbscript in QTP.
    Is it better to move to development or to continue career in automation testing by getting hands on QTP and selenium.
    Hello m interested in testing bt is der ny compulsion to do testing certification to get job in testing field???
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 2, 2015

    For that i plan to shift testing my decision is good or not.can any one guide is my career in testing .i am plan to learn manual + selenium
    Switching to testing because you are not comfortable with coding would be a bad career choice. Switch to testing ONLY IF you find it more attractive than your current profile. Read the first post in this entire discussion to get an idea of what's involved in QA.
    Kalpana palod
    Hello m interested in testing bt is der ny compulsion to do testing certification to get job in testing field???
    There is no compulsion to get yourself certified. However, a certification will definitely give you an edge over others.
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  • Sidharthh

    MemberDec 8, 2015

    hi ... i am sidharth. i am 2014 passout. i have not much skill in it good if i continue my career as tester...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2015

    hi ... i am sidharth. i am 2014 passout. i have not much skill in it good if i continue my career as tester...
    If testing is what you do the best, you may continue your career in this domain. Wish you all the best!
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  • vug

    MemberDec 9, 2015

    Sir I'm Vikas , tell me large scope between development or testing ?

    Sir I'm Vikas
    Pls tell me what can choose testing or development for bright future
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 9, 2015

    Sir I'm Vikas , tell me large scope between development or testing ?

    Sir I'm Vikas
    Pls tell me what can choose testing or development for bright future
    Have you read the first post in this entire discussion? Please read it and let me know what you think.
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  • WinZ

    MemberDec 11, 2015

    Hi Sir, would be appreciated if you can give me some suggestions. Sorry in advance for this long post.
    I graduated from Computer Science degree a year ago, and working as a QA analyst now. During my undergraduate, I was a QA co-op as well (which explained why I'm stuck in the QA domain). In total, I now have just over 3 years of experience as a QA. I learned how to utilize Linux/UNIX commands, set up local testing environment in jboss and websphere, using web debugging tools (eg. Fiddler), exposed to mssql (and write sql), write test script (and sometimes help out writing JUnit tests), and of course, wrote test plans, logged bugs and did a lot of manual testing.
    My concern is, I find manual testing, especially during regression testing so boring and not challenging. However, I do enjoy scrum testing sometimes where I get to learn new things. I enjoy coding and problem solving, but somehow I'm still hesitant to switch to dev..
    What's your opinion?

    Thanks a lot again!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 11, 2015

    Sorry in advance for this long post.
    I really wonder why do most of the people apologize for 'long post'. Short posts that convey absolutely no information or background of the question are difficult to answer. We aren't writing a facebook post; are we?

    My concern is, I find manual testing, especially during regression testing so boring and not challenging. However, I do enjoy scrum testing sometimes where I get to learn new things. I enjoy coding and problem solving, but somehow I'm still hesitant to switch to dev..
    What's your opinion?
    If you enjoy scrum; look for opportunities in that domain. I'm not sure why do you think you must switch to development. You already know what you want; and you need not seek others opinions. Just believe in your own guts and take the steps. You already are equipped with all the knowledge. Don't look for affirmations from others.
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  • WinZ

    MemberDec 11, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    I really wonder why do most of the people apologize for 'long post'. Short posts that convey absolutely no information or background of the question are difficult to answer. We aren't writing a facebook post; are we?

    If you enjoy scrum; look for opportunities in that domain. I'm not sure why do you think you must switch to development. You already know what you want; and you need not seek others opinions. Just believe in your own guts and take the steps. You already are equipped with all the knowledge. Don't look for affirmations from others.
    Thanks for your quick reply. But if I'm looking into a more technical side of QA, what skills should I build?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 11, 2015

    But if I'm looking into a more technical side of QA, what skills should I build?
    Your earlier post did not reflect that.

    Tagging #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# to help you out.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberDec 12, 2015

    In the fast paced world, scrum is nothing but just a new methodology in the testing era, which is ensuring that the work gets completed with much faster pace. Get some Agile training and that should help you for sure (Once you get some experience go for Scrum master certification as well).

    If you have some coding experience or wish to do coding, I must say you Dev is not the only place where coding is required. Technology is changing fast, and soon it will become mandatory for a QA to have coding skills as well. Get some hands-on experience on Java and learn selenium on your own by automating few applications like FB, GMAIL... why not write some automation code for your learning and help on the forum itself?

    NOTE: if you love .NET, then go for VSTS... If not than VBScript is the easiest one to start using excel macro's.

    Let me know if you have any specific interest and need guidance.
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  • WinZ

    MemberDec 12, 2015

    Anil Jain
    In the fast paced world, scrum is nothing but just a new methodology in the testing era, which is ensuring that the work gets completed with much faster pace. Get some Agile training and that should help you for sure (Once you get some experience go for Scrum master certification as well).

    If you have some coding experience or wish to do coding, I must say you Dev is not the only place where coding is required. Technology is changing fast, and soon it will become mandatory for a QA to have coding skills as well. Get some hands-on experience on Java and learn selenium on your own by automating few applications like FB, GMAIL... why not write some automation code for your learning and help on the forum itself?

    NOTE: if you love .NET, then go for VSTS... If not than VBScript is the easiest one to start using excel macro's.

    Let me know if you have any specific interest and need guidance.
    Thanks a lot for your reply! It's really helpful 😀 I'll get started with Selenium then. In addition to automation, my interest also lies around web services, big data...but not sure what I need to learn for that. Please guide me.. Thanks!
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  • Abhijith Sampath

    MemberDec 20, 2015

    Hi.... I have completed B.E in mechanical and I'm thinking to move into software field.... Do u think I can make it into software field by doing some courses...
    If so which field do you prefer software development or testing
    Or will it be difficult for me to learn the coding
    Pls help me.... Waiting for your reply

    Hi, I have completed B.E in mechanical engineering.... Now I'm thinking of getting into software field.... Can I make it in that field...
    If so which shall I adopt... Software development or software testing....?
    Can I learn some course.... Will it be difficult for me since I'm not from computer science....
    Pls help me out.... Waiting for your reply
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 20, 2015

    Abhijith sam
    Do u think I can make it into software field by doing some courses...
    Abhijith sam
    If so which field do you prefer software development or testing
    Abhijith sam
    Or will it be difficult for me to learn the coding
    ...none of those questions can be answered by us. Believe in yourself and ask for information. Don't ask for our opinion about your capabilities. All the best!
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  • Abhijith Sampath

    MemberDec 20, 2015

    Thankz kausthub
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  • DipRocky

    MemberDec 23, 2015

    I passed out in 2014(IT) and was never a coder. Joined an organisation as java developer but I think I am not good at logic and can't able to code properly but I was knowing the functionality and flow.As they later shift me to the operation team for their internal work. So I left the job because I want to make a long time career either in software developer or testing. Should I switched to testing field please guide me through this decision?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 23, 2015

    So I left the job because I want to make a long time career either in software developer or testing. Should I switched to testing field please guide me through this decision?
    Have you read the first post in the entire discussion? What kind of career do you think is ideal for yourself? We can't take decision for you; you will have to guide us about your preferences.
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  • Lalit kumar Choudhary

    MemberDec 26, 2015

    Plz tell me time duration for software testing course
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  • Lalit kumar Choudhary

    MemberDec 27, 2015

    Hello everyone,
    Plz thodi c help kriyee...
    I m ece engineer 2014 passout with 1 year exp. In production plant as a apprentice trainee and after training I m still job less
    And now I m switch to software testing field . .
    Me khi..jald bazi me koi mistake to nhi kr RHA..
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  • roshnimohan

    MemberJan 5, 2016

    hello sir,im a btech graduate in electronics and communication 2010 passout.i have no experence in IT field .but now im thinking to do some training course and join the IT field .can u please suggest will it be good for me to join the testing field and to do which course..hoping for ur positive reply..thank you
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 5, 2016

    This isn't the proper discussion to ask your questions about various training courses. Ask them on - #-Link-Snipped-#

    Note: Please be as descriptive as you can and tell us all the information about yourself that we should know; and help us in understanding your situation better.
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  • mvinoth5

    MemberJan 11, 2016

    Hi, I am a final year CSE student in Chennai,India. I recently got recruited in a product company. I am starting my career from July 2016. From your post, I have understood that both qualities are important. But I still have some doubts.

    1.Developer or tester? Who gets onsite opportunity more?
    2.I might mostly get c# domain(company people told me). Is it worth to start career in c#? Some people still preferring java.
    3.How will the developer life be. Will it be like creating class,adding methods. performing operations. How many lines of code will a developer type in a day?
    Please help me with the answers for these questions to start my career.
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  • Samsuresh

    MemberJan 11, 2016

    I am a final year CSE student. I recently got recruited in a product company. I am joining new company from July,2016. I understood from your post that both developer and tester are important. I still have doubts.

    1.Onsite opportunities?Developer or Tester. Who gets more?
    2.Is c# a good domain to start a career(company people told I might get c# domain)
    3.Since I am new, I want to know. How many lines of code a developer will type in a day in normal IT company.Will it be like creating class, methods.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 11, 2016

    1.Developer or tester? Who gets onsite opportunity more?
    I don't have the exact data for Indian IT; but that won't be useful anyway. You will have to talk to the HR officials and project managers to know which stream would give you an opportunity to go onsite.

    2.I might mostly get c# domain(company people told me). Is it worth to start career in c#? Some people still preferring java.
    Do you see yourself coding in C# (other any other language) all your life? Certainly no. Just be open to learning new technologies as the opportunities knock your door.

    3.How will the developer life be. Will it be like creating class,adding methods. performing operations.
    Strange question. Doesn't that depend upon the type of software you'll be developing and your specific feature requirement? As a C# coder, you should be able to do all of that.

    How many lines of code will a developer type in a day?
    Won't that depend upon your typing skills and coding abilities? There are coders who can achieve the desired result in 1/10 of lines of code over other 'regular' coders. 😀
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  • Anshika Nagori

    MemberJan 20, 2016

    I completed 2 years in my organization this month. Though I was hired as a software developer, due to their requirement they put me into a testing project and that project was for 1.5 years(most of my career). Now I am confused what should I do next?
    Should I continue with testing or go into development?

    PS. I am not very passionate about coding(as you said, never written a code for fun).

    I completed 2 years in my organization this month. Though I was hired as a software developer, the first project which I got was for testing(due to requirements, I had to do it). This project went of for a good 1.9 months.. and now I am confused to as in what should I do next. Should I go into development or continue with testing?

    PS. I am not a passionate coder(As you said, I have never written a code for fun).
    Please help
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  • Arpithav

    MemberJan 22, 2016

    I have just joined an IT company. I am a person who can handle medium amount of coding. I cannot sit on a particular problem for a long time, if i am stuck while coding. I need to to a break and come back to solve. But cannot continue without a break or anything. Now the thing is with this much of coding capacity I thought i want to be a developer. But seeing those people who wont give up on a code when they are stuck or anything I feel that may be I dont want to be a developer.
    But right now i have been put in testing and i am kinda liking it(just started right?Quite excited!!). The thing is right now I have an opportunity to choose between testing or development. I want to know which is the right thing for me to choose. I am not a person who will search answers for my problems online. But first time I have done it and kinda hoping that i will get good response.

    Please help me.. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 22, 2016

    Anshika Nagori
    PS. I am not a passionate coder(As you said, I have never written a code for fun).
    Please help
    Welcome to CrazyEngineers. You did not mention whether you're enjoying the testing project and have learned about your career options in the testing domain. You've not mentioned what your career aspirations are and what kind of career you expect for yourself.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 22, 2016

    But right now i have been put in testing and i am kinda liking it(just started right?Quite excited!!). The thing is right now I have an opportunity to choose between testing or development.
    If you can borrow time; learn more about testing domain and see if it looks interesting to you.
    I want to know which is the right thing for me to choose.
    That's the answer you will have to find on your own. In general, do not decide your career seeing others. There are people who'll put their heart and soul into one thing and excel at it. You don't have to compete with them. Just pick up the track you think you are most comfortable with and then try to excel in it; but that will depend upon your career aspirations.
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  • sanket013

    MemberJan 24, 2016

    Hi Sir,
    Is it okay if one wants to switch career and company from Software Development to Software Testing after two years of C++ experience.
    Also, if yes how to convince the new hiring person about the switch?

    Any idea would be of great help!!

    Regarding my previous question..
    I have done development for 1.5 years of work life and little bit of Testing work(6 months of Unit test cases).
    But I was not too keen for development.
    Was doing that work just for the sake of it.
    Now after reading your blog, I am worried about my career growth prospects.
    What should I do?

    Help required..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 24, 2016

    Is it okay if one wants to switch career and company from Software Development to Software Testing after two years of C++ experience.
    There's no general answer to your question. It's going to be specific for your case.
    Now after reading your blog, I am worried about my career growth prospects.
    What part of my post makes you worry about your growth prospects?

    What should I do?
    As always, first thing to do is to find out whether you will be happy with the role of a QA. Or are you jumping into it without really understanding what you're doing? Do you find QA exciting enough that you can actually learn new things, improve your skill-set and make a progress?
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  • Arpithav

    MemberJan 26, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Welcome to CrazyEngineers. You did not mention whether you're enjoying the testing project and have learned about your career options in the testing domain. You've not mentioned what your career aspirations are and what kind of career you expect for yourself.
    It has been a month n a half almost I have been in testing. It is nice experience. I am liking it. In fact while doing my testing job I don't want to take breaks I just want to sit, finish off the work and I enjoy doing so. Working without break doesn't bother me. It is a nice feeling to finish off one task and take up a new testing task. But initially(before I was put in testing) I thought I wanted coding, I wanted to be a developer. So what do I do? And to add on I have plans to do Higher Education(MS). So what are my opportunities if I choose testing now. Will it help me later? Or do I have to choose Development? Which helps me better?
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  • Mayank Shabani

    MemberJan 26, 2016

    Hi All,
    First of all thank you for giving us a better understanding about software development and software testing.

    My Query is, I have been working as a Manual Tester for past 1.6 years and have not written a single line of code.

    Could you please tell me if there is any scope in manual testing?
    I mean if I avoid learning Automation testing or any scripting language so will I get good offers in Manual Testing.

    PS: I am looking out for a job change, Please let me know if my qualification can let me find a good job

    Thank you
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 27, 2016

    Mayank Shabani
    Could you please tell me if there is any scope in manual testing?
    I mean if I avoid learning Automation testing or any scripting language so will I get good offers in Manual Testing.
    It's difficult to provide a general answer; because it will depend upon individual case. In general, I'd expect lesser amount of opportunities in manual testing. Manual testing would be good for first 1 - 1.5 years of your career; but you should really look at expanding your skillset.

    Your best bet is to find out how many opportunities are available to manual testing engineers for ~1.5 -2 years of experience and then for 4-6 years of experience. If you wish to stick to manual testing; I'd recommend staying with the same company and grow to team-lead / project manager level so that you can switch job to a management position.

    All that said, learn automation and open more opportunities for yourself.
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  • terrag

    MemberJan 27, 2016

    Hi all,
    Im a new member of crazyengineers.I was going through this discusion about development and testing.Thank you kaustubh for giving a clear cut understanding about the difference.I am a mother of 2 kids .Its been 8years since i left this industry.I worked for around 2years as a developer and had to resign.but now i want to reenter this industry.Firstly ,im not sure if companies are hiering people with this long gap.Secondly, I am looking out for a post where i can take my job and my kids hand in hand.please advise.... I am ready to join any course which is needed for this. Thanks in advance.
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  • shivani batra

    MemberFeb 3, 2016

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I've gone through the discussion about the carrer between software tester and software developer. But after studying all the comments, this leads to me in a doubt.

    I'm an automation test engineer with an experience of around 1 year, basically automating the angular application using Protractor with Jasmine framework. And i've an option to switch in the development side within the same organization. So should i go for the development side or stick to the automation test. I'm confused as i've interest in both the automation testing as well as development.
    Looking for your reply.

    Thanks in advance. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 3, 2016

    Firstly ,im not sure if companies are hiering people with this long gap
    Companies do hire engineers with long gap in their careers. Be prepared to handle questions about it. Opting for a course would be the right thing to do.
    I am looking out for a post where i can take my job and my kids hand in hand.please advise.... I am ready to join any course which is needed for this. Thanks in advance.
    It's not clear what kind of job you wish to take up. Are you looking for a full time reentry into the IT industry with a developer or QA role? Or are you looking to explore other career options as well? Some more clarity will help attract better responses.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 3, 2016

    I'm an automation test engineer with an experience of around 1 year, basically automating the angular application using Protractor with Jasmine framework. And i've an option to switch in the development side within the same organization. So should i go for the development side or stick to the automation test. I'm confused as i've interest in both the automation testing as well as development.
    Looking for your reply.
    Thanks in advance. 😀
    Well, it depends upon your career aspirations. Whether you stick to QA or move to development needs to be decided by your long term career goals. Do you see equal growth opportunity in both domains? Are you fully aware of what kind of role you'll be required to do in your new developer role? What kind of tools and technologies will you be working on?

    If you think switching to developer role will enhance your future growth options; go for dev. Or else, build upon your existing skills-set so that you get more opportunities in your current organisation or elsewhere.

    As you can guess, it's difficult to make proper suggestions without realising the entire situation. The bottom line is - set your career goals and see which track helps you achieve it quicker and easier.
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  • terrag

    MemberFeb 3, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Companies do hire engineers with long gap in their careers. Be prepared to handle questions about it. Opting for a course would be the right thing to do.

    It's not clear what kind of job you wish to take up. Are you looking for a full time reentry into the IT industry with a developer or QA role? Or are you looking to explore other career options as well? Some more clarity will help attract better responses.
    Thanks for the response. I am looking out for a full time reentry into the IT industry.
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  • shivani batra

    MemberFeb 4, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Well, it depends upon your career aspirations. Whether you stick to QA or move to development needs to be decided by your long term career goals. Do you see equal growth opportunity in both domains? Are you fully aware of what kind of role you'll be required to do in your new developer role? What kind of tools and technologies will you be working on?

    If you think switching to developer role will enhance your future growth options; go for dev. Or else, build upon your existing skills-set so that you get more opportunities in your current organisation or elsewhere.

    As you can guess, it's difficult to make proper suggestions without realising the entire situation. The bottom line is - set your career goals and see which track helps you achieve it quicker and easier.
    Thanks for your reply. 😀

    I'm not sure as of now, which tools and technologies i'll get chance to work on in development side. Most probably they give me the chance to work either on Java or angular if they provide me the web development.
    Here the main point is, The switching happens in the dev side, rest the product and the organization remains the same. Its a new start of this product in India site. Earlier
    it was developed at some other site. So here at this site, everyone will start leraning development on this product from the scratch. So do you think that will give me more chance to grow?
    And do you have any idea of the scope of Protractor in the outer world.

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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberFeb 4, 2016

    Thanks for your reply. 😀

    I'm not sure as of now, which tools and technologies i'll get chance to work on in development side. Most probably they give me the chance to work either on Java or angular if they provide me the web development.
    Here the main point is, The switching happens in the dev side, rest the product and the organization remains the same. Its a new start of this product in India site. Earlier
    it was developed at some other site. So here at this site, everyone will start leraning development on this product from the scratch. So do you think that will give me more chance to grow?
    And do you have any idea of the scope of Protractor in the outer world.

    Hi Anisha,

    Protractor is some tool that is developed for testing Angular Application. Its a javascript tool as you know , and if you look inside there are methods that are wrapped over selenium js methods.

    So for the scope is concerned the scope is good.

    And as far as i see if you get a chance to work on Angular development, always take it. The market value for Angular is great as of now, and you can also do the unit and integration testing with protractor.

    So you can do both development and also testing.
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  • p.srinivas reddy

    MemberFeb 4, 2016

    My name is P.srinivas reddy
    I am 2015 passedout
    I completed my b-tech with mechanical engineering . I got placed in a company as a testing now i am not feeling good with the manual testing so i am thinking to jump into the developing side.But the main problem is i dont have any knowledge in the coding.Now can you please suggest me to which field i have to choose
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 4, 2016

    Thanks for the response. I am looking out for a full time reentry into the IT industry.
    Full time re-entry meaning you'll have to dedicated about ~8 hours + travel time for your job. In bigger cities this could very well mean ~9-10 hours. So make your decision wisely.

    Both QA and Dev roles are likely to offer similar work pressures. It all depends upon what kind of project that you get and what role take up. You might want to revisit all the technologies, tools, programming languages you worked on - because 8 years is a long time in technology evolution. Once that is done and you are sure that you can crack interview; you may start applying.
    Secondly, I am looking out for a post where i can take my job and my kids hand in hand.please advise.... I am ready to join any course which is needed for this. Thanks in advance.
    I do not have any specific recommendations for courses since you did not mention the tools/technologies you worked on. Find the most relevant one to refresh your skills.

    I'll take liberty to make another suggestion you might want to consider - If your financial conditions allow for it; I'd recommend you to look at freelancing as an option. It could be a slow start but income opportunities are going to be amazing if you are good at your job. You can work from the comfort of your home and at schedules that suit you. If the projects grow in size, you may recruit someone to help you.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 4, 2016

    p.srinivas reddy
    But the main problem is i dont have any knowledge in the coding.
    Switching to development because you are bored with manual testing ain't going to make it any good for you. Take your time to find out if development is something that suits you. You already are aware of the problem - lack of development related knowledge. Join any course in your city or opt for online tutorials or certification courses, build your skill-set and go for the developer role.

    It's difficult to make any recommendations or suggestions based on the information you have provided.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 4, 2016

    I'm not sure as of now, which tools and technologies i'll get chance to work on in development side. Most probably they give me the chance to work either on Java or angular if they provide me the web development.
    I think you can easily get that information by speaking with your team leads or project managers. You should make it very clear before you opt for the new role. Please consider answering the questions I've asked in my earlier post. Those questions are likely to help you take a better decision.

    So here at this site, everyone will start leraning development on this product from the scratch. So do you think that will give me more chance to grow?
    And do you have any idea of the scope of Protractor in the outer world.
    That'd be in your favour. Your initial doubt, I believe, is about switching your track from QA to dev. I'd advise you not to base your decision based upon any specific tool or technology. It's incredibly difficult to make predictions about future and scope of any tool. As Sandy said in his response, Angular JS is becoming quite popular and since it's backed by Google, it's a long-term play.

    If your bosses confirm that you'll get to work on Angular JS as a developer; you might want to grab the opportunity. You don't have anything to lose. Hope this helps.
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  • avinash_23

    MemberFeb 5, 2016

    I have zero knowledge on software testing or development. I want to get into IT industry. But I am not able to decide which path to choose. I am not interested in coding so many advised me to take testing. What is the first step that I have to take to get into testing and wat are the training programs or courses that I have to take to start my career in software testing . Please help me.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberFeb 8, 2016

    I have zero knowledge on software testing or development. I want to get into IT industry. But I am not able to decide which path to choose. I am not interested in coding so many advised me to take testing. What is the first step that I have to take to get into testing and wat are the training programs or courses that I have to take to start my career in software testing . Please help me.

    HI Welcome to CE. Even testing needs coding skills. These days purely manual testing is difficult.

    Without coding you can try SAP testing or some other types of testing like Security, or exploratory but any testing that is needs some coding..
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  • Mr.arvind

    MemberFeb 15, 2016

    I am a electrical engineer fresher and want to work in IT field I have these options to choose my career
    Networking CCNA
    Windows > MCSA
    Testing ISTQB
    Linux RHCSA
    Software Applications –> ITIL 2011
    SQL –> MCTS
    Please help to.choose that have bright future growth and high sailry.
    Please reply me #-Link-Snipped-#
    I have options to learn these course please reply as soon as possible......
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  • Thushan

    MemberFeb 17, 2016


    I'm a fresher, I'm in training right now. Now the management has asked me to choose either development or testing. I'm confused which one to go with. I like coding but the coding only happens during my training after training we'll be using a tool call pegs for development. Which is a product configuration tool, for this tool there's only 20% coding required. On the other hand we have testing, in there we'll learn QTP, manual testing and automation testing. I need your feedback on this, which one to go with.
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  • jasvinder singh_023

    MemberFeb 20, 2016

    sir iam fresher and i have good knowledge of core java(only theory in detail). but im not interested in interested in Sql, Dbms or little bit in testing.. plz help me what i decide for my better future.
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  • vibha gupta

    MemberFeb 22, 2016

    Hello sir,
    I am mca2013 passout.I have 1.5 year experience in .net development .but I have no interest in coding now I want to switch in testing profile. Is it possible for me after so long time to switch in testing profile
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 23, 2016


    I'm a fresher, I'm in training right now. Now the management has asked me to choose either development or testing. I'm confused which one to go with. I like coding but the coding only happens during my training after training we'll be using a tool call pegs for development. Which is a product configuration tool, for this tool there's only 20% coding required. On the other hand we have testing, in there we'll learn QTP, manual testing and automation testing. I need your feedback on this, which one to go with.
    Well, the decision will have to be yours; because we cannot tell you which to choose. Please do read the first post in the entire discussion and you will know what each career path offers. Always think long term; while taking a decision. Whether you choose testing or development - you should be FULLY convinced of your choice.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 23, 2016

    jasvinder singh_023
    sir iam fresher and i have good knowledge of core java(only theory in detail). but im not interested in interested in Sql, Dbms or little bit in testing.. plz help me what i decide for my better future.
    Well, you are not interested in coding. You mentioned that you're interested in SQL and testing. You should ideally look for job in testing and specialize in DB testing or performance testing. Hope this helps.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 23, 2016

    vibha gupta
    Hello sir,
    I am mca2013 passout.I have 1.5 year experience in .net development .but I have no interest in coding now I want to switch in testing profile. Is it possible for me after so long time to switch in testing profile
    You haven't mentioned anything about your background; therefore it's not really possible to offer suggestions. But when it comes to 'possibility' - it's possible. I mean, what can I say? If you are skilled enough and are ready to learn and can find the right opportunity; you should be able to switch to testing. All the best!
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  • abhijeet kharmare

    MemberMar 23, 2016

    hello,I am BE(E&TC)Passed out i have completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Software Testing.In interview interviewer asked me that why u choose software testing as ur career???w8 will be the right answer??pls
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 23, 2016

    abhijeet kharmare
    In interview interviewer asked me that why u choose software testing as ur career?
    There is no 'right' answer to this question. Simply state your real reason for choosing software testing as career. It's something you should know!
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  • shiviijha

    MemberMar 31, 2016

    Could you help me??

    Can you please explain me how is the career in software testing?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 31, 2016

    Could you help me??
    Can you please explain me how is the career in software testing?
    Not sure what to answer. Rephrase your question or simply ask very specific questions you want answers to. The general answer is - career in software testing is good, fulfilling and growth oriented.
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    MemberApr 2, 2016

    i am passout my btech in 2015 (ece)
    till now i didnt take any software coachings
    sir, please help me which domain is better to choose for job
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 2, 2016

    i am passout my btech in 2015 (ece)
    till now i didnt take any software coachings
    sir, please help me which domain is better to choose for job
    The information you have provided is too less to make any suggestion.
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  • Kumaran Elavarasan

    MemberApr 13, 2016

    Hi folks,
    I am working as Test Engineer. The testing I do is performance testing, and tools i use is Load Runner, Performance Center, Apache Jmeter.I like coding, I have knowledge in JAVA and Python, but now I am into non functional testing. Do this hold a scope, or moving to development is better?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 14, 2016

    Kumaran Elavarasan
    Do this hold a scope, or moving to development is better?
    Please go through the very first post in the entire discussion. I'm sure it will help you make a decision.

    The information you've provided is very limited and we do not know how many years of experience you have in the field. It's therefore not possible to offer the best of the advice we can. In general, there is definitely scope for growth in functional testing and then into automation testing. You'll have to make your choice wisely. All the best!
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  • Confused123

    MemberApr 16, 2016

    Hi Kaustubh.. I have been reading about this topic a lot but this is the first site that proved useful to me..Amazing place for guidance (y)
    I am in a similar kind of dilemma, need your help here. I completed my engineering in ENTC and I am working as a software developer(.Net) from past 2.5 years. Every time I get a new task, I get all tensed up. I feel coding is not for me. Although I am always able to complete my task on time and also appreciated by my seniors and manager. I have no experience in testing, however, I do enjoy unit testing that every developer needs to do. I am confused if I should switch to testing at this stage. Everyone around me says that I should stay in development as QA's get paid less. Also, will I be treated as a fresher if I switch? If so, then it will be like starting all over again as a fresher.
    Please guide me.!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 16, 2016

    I have been reading about this topic a lot but this is the first site that proved useful to me..Amazing place for guidance
    Thank you for all the nice words.

    I feel coding is not for me. Although I am always able to complete my task on time and also appreciated by my seniors and manager.
    My response is purely based on the information you've provided. It appears to me that your confidence level in your own development abilities needs a boost. You're capable of completing the tasks which means you already know what it takes and you should build upon it.

    however, I do enjoy unit testing that every developer needs to do.
    If you enjoy reviewing your own and peer code, then that's good; but be aware that this is NOT what a typical software engineer, working in Indian IT services company will do. Most of the IT jobs in Indian IT are manual + automation and seldom involve code review / testing. So try to find out as much information you can about software testing jobs.

    Everyone around me says that I should stay in development as QA's get paid less.
    That is true to some extent; but only during the initial years. I guess software testing engineers can earn at par or even more than developers - if they find the right opportunities.
    Also, will I be treated as a fresher if I switch? If so, then it will be like starting all over again as a fresher.
    Totally depends upon the way you make a switch the software QA. However, Dev -> QA switch should not necessarily be a fresh start. You should treat is as your advantage over others because you already will know what the most obvious places to find bugs.

    That said, it appears to me that you do not have a clear picture of what QA job involves. I'd strongly recommend interacting with testing engineers in your own organization and find out what kind of roles and responsibilities are given to them. If they look exciting to you and something that you'll enjoy doing, you might consider switching to testing.

    I'd however think that you'd be better staying in your development role and start exploring the problem areas. If it's lack of knowledge of specific areas in .Net related to your work that make you nervous - you should work on building your skills. Switching to a new domain only because you're not happy with your existing one could be disastrous.

    Hope this helps. If you have more questions, shoot them across.
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  • Confused123

    MemberApr 17, 2016

    Thanks Kaustubh for such a quick reply and answering all my questions.. Although, I forgot to mention that down the line I want to get into management side and not in technical one, and though I complete my tasks I hardly enjoy doing it. Also I feel, as I am sure that i don't want to get into technical stuff later on, it would be better if I get into QA rather than struggling with coding part. I might be wrong at this thought , just need your advice.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 17, 2016

    though I complete my tasks I hardly enjoy doing it.
    Are you absolutely sure that the QA domain that you're eyeing will be enjoyable? If yes - you may make the move. You'll have to check what kind of career growth option your company offers. Most of the companies have technical and management tracks and you may choose to get into management track.

    In order to get into management track - there are two big options: First, simply choose the management track in your organisation so that after about 4-6 years you'll get promoted as team-lead and project manager. But be aware that you will still need to have a good grasp of the technology.

    Alternatively, you might want to get into further studies in management. You might want to explore this option if time and other resources permit.

    The main problem you've described is that you do not enjoy doing your tasks; and that's something needs attention. If you plan on switching your career, you need to be absolutely sure that the new track will offer a solution to the problem you want to avoid. Most of the engineers will automatically get promoted to 'management' level after spending sufficient time in the industry. You need to have a clear idea of what kind of role you want to be playing.
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  • Confused123

    MemberApr 18, 2016

    Thank You soo much Kaustubh for explaining it in detail. I really feel better and enlightened after talking to you.! 😀
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  • chandu reddy

    MemberApr 24, 2016

    Actually i started my career as a manual tester ,now i am interested to learn selenium and shift to the development team .so, can you help me regarding this weather i need to continue or better to shift to other domain

    chandu reddy
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  • Swati93

    MemberMay 21, 2016

    Hello, Kaustubh
    I m presently studying MCA second year and now I m done with exams and I m totally in dilemma like in the month of august I will have placements and before they come I want to do courses so that i learn some new things n that will add up plus point to my CV.But I m not sure to go towards development or testing.So please help me out to choose either of them and please let me know the institute as well .And how is the scope for hadoop if i give a new start towards coding can I make a career in hadoop.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 29, 2016

    chandu reddy
    Actually i started my career as a manual tester ,now i am interested to learn selenium and shift to the development team .so, can you help me regarding this weather i need to continue or better to shift to other domain
    chandu reddy
    Sorry for the late response. I'm not sure if picking up Selenium would directly get you entry into the development team. Selenium is automation testing tool. You'll have to clarify a bit more on this. In any case, learning Selenium is going to be good for your career.

    All the best!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 29, 2016

    Hello, Kaustubh
    I m presently studying MCA second year and now I m done with exams and I m totally in dilemma like in the month of august I will have placements and before they come I want to do courses so that i learn some new things n that will add up plus point to my CV.But I m not sure to go towards development or testing.So please help me out to choose either of them and please let me know the institute as well .And how is the scope for hadoop if i give a new start towards coding can I make a career in hadoop.
    It's difficult to offer any help based on the information you've provided. You should perhaps read the first post in the entire discussion that talks about career in both fields and find out which one looks more appealing to you. There are good growth opportunities in both QA and Development. I am unable to make suggestions about the institute because I don't know where you are located.

    Hadoop - is a big data technology. If you don't know anything about Hadoop; I'd ask you to explore as much information you can before deciding on making a career in it. Do not go by what totally uninformed people are saying about technology and its scope. Freshers might find it extremely difficult to get directly into hadoop domain; but of course - there are exceptions. You could begin by searching on Naukri and other portals for hadoop openings for freshers and the qualifications they require.

    I hope this helps. Wish you all the best.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberMay 30, 2016

    Hi Sir,
    My name is Siva Kumar. I want to switchover from mechanical Engineering to software testing. Advise me whether I am eligible for software testing jobs. My details as below:
    Age : 36 years
    Qualification : Diploma In Mechanical Engineering (passed out : June, 1999)
    Work Experience in Mechanical Engineering : 13+ years ( in CAD softwares)

    In anticipation for your valuable reply.

    I am Siva Kumar. Advise me whether I am eligible for software testing jobs. My details as below:
    Age : 36 years
    Qualification : Diploma In Mechanical Engineering (passed out : June, 1999)
    Work Experience in Mechanical Engineering : 13+ years (CAD softwares)

    Kindly advice me if I want to switchover from Mechanical side to Software testing side.

    Iam Siva Kumar. Advise me whether I am eligible for software testing jobs. My details as below:
    Age : 36
    Qualification : Diploma In Mechanical Engineering (passed out : June, 1999)
    Work Experience in Mechanical Engineering : 13+ years (CAD softwares)

    Kindly advise me if I want to switchover from Mechanical side to Software testing side, am I eligible.

    In anticipation for your valuable reply.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 31, 2016

    Your experience does not seem to make you 'eligible' for software testing. You will have to enroll yourself into software testing course. You haven't told us what kind of experience you gained as CAD engineer. It might be relevant.
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  • Nishtha kapur

    MemberMay 31, 2016

    I am working as .net developer from last 2 years. After working for 2 years, i am fed up of coding as this field required skill updation and lot of hard work and we have to regularly update oourselves with new technologies. Does software testing also requires regular study and is manual testing a good option?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 31, 2016

    Nishtha kapur
    I am working as .net developer from last 2 years. After working for 2 years, i am fed up of coding as this field required skill updation and lot of hard work and we have to regularly update oourselves with new technologies. Does software testing also requires regular study and is manual testing a good option?
    Most of the IT / Software related roles typically require constant skill updates; but it's not just as frequent as one might think. Like any other technology or domain; you'll need a strong base of software testing related tools, methodologies to build upon.

    I'm not sure if there's any way to suggest what's good. The information you've provided is too little to make any suggestions. I'd however recommend that you should explore and find out what kind of job software manual testing engineers do.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberMay 31, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Your experience does not seem to make you 'eligible' for software testing. You will have to enroll yourself into software testing course. You haven't told us what kind of experience you gained as CAD engineer. It might be relevant.
    Thanks for reply.
    All these 13 years my role as CAD engineer is to make mechanical engineering components (such as automobile, metals, plastics, castings etc) & big projects like thermal power plant layouts, ERP user (updations with bill of quantities).
    If i am enroll into any software testing course how much I can be confident that I will be getting job. I have seen many software testing tools. Suggest me for better software testing course.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 1, 2016

    B.Siva Kumar
    If i am enroll into any software testing course how much I can be confident that I will be getting job. I have seen many software testing tools. Suggest me for better software testing course.
    If you've made up your mind about switching to software QA; I'd recommend that you should take a part-time course with any reputed institute in your area. Then aim for a certification from ISTQB and that should set you for the QA field.

    Don't quit your job before you secure a new job.
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  • sara hayatsara hayat

    MemberJun 1, 2016

    i want to coding is not good so which line it line is suitable for me i am mca pass out
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJun 1, 2016

    Will there be any age consideration for this course. After course completion I am ready to join as beginner / fresher but how far the companies will consider me at 36 years age without graduation.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 2, 2016

    B.Siva Kumar
    Will there be any age consideration for this course. After course completion I am ready to join as beginner / fresher but how far the companies will consider me at 36 years age without graduation.
    Starting out as a fresher doesn't look like a good idea to me. Also, I'd guess that your educational qualification should not matter; but it totally depends upon the criteria that companies have set for recruitment. Your only bet is to apply and find out. I'd recommend starting out with smaller companies where you can directly interact with top management or senior management who are capable of decision making.

    That said, I'd not recommend switching domain completely after gaining 10 years of experience. You should continue in the same domain while looking to improve your skills-set. Look for a new job in the same domain, if you are looking for a change.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJun 2, 2016

    Sir, Our domain is evergreen. I have come to conclusion of switchover after a thought process of 3years as there was no growth. I have compared myself with some people of same age and qualifications and found there is lot of difference pay, job responsibilities and development. When we get paid high scope for our development is good.
    I am looking for high pay / fast paying domain hoping that I would succeed but I am not getting proper awareness. Infact I consulted some institutes for software testing but all of them are speaking business without explaining proper routing some are unable to understand what I need, inspite of lot of explanation from my side. At present domain I am sure if I continue also I would not get more than some thousands of rupees improvement and opportunities are less but our domian do not offer high pay and if at all I get an opportunity I will have to compromise for less pay than what I am getting eralier as they feel initially I need to be trained for some period an try to match with people who are stagnated. Please suggest me.
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  • Vipul Bhatt

    MemberJun 4, 2016

    Hello Big B,

    I am from a different environment. I have Completed MBA Finance and CA Inter. I had a dream to make career in IT field but unfortunately, it couldn't happen. Now i am married and having 6 years of experience in accounting as well as auditing.

    i want to start my career in IT as my age is 26 Running. In Which direction i should proceed ?? Development or Testing??

    If you would me, which decision you might take?

    please guide and if possible mail me on


    thanks in advance😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 5, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Please do go through the first post in the entire discussion that talks about both career options - as QA and as a dev. The decision will have to be yours because it's based on several factors. Some of the things to consider is - whether you have any background in development or QA; or are you starting right from scratch.

    I'd strongly recommend that you should try and learn a programming language and see if it's something that suits you. If you don't have a flair for programming; career in IT is likely to be very difficult option. I'd also ask you to read about software testing online and see if looks interesting to you. You can of course ask questions here - we've a ton of engineers who're into both domains. But your questions will have to be very specific to get answers.

    It doesn't matter what decision I'd take. If you haven't had any exposure to software or programming - you should start learning it anyway. There are plenty of resources available online to get you started.

    PS: Do not expect anyone to email you. We believe in open discussions so that everyone benefits.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJun 5, 2016

    Can I go ahead with Software testing.
    Please advise me.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 5, 2016

    B.Siva Kumar
    Can I go ahead with Software testing.
    Please advise me.
    You can. Just be extra cautious of the decisions that you take.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJun 6, 2016

    With what software testing course should I start/opt for initially.
    Please guide me.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 7, 2016

    B.Siva Kumar
    With what software testing course should I start/opt for initially.
    Please guide me.
    Start with a course in manual testing and make yourself familiar with the basics QA.
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  • enzo

    MemberJun 8, 2016

    Leave IT sector job??? Ur explanation is excellent.. for software testing.
    Thanx for guidance
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  • Danish shah

    MemberJun 13, 2016

    Hello Sir!
    i just Got placed from my college as a QA trainee in 2016 batch .
    should i join it. i mean is this good to startup as software tester.i mean people are saying dis stream dnt hav dat muc growth nd m dam confused..m interested in both software testing and development.
    waiting for ur kind reply.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 13, 2016

    Danish shah
    Hello Sir!
    i just Got placed from my college as a QA trainee in 2016 batch .
    should i join it. i mean is this good to startup as software tester.i mean people are saying dis stream dnt hav dat muc growth nd m dam confused..m interested in both software testing and development.
    waiting for ur kind reply.
    Danish, m nt gd at rdin mind. i dnt knw wch cmp u gt plcd in n wht exctly is ur cncrn. pls rd frst pst in dis thred. i hp it hlps.
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  • priyapalla

    MemberJun 13, 2016

    I have been working as a software developer for 1.5 months. But i don't want to be a developer. I want to shift my career to BA . Is it a good decision to be a BA?? Development is not my passion. I got placed in my college, so i continued working for this one year due to bond in the company. Now i'm no where interested to be Developer.
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  • Anmol007

    MemberJun 19, 2016

    Hi , I am a Electrical and Electronic Engineer Pass out 2015 batch and started my carrier in software testing in an startup company as a mobile application tester and I like to know that after 1 year or 6 month can i change my domain in security or any other domain.

    Hi , I am a B.E passout 2015 batch specialisation in Electrical and Electronic Engineering , I had started my carrer in software testing in mobile application domain from 1 month, I like to know that after 6 months or 1 year if i want to switch my domain in any other domain like security or BFSI etc am i able to switch in that domain with this experience or not. Please help me i am very confused.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 19, 2016

    I like to know that after 6 months or 1 year if i want to switch my domain in any other domain like security or BFSI etc am i able to switch in that domain with this experience or not. Please help me i am very confused.
    You ought to find out information about security and BFSI domains. Both the domains are very vast and you 'may' find your skills-set relevant. If you are able to find a job that deals with security of mobile applications; your skills-set will be very relevant. But as you can guess, it's impossible to make predictions.

    What makes you want to switch to security or BFSI domains? They are vastly different domains with some overlaps.
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  • Anmol007

    MemberJun 20, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    You ought to find out information about security and BFSI domains. Both the domains are very vast and you 'may' find your skills-set relevant. If you are able to find a job that deals with security of mobile applications; your skills-set will be very relevant. But as you can guess, it's impossible to make predictions.

    What makes you want to switch to security or BFSI domains? They are vastly different domains with some overlaps.
    Thankyou sir
    actually i am not able to guess what should i do, because i am from ENTC background and no knowledge about the coding and when i did the RND on the career on the software testing i got to known that there is good future in security or in automation field rather than manual testing ...
    can u suggest me what i should learn so i can make bright future in software testing.
    Thankyou again sir
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 20, 2016

    Start learning automation tools and techniques. Get a certification and look for a new job. It's pretty much what every QA engineer will do to enhance their chances of getting a new job. The best way to do this is to look for the job openings and skills set that the companies are hiring for and then develop those skills. You may start learning QTP or Selenium and or scripting languages like PERL that might be useful.

    I strongly recommend that you should search a LOT on the internet and ask specific questions about tools and technologies.
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  • Anmol007

    MemberJun 20, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Start learning automation tools and techniques. Get a certification and look for a new job. It's pretty much what every QA engineer will do to enhance their chances of getting a new job. The best way to do this is to look for the job openings and skills set that the companies are hiring for and then develop those skills. You may start learning QTP or Selenium and or scripting languages like PERL that might be useful.

    I strongly recommend that you should search a LOT on the internet and ask specific questions about tools and technologies.
    Actually sir I have done software testing course in that course only selenium IDE is taught to me but when i saw openings in company they mention that the employee should have an experience or trained on selenium web driver not on the selenium IDE . So now what should i learn..
    Is that require that i should have good knowledge of java or i just can learn some basic about it ,will it work or not .

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 20, 2016

    selenium IDE is taught to me but when i saw openings in company they mention that the employee should have an experience or trained on selenium web driver not on the selenium IDE . So now what should i learn..
    Follow these steps:-
    • Learn and develop mastery over Selenium or any other tool.
    • Talk to your managers about initiative a project within your own project that deploys Selenium or other tool that you learn so that overall productivity is increased. Persuade your managers to introduce Selenium.
    • Gain some experience.
    • OR
    • Start participating in open source projects online. Show some noticeable progress and add them on your resume. Making a significant contribution to open source projects can definitely be counted as experience.
    • Remember- you have to build your own case. Recruiters will ultimately hire for what knowledge you bring to the project.
    Think of innovative ways you can adopt to build your skills-set and experience. If nothing works out, simply be good at Selenium and then look for jobs in startup companies that are willing to give you a chance for your expertise and not past experience. You just have to keep trying and trying until you succeed. It's often hard; but not impossible.

    If you have STRONG desire to make a positive change to your career; you will do all of that. Else, just try to excel in your current job and take things as they come to you.
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  • 82Hemanth

    MemberJun 22, 2016

    hi kausthubh,

    I have 8+ years of development experience in dotnet. coding was not my passion but somehow i manged these 8 years. now days feeling to handle in development planning to move on to automation. please suggest
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 22, 2016

    now days feeling to handle in development planning to move on to automation. please suggest
    Not sure what suggestions you want or what questions you have. Taking a moment to describe your question and / or confusion would help us help you.
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  • Ravindra Zemse

    MemberJun 23, 2016

    Does s/w tester get opportunity to go to work outside of India through company or get job in foreign company like s/w developer gets within 4 years?
    Does s/w tester gets salary like s/w developer with same experience?

    As a mechanical engineer what should I do to make career in s/w developement? I have not much knowledge about programming languages. Or should I go to s/w testing?
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  • Chanchal Kshirsagar

    MemberJun 23, 2016

    excellent,this information and discussion helps a lot
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 23, 2016

    Does s/w tester get opportunity to go to work outside of India through company or get job in foreign company like s/w developer gets within 4 years?
    Does s/w tester gets salary like s/w developer with same experience?
    Of course they do. But just like in case of developers; it all depends upon the opportunities available in the project.

    As a mechanical engineer what should I do to make career in s/w developement? I have not much knowledge about programming languages. Or should I go to s/w testing?
    First decide whether you want to go for software development or software testing. Once that decision is made, start preparing accordingly.
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  • Amitsoni_20

    MemberJun 25, 2016

    I am a Software developer, I have 4 year experience in development and i am not interested doing coding soI want to move my career in testing. what should I do.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 25, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# : move your career to testing. All the best.
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  • Pratibha Mahajan

    MemberJun 26, 2016


    I am a software developer in mainframes technology. We use a windows based tool called MicroFocus for COBOL programs. Its been 3 years working in the project and I have total IT experience of 5 years.

    I haven't worked much upon core mainframe project which uses z/os operating system.
    So I am bleak about my future as most of the hiring companies need someone who has worked in core mainframes.

    I am thinking to switch to Automation Testing. I don't like coding much.

    What would be a feasible solution.

    * Learn Core mainframes and switch in development only, or

    *Learn automation testing and change field.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 27, 2016

    Pratibha Mahajan
    What would be a feasible solution.

    * Learn Core mainframes and switch in development only, or

    *Learn automation testing and change field.
    Both are feasible solutions. You first need to decide which track to choose. If you do not like coding and are sure that automation testing is something you'd like to get into; the first thing to do would be to learn the basics of automation and look for opportunities in your existing organization.
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  • nayana shankar

    MemberJun 28, 2016

    Hi Kaustubh,
    Basically i'm working as a Perl developer in an Organization, in between the project which I was working was came to an end. So the Organization offered me select between Testing and Development in .net. I opted an develpoment on .net and I took training of a month on working on sample Project now. But I'm facing difficulties in .net Development now. So I'm thinking of changing to Testing.

    Can you please suggest me to take decision on this.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 29, 2016

    Nayana Rakesh
    But I'm facing difficulties in .net Development now. So I'm thinking of changing to Testing.
    What if you face difficulty in testing?

    You did not mention whether you are facing technical difficulties or you find .net development too difficult to understand. In QA, automation isn't very easy either. You should rather focus on putting in more efforts into learning .Net than thinking of changing career just because you're facing difficulties. All the best!
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  • nayana shankar

    MemberJun 29, 2016

    Hi, Thanks Kaustubh.

    I'm facing difficulty in "where to use which" like calling a Repository in Controller is allowed or not like that.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 29, 2016

    Nayana Rakesh
    Hi, Thanks Kaustubh.

    I'm facing difficulty in "where to use which" like calling a Repository in Controller is allowed or not like that.
    You can discuss technical questions with fellow engineers through technical discussions section. That said a technical difficult should never become a reason to switch domain.
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  • nayana shankar

    MemberJun 29, 2016

    okay.Thank You 😀
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJul 8, 2016

    Hai Sir,
    I have joined a software testing course (manual + selenium). Meanwhile I have searched for software testing jobs and I got one opportunity as GAME tester and got selected.
    Can you advice me whether I can go ahead with this. Will I have a better opportunities atleast after having this experience later.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 8, 2016

    B.Siva Kumar
    Can you advice me whether I can go ahead with this. Will I have a better opportunities atleast after having this experience later.
    Without knowing your career aspirations and your existing situation; it's difficult to offer proper advice. You did not tell us whether you're currently employed or have any past experience of working.

    We also need to know what are the problems do you think will arise if you take up the job as game tester. What are the reasons for your worry.

    Will you have better opportunities as a game tester? Yes, you will. But no one here can predict the future.

    The best thing to do in such situation is to take up the job - if you desperately need one and then keep looking for better opportunities. All the best.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJul 9, 2016

    Yes sir. I am working. I haven't changed domain. Parallely I am doing software testing course. Eventually I got an opportunity to attend an interview (for GAME TESTER post) and I am through all the rounds positively. My offer letter in process.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 9, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Unless you put efforts into describing the exact problem you're facing; it'd be difficult for any of us to provide meaningful responses.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJul 9, 2016

    Sorry sir. To remind you I am a Mechanical engineer with 13years CAD software experience.
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  • B.Siva Kumar

    MemberJul 10, 2016

    I am Siva Kumar.
    Qualification : Diploma In Mechanical Engineering
    Work Experience in Mechanical Engineering : 13+ years (CAD softwares)
    Intended to switchover from Mechanical domain to software domain after having got advise from you, last month I have joined software testing course (Manual+Selenium).
    I am working & parallely I am doing software testing course.
    Eventually I got an opportunity to attend an interview (for GAME TESTER post) and I am through all the rounds positively and my offer letter is in process.
    Kindly advice me, will there be better connecting opportunities in future.
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  • baladevan

    MemberJul 25, 2016

    am MCA graduation start my career as QA in E-learning how far my future if i continue as QA ? i want to know whether my selection is right or wrong one.....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 25, 2016

    QA in E-learning how far my future if i continue as QA ?
    What problems do you see with QA career track? What makes you concerned? Unless you tell us the problem, we won't be able to help you.
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  • S.Safala

    MemberJul 25, 2016

    I got a notification from Nakuri saying that software testing engineers(male)are required. Is it so that there is only scope of male in the testing field and less scope of the women?
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  • kapilavai maruthi kalyan

    MemberAug 7, 2016

    hi Kaustubh Katdare actually I had 1y r of exp as tester and i am trying to shift to another company, can you please give me a suggest how to search for it.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 8, 2016

    I got a notification from Nakuri saying that software testing engineers(male)are required. Is it so that there is only scope of male in the testing field and less scope of the women?
    Generally companies don't discriminate on the basis of gender. There might be very specific requirement of the company that it's recruiting male candidates.

    kapilavai maruthi kalyan
    hi Kaustubh Katdare actually I had 1y r of exp as tester and i am trying to shift to another company, can you please give me a suggest how to search for it.
    An engineer with one year of experience in IT should know how to search for a job. I cannot help with it, sorry.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 10, 2016

    Just a friendly reminder to everyone: Our latest venture #-Link-Snipped-# has a web application where you can ask your questions privately to experts and get help. Sign up right away so that you get access before others do.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 18, 2016

    Update: While we welcome all your specific questions in this discussion; I'd strongly recommend that you should get yourself registered on #-Link-Snipped-# . It allows you to ask your questions privately to the industry/domain experts and seek help.
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  • Jay Sharma

    MemberAug 30, 2016

    i have completed my diploma in computer engineering in 2013 ...currently i am pursuing my be. in electronics and telecom in 3rd year i have taken a drop of a year and before going to my final year i am thinking of doing a software testing course and get a job in hand and have a relevant experience in the feild..would this be benefical according to u?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 30, 2016

    Jay Sharma
    i am thinking of doing a software testing course and get a job in hand and have a relevant experience in the feild..would this be benefical according to u?
    You'll have to be careful about selecting the institute. Go with the one that has a proven track record of placing candidates. Also, you're still in third year and you'll have long time before you're ready for the job. Ensure that you build some visible expertise in QA - maybe by participating in a popular open source project so that you can add it to your resume. All the best!
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  • Pavani Chadalapaka

    MemberSep 9, 2016

    I got trained in Java/J2EE after joining the company. Later I worked in mobile testing and Java development. Now I got project in Test Cases automation. I need to convert Jubula tests cases into java test code.I need to write java code to convert test cases.Will this come under testing ??I'm interested in coding. Will this make me stick to testing stream?? I've around 2.4 years of experience as of now.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 9, 2016

    Pavani Chadalapaka
    Will this make me stick to testing stream?
    It's still a coding job. Whether you'll be made to stick to QA will depend solely on your project managers. You should get the doubt clarified from the right authorities. All we can do is just speculate.
    Just a friendly reminder to everyone: Our latest venture #-Link-Snipped-# has a web application where you can ask your questions privately to experts and get help. Sign up right away so that you get access before others do.
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  • Vaishali Gundap

    MemberSep 14, 2016

    Hi Kaustubh,

    I am B.E. Computer Science graduate (2014 passout) joined a MNC as a developer but later assigned to networking project. I want to do my career in Software domain. I have good knowledge of Java but not of new programming languages like Struts, hibernate, etc. My friends are suggesting me to go for testing by doing certifications as I don't have much knowledge of it. Whether I should go for development or for testing? So that it would be easy for me to switch and I would be able to maintain work-life balance.

    Your suggestions would be helpful for me.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 14, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Have you talked to your seniors about your desire to work in the software domain? If not, that should be the first thing to do. I'd always recommend finding the right opportunity in your existing organisation before switching your domain / company.

    Second - you should consider switching to software testing ONLY when you're convinced that it is the right career for you. My first post in this entire discussion talks about both tracks; so that should give you some idea.

    Whether I should go for development or for testing? So that it would be easy for me to switch and I would be able to maintain work-life balance.
    You should pick up the track that you are most interested in. Do you enjoy writing software code? Or do you think testing is a lot more interesting that writing code? It's your personal choice; and you should go with it.

    Work life balance is a different topic. You should be able to maintain work life balance in any career that you choose; it's not domain-dependent.

    That said, you should try asking your query through our 'Career Guidance' app on #-Link-Snipped-#. It lets you ask questions privately directly to domain experts and you can discuss your current situation in detail; so that you can get specific and correct advice.
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  • shippyynayak

    MemberSep 19, 2016

    I am a fresher with civil as my major.I am confused between software developer and test engg. to choose as my career.And more of all i haven't done any course on java.So now if I directly go for software testing course will there be any prob in learning?
    Or do I have to learn Java first?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 19, 2016

    I am a fresher with civil as my major.I am confused between software developer and test engg. to choose as my career.And more of all i haven't done any course on java.So now if I directly go for software testing course will there be any prob in learning?
    Or do I have to learn Java first?
    I'd recommend that you should find out more information about software testing on the Internet. Reading a bit about software testing should clear your doubt.
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  • ramanuj vaishnvee

    MemberSep 23, 2016

    can i learn testing by use of internet ya institute or course in some class r required ? ya internet or youtube is enough to learn testing?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 25, 2016

    ramanuj vaishnvee
    can i learn testing by use of internet ya institute or course in some class r required ? ya internet or youtube is enough to learn testing?
    Yes, you can of course learn software testing by following courses available online. I'd strongly recommend opting for a course from a reputed course website - like COURSEARA or UDEMY or LYNDA etc. There are several videos available on YouTube as well which would definitely help. However, my top recommendation is still with paid courses available online.
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  • Rama Subramanyam S

    MemberSep 29, 2016

    I Started my carrier as BDE(sales calling) and then moved internally to testing.
    Worked as a QA in multiple BI and Data warehousing projects.

    Now its almost 7 Years of experience in same company and no Idea how much demand in market for ETL, DWH and BI testing, because i am not getting any calls from other company's and feeling like others are not interested to pay more than my current CTC(currently drawing 10L P.A)

    Planning to shift my carrier into automation (Preferable Selenium).
    Note:- Basically i am non technical person but interested in coding.

    currently i am in dilemma, so experts please suggest how to can i move further.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 29, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Information you've provided is very limited. I'd recommend looking for opportunities in the same company so that you can enhance your skills-set. Have you been learning Selenium already? If yes, you should also make sure that you've pet projects to showcase your Selenium skills to potential recruiters.
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  • Rama Subramanyam S

    MemberSep 29, 2016

    Thanks for the replay #-Link-Snipped-#
    No, I haven't started on selenium, but started learning JAVA and got a good amount of idea in creating objects, loop statements, arrays. Still yet to learn OOPS concepts.

    I am planning to buy selenium videos from

    Basically, my company's core business is in BI Apps, Oracle BI, so usually more opportunities are available in the BI area only.

    In automation currently we have only a couple of projects in QTP but already occupied by other resources.
    So definitely no opportunities for now and also no projects are shown in the pipeline.

    #-Link-Snipped-# ,
    Hear my main concern is the higher management in my company feeling that I won't leave this company any time because of the experience and skillset currently I have.

    So now I have to prove them that I can leave this company at any time.

    This all coming out of my frustration (I can control myself) but at some point of time I have to show them.

    So please provide your feedback, whether selenium have good market currently or based on my below experience do I choose any other areas.

    FYI.., please find my experience summary below.

    Having 6+ years of experience as a QA Engineer in areas - Oracle BI Applications (BI APPS), Data warehouse, ETL, Database(Oracle 11g, SQL 2008), BI and Mobile Apps Technologies(functional).
    Domain knowledge: Manufacturing, Warranties, Sales and Distribution, Supply chain (Areas like Inventory, BOM and Purchasing Modules) and HRMS Module (workforce Management).

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  • Manasee Mahajan

    MemberOct 13, 2016

    ramanuj vaishnvee
    can i learn testing by use of internet ya institute or course in some class r required ? ya internet or youtube is enough to learn testing?
    It is best to learn from someone who has professional experience in the field. Paid online resources or MOOCs are quite good, but if you learn better with a live person, it is good to join an academy and train with them. While choosing an academy, try to look beyond the fame of the academy, instead talk to the trainers and understand how they can teach the concepts to you. Ideally, your trainer should have more than 4 years of professional experience in the field.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 13, 2016

    Rama Subramanyam S
    So please provide your feedback, whether selenium have good market currently or based on my below experience do I choose any other areas.
    Current jobs market is volatile. If you can hold on to your existing company for some time, I'd recommend staying with them. Selenium is mostly used to test web applications and your existing experience may not be very relevant. Which means, you'll have hard time convincing your new employers to pay you more than your existing salary.

    Instead of making it a 'you' vs 'employer' battle, join hand with them. Tell them that your need to grow and I'm sure you can create newer opportunities for yourself in existing organisation. That looks like a wiser thing to do in current situation.

    But you shouldn't give up on your plan on learning new technologies. Give yourself an year to enhance your skills-set. You're likely to get more opportunities with startup companies. Also look for opportunities in mobile testing domain. You'll be good. All the best!
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  • divya teja gudluru

    MemberOct 18, 2016

    I am 2016 passed out from ECE. I am thinking to join some software coachings in order to get a job.I have a confusion whether i have to choose java or testing.I would like to know one thing that which of these two fields have more requirement in the companies and which of them will help me to get a good job soon.
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  • shweta mahure

    MemberNov 13, 2016

    what is the maximum pay a software tester gets? and is there any opportunity for them to go abroad?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 16, 2016

    divya teja gudluru
    I would like to know one thing that which of these two fields have more requirement in the companies and which of them will help me to get a good job soon.
    Someone will have to perform searches on all the popular job portals to find out which kind of jobs are 'more' in numbers. But rather than doing that; I'd recommend finding out which of the two domains looks more interesting to you and then opting for it. That way, your chances of getting the job will be 10x more.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 16, 2016

    shweta mahure
    what is the maximum pay a software tester gets? and is there any opportunity for them to go abroad?
    Depends upon several factors -
    • Country of employment
    • Company
    • Position / Designation
    • Roles / Responsibilities
    • Overall Experience
    • Overall Skill Level
    Hence, difficult to generalise.
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  • acaryaS

    MemberNov 16, 2016

    hi Kaustubh,
    I am 2.5 yr of exp in IT sector as a developer in skill Microsoft Dynamic CRM 4.0 (MSCRM). m not good in coding.. every time i need someones help to do my stuff.sometimes i feel like failure because the work which is assigned to me & which sholud done from me only , but for that also i need seniors help.
    i need to suggestion how to switch from dev to QA. ?
    and wt are the steps need to follow so that i can change .
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  • Lvnya

    MemberDec 7, 2016

    Hi Kaustubh,
    Its been 6+ years in IT industry for me, and I have more or less been workin related to Java, sql, etc. ......nothing major- like minor enhancements, etc. But I find it mentally very wringing, and don't have a "passion" for coding as such (even though I understand java concepts). I was thinking of switching to Testing- will that be more suited for me?....
    Also, now I'm being shifted to some portal technology- like Liferay, Adobe EM, etc. because my current project has come to an end.....should I try my hand at these?? (Liferay, etc.) or should I request for a tester role instead?...Please advise!!
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  • Lvnya

    MemberDec 7, 2016

    Please respond for the above query if possible..I need any advise in this matter..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2016

    hi Kaustubh,
    I am 2.5 yr of exp in IT sector as a developer in skill Microsoft Dynamic CRM 4.0 (MSCRM). m not good in coding.. every time i need someones help to do my stuff.sometimes i feel like failure because the work which is assigned to me & which sholud done from me only , but for that also i need seniors help.
    i need to suggestion how to switch from dev to QA. ?
    and wt are the steps need to follow so that i can change .
    I'd strongly recommend that you should first explore what kind of work QA engineers do. If you think it's interesting and something you can make your career in; go for it. Not being good at coding can't be the reason to switch to software testing. I hope this helps.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2016

    Hi Kaustubh,
    Its been 6+ years in IT industry for me, and I have more or less been workin related to Java, sql, etc. ......nothing major- like minor enhancements, etc. But I find it mentally very wringing, and don't have a "passion" for coding as such (even though I understand java concepts). I was thinking of switching to Testing- will that be more suited for me?....
    Also, now I'm being shifted to some portal technology- like Liferay, Adobe EM, etc. because my current project has come to an end.....should I try my hand at these?? (Liferay, etc.) or should I request for a tester role instead?...Please advise!!
    Your background in coding will definitely a big plus when it comes to automation testing. Will testing domain be suitable to you, can only be found out by talking to QA engineers in your company. Check the kind of work they do and see if it goes with your career aspirations.

    The same applies to selecting technology domain. Do you plan on staying in the same company for foreseeable future? If yes, you might pick up the new domains being offered to you. If you plan on switching to a new company or new location; look at available job opportunities in the domain.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2016

    Reminder: I'd strongly recommend everyone seeking career help to make use of our 'Career Help' app; which is part of #-Link-Snipped-# initiative. You can ask questions privately and share information that you are not comfortable sharing on open forum.
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  • Ashesha

    MemberDec 30, 2016


    I was going through your blog, basically I have 7.5 yrs of experience in a big IT firm where I mainly worked on Application maintenance and support, now I want to switch to Testing, is it possible? If yes then how should I proceed?

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 30, 2016


    I was going through your blog, basically I have 7.5 yrs of experience in a big IT firm where I mainly worked on Application maintenance and support, now I want to switch to Testing, is it possible? If yes then how should I proceed?

    Well, it is possible. The action plan is pretty straightforward:-
    • Look for opportunities in your existing company.
    • You might need to enhance your skill-set. Start teaching yourself the basics of software testing and automation and aim for a certification. This would make your case strong for the HRs / Project Managers to consider moving you into QA
    • Strongly recommended: Talk to the QA folks in your company and understand the kind of work they do. Make sure that you want to get into QA.
    I strongly recommend this approach over finding a new company. It is going to be harder to start in a new company with no background in QA. Once you build up your experience, you can then move on to other company. I hope this helps.
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  • ani@kumar

    MemberJan 31, 2017

    Hello sir,
    This is Anil, i completed M.Tech in EEE i want to know which course does suit's to me i have a lot of confusion to choose whether software testing or software developer i am not much good in IT skills because i came from electrical&electronics back ground but i am interested in automation testing
    as a fresher being electrical background which course will be benefit to my career ?
    one of my friend's suggested me that learn C,C++ which has a lot of oppurtunities more than testing
    What should i do?
    What course i do join?
    Could you please give me a suggestion?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 1, 2017

    as a fresher being electrical background which course will be benefit to my career ?
    one of my friend's suggested me that learn C,C++ which has a lot of oppurtunities more than testing
    Your background in EE won't make much of a difference when it comes to choosing a career in software/QA. You should be looking at software testing courses which include software automation testing. Selenium is one of the popular automation tools used these days. Knowledge of programming would definitely be a big plus.

    PS: Consider discussing your case privately on #-Link-Snipped-# 's Career Help app.
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  • ani@kumar

    MemberFeb 2, 2017

    thank you sir for your advice, i will learn programming
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  • Mohana Krishnan N

    MemberMar 12, 2017

    Kaustubh Katdare
    combining my own experiences of working in software development & testing team for over 3 years (I left the IT industry afterwards) and try to give you an overall idea of what to expect.
    May I know y u left the IT Industry ...??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 12, 2017

    Mohana Krishnan N
    May I know y u left the IT Industry ...??
    CrazyEngineers was a part-time hobby project back then. At one point, it became almost impossible to run it part-time while managing regular job.
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  • Mohana Krishnan N

    MemberMar 12, 2017

    Kaustubh Katdare
    CrazyEngineers was a part-time hobby project back then. At one point, it became almost impossible to run it part-time while managing regular job.
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  • Mohana Krishnan N

    MemberMar 12, 2017

    Cool ...Thanq for ur response...I really like this website.....Actually I am Computer science Engineer(2015 batch)....Now working in Nokia Telecommunications......I found myself interested in software testing and web designing....from the two which is the best one to select for my career....?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 12, 2017

    #-Link-Snipped-# - The first post of this entire discussion tries to highlight the differences between two career options. Please do read that post and find out which career option looks more appealing to you.

    That said, if you wish to discuss your query privately and get personalised suggestions or action plan; please make use of the Career Help app available on #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Spatil

    MemberApr 3, 2017

    Hi Kaustubh
    I am interested in Telecom field, as i have done my in digital communication.As of now I happened to stay in USA with my family but here there is no work permission for me so I thought of learning some course in Telecom n freelance it, please let me know what all option's I have.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 3, 2017

    Hi Kaustubh
    I am interested in Telecom field, as i have done my in digital communication.As of now I happened to stay in USA with my family but here there is no work permission for me so I thought of learning some course in Telecom n freelance it, please let me know what all option's I have.
    You'll have to check if freelancing is allowed while you are on the US soil. If yes, I'll recommend you to look for the kind of work available for freelancers in the communications / telecom domain. If you think that with added knowledge, you'll be able to get freelancing projects, you may opt for a course. Have you decided on any course yet? I'm not aware of any courses in telecom domain. Perhaps #-Link-Snipped-# can help.
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  • Ashish Boolchandani

    MemberMay 18, 2017

    I have 9 years plus experience of Manual testing in Service Company and worked on Telecom and Datacom ( Layer 2 Protocols Domain. Can you please suggest right career growth path or Certification for better career growth. Currently I am facing issue in finding right Job, as I don't have Automation Experience and also not comfortable in coding as well. Shall I go for CSM Certification or ISTQB? or seeing the current scenario of market Should I change the field and move in Operations. Please suggest as at present I am directionless.
    Thanks in advance
    With Regards
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 18, 2017

    #-Link-Snipped-# - perhaps you should consider using our 'Career Help' app to discuss your case privately and get help. Head over to #-Link-Snipped-# . We'll be happy to help you.
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  • Neeraj Sharma

    MemberMay 18, 2017

    Ashish Boolchandani
    I have 9 years plus experience of Manual testing in Service Company and worked on Telecom and Datacom ( Layer 2 Protocols Domain. Can you please suggest right career growth path or Certification for better career growth. Currently I am facing issue in finding right Job, as I don't have Automation Experience and also not comfortable in coding as well. Shall I go for CSM Certification or ISTQB? or seeing the current scenario of market Should I change the field and move in Operations. Please suggest as at present I am directionless.
    Thanks in advance
    With Regards
    My suggestion would be to switch the path. manual Testing is diminishing from what I see and right now the only thing that is booming is either Big Data or AWS. The future belongs to AWS. Please prepare for AWS certifications and get them. Thats a great experience to have and would most definitely diversify your experience and future opportunities
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  • Dhana lakshmi

    MemberMay 20, 2017

    hi sir. I m doing my btech (IT). I'm not good in programming. Then I m just afraid of my future. Wil you please. Help how to develop my program knowledge.please can any one help me
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  • Neeraj Sharma

    MemberMay 20, 2017

    Programming is not end of the world. Get into database and hadoop side.. Learn to sql or learn an etl tool
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 20, 2017

    hi sir. I m doing my btech (IT). I'm not good in programming. Then I m just afraid of my future. Will you please. Help how to develop my program knowledge.please can any one help me
    Your engineering discipline is IT and if you wish to make a career in IT; programming knowledge will definitely help. The first step in this direction will be to decide what domain you wish to work on. As #-Link-Snipped-# said, programming isn't the only option available in the IT industry. Cloud technologies are definitely booming; but you need to look for availability of jobs in the domain.

    That said, CrazyEngineers has began a service to help engineers with their career related questions and it's available via CrazyEngineers IO. Give it a shot on #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Shruti Gogte

    MemberJun 1, 2017

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have around 12 yrs of total experience and 10.5 of exp in Microsoft technologies (ASP.NET,C#,SQL Server,nodeJS,WCF,Winforms,etc)

    After 12 yrs of experience in development is it worth or sensible moving to QA background ?

    Awaiting for your reply.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 1, 2017

    #-Link-Snipped-# - You need to have solid reasons to switch over to QA after spending about a decade in MST. Do go through the first post in this discussion which talks about two career options. Be aware that QA is going to be an entirely different domain; but your skills can definitely be used there. I can't recommend any option based upon the information you've provided.

    If you wish, I can take a detailed look at your current situation and the dilemma you're facing and offer a personalised opinion and action plan for you. This however, would be done through our Career Help app on #-Link-Snipped-#, which we are trying to promote among our fellow engineers. Do give it a try.
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  • Shruti Gogte

    MemberJun 1, 2017

    Hi Kaustubh,
    I have around 12 yrs of total experience and 10.5 of exp in Microsoft technologies (ASP.NET,C#,SQL Server,nodeJS,WCF,Winforms,etc)

    After 12 yrs of experience in development is it worth or sensible moving to QA background ?

    Awaiting for your reply.
    Actually there is only one reason to move in QA that is doing automation with Selenium C# coding.
    What are your thoughts
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 1, 2017

    Actually there is only one reason to move in QA that is doing automation with Selenium C# coding.
    What are your thoughts
    If the only reason for making the career move is to get into Automation testing; you may go ahead. If you're doing it for the love of technology and trying out something new; you might want to reconsider your decision. I'd recommend considering all your options wisely and then deciding on the career move.

    Be aware that the job markets are going to be turbulent for months to come. All the best!
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  • Shruti Gogte

    MemberJun 1, 2017

    Actually there is only one reason to move in QA that is doing automation with Selenium C# coding.
    What are your thoughts
    yes currently i am getting trained on niche technologies NodeJS/TypeScript/Angular & Cloud computing
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  • vivek sharma

    MemberSep 2, 2017

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Your background in EE won't make much of a difference when it comes to choosing a career in software/QA. You should be looking at software testing courses which include software automation testing. Selenium is one of the popular automation tools used these days. Knowledge of programming would definitely be a big plus.

    PS: Consider discussing your case privately on #-Link-Snipped-# 's Career Help app.
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Your background in EE won't make much of a difference when it comes to choosing a career in software/QA. You should be looking at software testing courses which include software automation testing. Selenium is one of the popular automation tools used these days. Knowledge of programming would definitely be a big plus.

    PS: Consider discussing your case privately on #-Link-Snipped-# 's Career Help app.
    But wont testing become dormant after few years due to automation?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 2, 2017

    But wont testing become dormant after few years due to automation?
    Who'll find out bugs in the automation software?
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  • vivek sharma

    MemberSep 2, 2017

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Who'll find out bugs in the automation software?
    So wont it be affected at all?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 2, 2017

    So wont it be affected at all?
    It is getting affected, for sure. Only those engineers who do not upgrade their skill-set are going to be in trouble.
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  • vivek sharma

    MemberSep 2, 2017

    Kaustubh Katdare
    It is getting affected, for sure. Only those engineers who do not upgrade their skill-set are going to be in trouble.
    I am mechanical engineering fresher looking for doing a course in automation testing like selenium. Do i have to start by learning java n all although i have learnt it online. Also some friends of mine are suggesting to not go for it as it would be of no use after sometime.
    Plz reply what to do sir.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 2, 2017

    Well, I've moved over to our dedicated 'Career Help' app on #-Link-Snipped-# , where we allow users to ask questions privately and with all the details about their current situation / dilemma. It's a paid service that costs only Rs. 699 (limited time) and allows user to ask up to 2 follow up question. You may post your query on it and I'll have a detailed look.
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  • Harshil Rastogi

    MemberSep 19, 2017

    I am currently working as a manual tester in banking domain(over all exp: 1.5 yrs). I don't like manual testing to be sure. Looking at the turbulent time for IT industry is it advisable for me to move to automation(as i know java) or learn and prepare to switch to aws or salesforce development?
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  • Fems

    MemberFeb 3, 2018

    Hi Kaustubh,
    Iam a java/j2ee developer with 4 years of experience in development and having a long career break due to personal reasons.Because of my gap Iam not getting invited for jobs in development even after updating skill set and taking latest certifications.
    Iam planning to switch to software testing and start from scratch.But I have no idea what to do and where to start.I really wanted your guidance for the same.It would really helpful to resume my career.
    Thanks and Regards,
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 3, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-# - First step would be to make yourself familiar with aspects of testing. If you are totally new to testing, you should start by watching relevant videos on YouTube that talk about how testing works.

    You could then pick up an automation tool and understand how automation works in the testing world.
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  • Fems

    MemberFeb 3, 2018

    Kaustubh Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# - First step would be to make yourself familiar with aspects of testing. If you are totally new to testing, you should start by watching relevant videos on YouTube that talk about how testing works.

    You could then pick up an automation tool and understand how automation works in the testing world.
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  • Fems

    MemberFeb 3, 2018

    Thank you for your guidance.I will do as you said.
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  • kranthi kumar

    MemberJul 23, 2018

    Nice !! I got answers for lot of my questions.

    I am a graduate who passed out in 2017. Currently i am working in testing field and willing to learn all automation tools. I hope i will get awesome future in this filed (Especially piece of mind ðŸ˜  ).

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  • Loveline Kaur

    MemberJan 3, 2019

    Hello Kaustubh,

    I have been working with an MNC for about 1 year now. I belong to ECE background and have no experience in coding neither it interests me however I like basic concepts and studying Core Java. 

    A short background to my career start has a lot of twists. I was been recruited in Nov 2016 on-campus by Intel securities which ultimately found fraud offer in May 2017 and in such a vulnerable situation I tried few core job opportunities but as I wasn't having proper touch with subjects I was been rejected in interviews. Thereafter I had managed to start learning Java & J2EE along with Web Technologies where Web Technologies Scripting Databases were interesting me. But, soon I got into a new job by September 2017 and I started with Mulesoft Development Role where honestly. Even spending more than half a year l haven't been able to work on it or analysis what I can justify with each requirement. Apart of this I am working for internal COE tasks in the organisation which is content management and in the project am working on Change Management. Meanwhile I had to support Testing in ALM and so I have been so jumbled up in my career that I couldn't figure out what I should be doing. I have appeared for MBA entrances and waiting for results to study ahead but there are pre-conditions to resuming studies only if I fetch top colleges in the nation. There is quite a lot of frustration in working the organisation and am unable to cope with it.

    I am looking for some suggestion how to switch careers from a Mulesoft Development/ Java Development towards a Web Development field as I have already spent around 1 year and with a very low salary. I have no idea what MBA will be. But, it would definitely widen the job opportunities and at various sectors.

    Looking forward for your kind suggestion.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 4, 2019

    #-Link-Snipped-# - MBA looks like a right option to follow. My advice remains the same - pick up the domain/technology that you find interesting. Web development is an interesting field; and you could start by figuring out whether you want to go for front-end development or back-end. Programming doesn't seem to be your forte - so think about it twice before making any decision.

    MBA looks like the right thing to do in your case. At this time, you could talk to your management about restricting your responsibilities so that you can find some time to prepare for MBA entrance exams. If your score in mock tests was good - you could give it a serious shot next year. Aim to get into any of the top 20 colleges. Otherwise, there's always an option of GMAT. I'd say wait for one more year before attempting GMAT.  

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 4, 2019

    Update: Those who are interested in Software Testing: Head over to: #-Link-Snipped-#

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  • Loveline Kaur

    MemberJan 4, 2019

    Thank you! #-Link-Snipped-#  :)

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