  • Neha

    MemberMar 14, 2006

    Attention PLZ

    Hi everyone
    i am a computers second year student...i will be havin my training after this seniors and lecturers have adviced me to go for a language course rather than training and i am so much confused😕 😕 wat do u say???
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 14, 2006

    Hey Neha 😀

    It'd help if you explain what you are looking for. As you are in second year, language course may not be of much help after 2 years.(consider the rapid changing technology).

    Do put in more details.

    -The Big K-
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  • Neha

    MemberMar 14, 2006

    well wat if i go for JAVA or .NET or similar kina languages...watsay??? will they be helpful coz i heard that companies don't give a damn when u r there for why waste time over there???
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  • Jerry

    MemberMar 15, 2006

    well wat if i go for JAVA or .NET or similar kina languages...watsay??? will they be helpful coz i heard that companies don't give a damn when u r there for why waste time over there???
    get it straight.

    Normally, no company would care if you are a .NET or Java expert. To the best of my knowledge, any company would train new joinees on technologies that they work on. So you might be a .NET expert who'll end up writing Java code.

    As biggie said, you never know where technology is heading. Someone will bang the software world with next killer technology and after 2 years you may not be using Java/.Net at all. But that's my opinion [​IMG] . It helps to be good with the basics.

    I'm not sure what kinda training you are talking about. In my opinion, go in for a company training for you'll get to know how it is to work in a team and in a real business situation. Learning .Net or JAVA isn't big deal anyway. Yeh, be focussed!

    Hope this helps ☕

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  • Anil Jain

    MemberMar 15, 2006

    Hi everyone
    i am a computers second year student...i will be havin my training after this seniors and lecturers have adviced me to go for a language course rather than training and i am so much confused😕 😕 wat do u say???

    Training after this sem...i don't think it will be useful after 2nd year...
    Better to go for Language.....that will help you in increasing your Logics ...and skills..
    Still time is there....for the training(2 years)😁 to do...
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  • Swati

    MemberMar 21, 2006

    Hi Neha...

    I will tell u at this point of time it is necessary to concentrate on ur studies......
    doing some languages at this time wouldnt really i will suggest that if at all u want to do training do after ur third will help u at that time........

    As far as languages are concerned.......doing some type of course at this time wont really help....due to rapid changing technologies....

    well i dont know how far this will help???
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  • arvind

    MemberMar 22, 2006

    Hi everyone
    i am a computers second year student...i will be havin my training after this seniors and lecturers have adviced me to go for a language course rather than training and i am so much confused😕 😕 wat do u say???
    hi !!!
    you should go for language as well as database also.
    you have to learn front end as well as back end also so, you can developed any project...
    if you are from bhopal. then don't wait just go 4 it from

    The Big K: Address Edited.
    arvind, please refrain from advertising on CE forums.

    i learn java from here, i think it is best from NIIT and APTECH or SSI.
    These big names are not providing real service as like edited.

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  • AlameluKrishnan

    MemberMar 23, 2006

    Hi Neha,

    if you are really interested in learning a programming language, go for C++ which is the fundamental for any other prog. lang. This way you can pick any other lang. that may come up in the changing tech world.

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  • crook

    MemberJun 19, 2006

    stick to the basics ! if you are interested in Databases, go for oracle. Know the basics of OO programming. This helps in long run.

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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJun 19, 2006

    poor neha!!

    so many suggestions and each one leading to more confusion! cool neha don't get hyper.. first sit and study what u want from the future.. (most of us skips or tends do less homework on this but its very important)decide on your choices, once you know where you want to go u will get the road! be it training or a course. If you really desire you can manage both the things! 😀
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    Hope so you have some how managed in some training,

    Now you would be in 3 rd year.

    This is the apt time to go for Communication And Analtical Solving methods,

    Log on and check my web sites,

    Its purely for you engineer , it " IT Acumens .com "

    Hope so it will be greately helpful on great time.

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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 6, 2007

    In software companies especially in India, they will give you no permanent environment or platform to work on. They will change you or forced to study what they need. Even though you know many things, 99% of the times, you will not be able to work on. Dont love a technology, they will put you in a technology related work that you hate as hell. And there is no need to study Java or C, they will use many sophisticated tools that you have very less amount of work.
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  • desijays

    MemberFeb 17, 2007

    hey neha. I hope you are confused. its alright. I am too. Normal people do ;-)
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