  • I want to know among .Net and Java, which is easier to learn in a short period of time? Which language is easy to learn and in demand in market out of these two .

    Can some one suggest website from where one can learn from scratch but in detail depth one of these language , I know there are plenty of websites but some are complicated someone have very low explanation , please suggest good website depending upon your experience ??, Thanks

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  • Mr.Don

    MemberApr 28, 2011

    You have to put some effort to learn either of these languages.

    Website: <a href="">CrazyEngineers</a>

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  • Mr.Don

    MemberApr 28, 2011

    Here's one example

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  • gaurav.bhorkar

    MemberApr 30, 2011


    Which language is easy to learn and in demand in market out of these two .
    Can some one suggest website from where one can learn from scratch but in detail depth one of these language , I know there are plenty of websites but some are complicated someone have very low explanation , please suggest good website depending upon your experience ??, Thanks
    .net is not a programming language, it is a technology to be precise. The .net framework supports many programming languages (C#,, C++, J#...). You can use your existing knowledge of a programming language to make use of the .net framework.

    We cannot comment upon the 'demand' of .net or Java. Both are popular and well established in the industry.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 30, 2011

    My opinion is that any language is easy to learn provided the 'algorithm' building is mastered first. You will first have to build a strong foundation in 'logic', which will enable you to master any language. The choice of language will be decided by the task at your disposal and the requirements.

    I'd advise you to spend some time learning the basics of both and then figure out which one appeals more to you. Once you've figured that out, focus all your energy on any of those.
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  • king99

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    Hi thanks all for your opinion , but please can any one suggest good book or website to learn java , I know there are thousands of book on java as well as websites , one thing is common is that they start with simple example and later on jump directly into complex examples , Please do suggest a resource which is genuinely for self learners and explained in step by step clear way , thanks !!
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    @king Actually it depend on your interest which language you like the most.
    Well if you are a beginner in java then go with java complete reference.
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  • king99

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    As I told earlier , I have been through number of books they just explain theory and one example regarding it but when you see the programming required for real application development its totally different you can not use the same concept used while development , I think there is still gap in many book which does not fulfill the real time scenario requirements .We can not state same examples everywhere as given in various books .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 1, 2011

    Have you tried Head First Series? Go with Head First JAVA, 2nd edition. It's a fun to read book and they never get too complicated with their own examples. However, the book will make you 'comfortable' with different aspects of Java. For serious learning, you'll have to take up better books (like Java Reference). But Head First series books are a very good start if you don't want to get bored in the initial stages of learning a programming language.
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  • king99

    MemberMay 2, 2011

    hey thanks , will definitely try that !!
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  • trendit

    MemberMay 2, 2011

    "C" and "C++" both languages are useful to learn DOTNET and JAVA.
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 3, 2011

    Well I think dot net is easier to learn than Java since in .Net there are lots of wizards and classes which makes programming such a delight.
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  • jhnmichle

    MemberMay 6, 2011

    .net is easy to learn.
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  • DheerajR

    MemberMay 7, 2011

    I did summer training in both one time in java and other time on dotnet and from my experience i can say that .net is very much easy to learn
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  • TechyGuy

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    Im a great fan of Java Technologies....... u can develop a lot of cool applications using JAVA.😎 I feels its easy and fun to code in JAVA!
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    If you like to write code and use command line interface, Java is good...
    If you want to have a good user interface and menus, and drag-drops, .NET is good...
    But remember, .NET doesn't run in any other platform other than Windows... 😲
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    But remember, .NET doesn't run in any other platform other than Windows... 😲
    I think now it can be possible using mono framework check this #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    Dude, with less compatibility... Also VB.NET never runs in anything other than Windows... 😔
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  • Morningdot Hablu

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    @praveen I don't know weather it will work with vb or not(you may use c#).This link says that the websites developed in .NET can be deployed on unix or linux servers using the MONO framework with less compatibility.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    @praveen I don't know weather it will work with vb or not(you may use c#).This link says that the websites developed in .NET can be deployed on unix or linux servers using the MONO framework with less compatibility.
    Dude, the same thing I said just now... And you can run only server side scripting... Not the standalone client one with Mono... Do you know that?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 14, 2018

    Java or .Net - Which is easy to learn?

    It's time to revisit this question because in the last week at least three engineers have wrote to us asking this question. We had this discussion long ago and it's time to give it a fresh look.

    You're ought to get very mixed responses to the question, because frankly speaking there are no concrete ways to determine which is easy and which is not. It's going to be 'relative' to each other; but there are few important points all new developers should consider. 

    Java and .Net use similar approach towards solving problems:

    Java and .Net, specifically use a very similar approach towards solving problems. If you know Java, learning C# .net is going to be relatively easier for you. If you know C# of even C++; getting hold of Java is relatively easy. 

    However, there's one big difference!

    .Net is a Framework and Java is a programming language!

    Wait, didn't that cross your mind? Java is a programming language which you can use to address multiple programming challenges. .Net, on the other hand is a 'framework' - and it's not a 'programming language' like Java. 

    This means, .Net has multiple languages running under its belt like C#, ASP, Visual Basic etc. 

    Learning .Net means learning the entire ecosystem of software, tools and technologies; while learning Java means learning just the programming language. 

    So, from the strictest comparison point of view - .Net is way more difficult to learn than Java!

    Mind well, learning only the Java programming language won't cut the deal for most of the people. You'll have to learn several tools and IDEs that are commonly used with Java programming language to make the most use of it.

    In general, Java would be relatively easier to learn. There are several good books and video tutorials available on the Internet that you can make use of. The first step would be to download ECLIPSE IDE - which is the hot favourite of the Java world and start getting familiar with it.

    Why not learn both Java and .Net?

    I'd strongly recommend building a base with Java first. It should take 2-3 months to build a solid base with dedicated efforts so that you have a working knowledge of Java. As I said, with the knowledge of Java - it's relatively easy to grasp .Net framework.

    Focus on being a better programmer

    I'd rather suggest focusing on becoming a better programmer than concentrating on any specific language or framework. I was forced into learning programming at a very later stage in my career; and can tell you that programming can actually give you joy.

    The Indian software industry offers several opportunities to both Java and .Net programmers. However, what it needs the most is a good programer or software developer that can build on their knowledge of Java or .Net to learn new languages or technologies fast. Unfortunately, the quantity of such engineers is very limited.

    Recommended Reading: <a href="">Java or .Net - Which is better for future & career?</a>

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