  • I just installed a free version of google play book from play store.It was used for reading books both online and offline.i selected a freebook from it and decided to read it but it ask for debit card numbers and credit card numbers though it flashed a screen showing that it cost 0.00rs.Can i really enter the details.I am bit confused.Is there anyone out there who had used it.Do post the procedure .thanks in advance.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberSep 22, 2013

    I use that app too. It doesn't ask for credit card details compulsorily as far as i used. I could read books easily. Maybe you are clicking some wrong links. Explore the app more. You can read free books without entering card details.

    For other things, i suggest you don't enter card details since accidently you may click something and get yourself charged.
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