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  • anirow

    MemberApr 27, 2011

    Re: Why our web browsers and applet does not provide direct accessing of system files

    well system files are the core files which makes a server or for that matter any computer run efficiently. If access is given to system files of the webserver, any body with the malicious intent could corrupt it or delete it. consequences are not too hard to guess.
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  • SheldonCooper

    MemberApr 30, 2011

    Re: Why our web browsers and applet does not provide direct accessing of system files

    I don't know about browsers but i can tell about applets.In java you can not access any file directly.All activities are under control of JVM.Java does not have pointers.This is the reason behind its Secure nature.
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberApr 30, 2011

    Re: Why our web browsers and applet does not provide direct accessing of system files

    @anirow thanks for ur help !!
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 2, 2011

    Re: Why our web browsers and applet does not provide direct accessing of system files

    You are most welcome Mohit.
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