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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: a brain teaser: design a circuit capable of displaying all vowels using 7 segment

    hey we have to go for a state-machine,anyhow the task is interesting!!!
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  • reachrkata

    MemberMar 2, 2008

    Re: Brain teaser: Design a circuit capable of displaying all vowels using 7 segment L

    To put it in simple words -
    1) Use a 3bit -7 segment decoder for the LED
    2) Get the 3 bit codes for each vowel.
    3) Design a counter with flip flops to sequentially count through the 3 bit codes (in the necessary order) with a clock of 5-8 secs triggering the circuit.

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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberMar 4, 2008

    Re: Brain teaser: Design a circuit capable of displaying all vowels using 7 segment L

    hey tat was same i m gonna reply,anyhow put some really tough brain-teasers..ok
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  • maheshkrishnan

    MemberMar 5, 2008

    Re: Brain teaser: Design a circuit capable of displaying all vowels using 7 segment L

    Good me to start to answer similar to that...
    any way fine
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  • just2rock

    MemberMar 15, 2008

    Re: Brain teaser: Design a circuit capable of displaying all vowels using 7 segment L

    night crawler
    how would u design a circuit capable of displaying all vowels sequentialy having a display of duration 5 to 8 sec using a 7 segment lcd display?
    cant find anythin elsethan vowels😒
    anyways kick on for some worthful innovations;-)
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