  • Hello.

    I would like to know whats the real concept behind online eCommerce website specially yepme he offer t shirt at 175 rupees, where us if you put open costing of product it goes higher price. For example your getting T shirt wholesale at 100 rupees then your courier + your service charges extra are there..?

    I would you like to know who eCommerce portal like this work.. whats the real/hidden concept behind this website..?

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  • gbit

    MemberApr 26, 2014

    Dear Abubakkrr Sididque the concept which you are framing in your question is called "Business Model". Each and every compnay have their own unique biz model.

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Business Model</a>

    After reading above article I hope you get a good idea yourself.
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  • Abubakker Sididque

    MemberApr 27, 2014

    Can i see any one of the ecommerce company business model so that i can get a clear idea. how it works..
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  • Bashiruddin Naik

    MemberJun 15, 2014

    Dear Abubakar,

    E-Commerce is evolving. For Big Co. Like Flipkart and Others, Customer acquisition and retaining is the asset for their future. They generally don't care about losing some money on few products. For 100 Products they might not get profit but for the rest of the 1000000 Products the profit margins are high for them.

    Meanwhile you should read this...

    Hope this is helpful.
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