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  • ahmed sarfraz

    MemberAug 19, 2015

    I believe the CMOS implementation can be used to convert the Binary signals into electronic signals. Voltage itself is a sort of Binary signal
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 24, 2015

    In real world almost every bit is a stored as a electric signal. There are several ways to convert Bits into electric pulses , without knowing the purpose we cant clearly say which technology should be used to do this simple trick.
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  • ahmed sarfraz

    MemberAug 25, 2015

    Jeffrey Samuel
    In real world almost every bit is a stored as a electric signal. There are several ways to convert Bits into electric pulses , without knowing the purpose we cant clearly say which technology should be used to do this simple trick.
    Yea, that's absolutely right! It is the purpose which decides which equipment or device shall we use. In a general scenario every information is in bits and every bit is an electrical signal which can have only one value among the two. So, every information is just a combination of these bits and, hence therefore electrical signals 😀
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    MemberAug 25, 2015

    Binary signal itself is expressed as an electrical signal.
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