  • bjt amplify signals by transferring signals from a low resistance circuit to a high resistance one.
    which part of the bjt is termed as a low resistance circuit
    and which is the high resistance circuit
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  • sushant005

    MemberJul 16, 2010

    In a BJT there are three terminals i.e Base, Emitter and collector.
    For amplifying the signal transistor need proper biasing of a transistor and for proper biasing we have to make the emitter base (EB) junction forward bias by providing minimum voltage to the base-Emitter junction(0.7 for Si and 0.3 for Ge) and also have to make the collector -Base junction reverse bias by setting minimum voltage to the voltage to the collector-Base (CB) junction(i.e 1V for Si and 0.7 for Ge) .

    1>Making the EB junction forward bias means that there is a flow of current it means that resistance is low so i think this circuit is considered as the low resistance circuit.Emitter-Base junction is called as the low resistance circuit.

    2>Making the CB junction reverse bias means that there is no/very less flow of current it means that resistance is high so i think this circuit is considered as the high resistance circuit. Finally, Collector-Base junction is called as the high resistance junction.

    So Emitter- Base junction is termed as low resistance and Collector-Base junction is termed as the high resistance junction.
    i think this make your doubt clear about you asked.
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