  • Wondering if there's any way to actually turn off a scientific calculator. I found my 3 year old calculator laying in drawer and it's still powered on. I don't remember touching it - but the display still shows. Or are these calculators designed to remain on all the time?

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  • Kaustubh Katdare


    Hey Rohit, I used to have CASIO fx-991MS back in the days.

    Here's how to turn of your scientific calculator -

    1. Notice the 'off' label just above the 'AC' button
    2. It should be colour coded differently. Mostly Yellow in most of the calculators.
    3. Notice the 'SHIFT' button. It should be somewhere in the top right corner of the keypad, below the LCD display.
    4. Press SHIFT button. The calculator switches to the secondary function mode.
    5. Now press AC button. Calculator should turn off.

    These are called secondary function and you can toggle to it using the SHIFT key - just like in our computers. Normally you should not have to switch off the calculator. The LCD panels are very low power consuming and your calculator can keep running for several months without turning off.

    I hope it helps.

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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