
  • Integrated Ideas is putting across an effort to get it's products available to a wide audience across the globe. We have been active in developing some of the fascinating stuff. After Datafly is made available, it's time for more fun, better entertainment.

    Augmented World is essentially an App developed for for Lenovo All in One 27" Horizon PC. But this app is compatible to Windows 7 and Windows 8 both. As the app supports multi touch and multi finger, some of the features are not compatible with mouse and are only supported by touch. But there is still a great deal of features that you would want to check out.

    It gives augmented reality without any specialized hardware. The app is completely voice supported and is just the right companion for you to explore creative entertainment. Video recording and image filters are all mouse compatible. This also comes with a tutorial to help you get started fast.

    Enjoy virtual reality!
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  • Sanyam Khurana

    MemberDec 25, 2013

    Awesome one !

    @#-Link-Snipped-# Sir 😁
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