  • What’s in Name actually? Why am I asking this so-called stupid question now? Do you get me who am I talking about and why? CrazyEngineers came up with a one more Awesome interview for you, with a CEan who want us to concentrate only on her posts and don’t even want to make a signature. Yes, she has a signature but there is no signature. #-Link-Snipped-# aka Cheshtha is a 3rd year crazy computer science Engineering student and one of our most productive CEans who contributed about 340+ valuable posts to CE. She is Kinda a person who is so reluctant to talk about herself and introvert. She is passionate about programming. And most importantly her dream is to become a successful Entrepreneur. We are happy to present her words here….

    SP : Hi Cheshtha, you are a Crazy Computer Science Engineer, tell us more about yourself.
    WIN : I always run away from this question 😀
    Ok, to start with, I would say I am irksomely introvert, who talks less, lack (articulation), I am the eldest of my siblings and love to take responsibilities. I love to keep obsolete things

    SP : How did you get introduced to CrazyEngineers (CE )?
    WIN : Google introduced me to CE,I don’t remember exactly what I was searching for. I joined on 13th may 2010, was inactive till August and then regular.

    SP : Why did you take up this particular engineering trade? What do you like the most about it?
    WIN : I took this trade because I loved it, I love the way how computer works. And after three years into it, I still feel curious to know more about them. I also like programming so, it was also a reason.

    SP : Why are you so passionate about the programming languages? What many languages you know?
    WIN :
    I love the logic behind them, the way we get instant results and I feel I get engrossed in it. I am still a novice programmer and want to learn a lot. At this time, I am familiar with C,C++(Learning), Core Java(Very little) and Javascript.

    SP: What is your favorite pass time?
    : Google(ing) new things,I also fancy daydreaming, I love cooking as well.

    SP: Who are your idols or inspirations?
    WIN : My inspiration is every person who struggles to live, I think we should feel very lucky, that we get some things very easily but some people don’t even after sacrificing their life.

    SP : Its really glad to know that your dream is to become a Successful Entrepreneur; How are you preparing yourself to achieve your dream?
    WIN :
    I am not preparing, I am just focusing on the process of learning, when the right time comes, I will start the preparation, I need a force to do things. There are ideas twittering in my mind, but I need to learn more to implement them.

    SP : What would you say If I ask you - who's your favorite Entrepreneur and why?
    WIN : There are many, I think every entrepreneur has something (unique) and still common, i.e. innovation. I know answer seems diplomatic but (true). I very much respect Bill Gates, Michael Dell and also Indu Jain(The Times Group) and Our own Biggie is an inspiration for me as well.

    SP : What is the biggest achievement in your life so far?
    WIN : Every (productive)second more I live is an achievement.

    SP : Your Goal is to Implement your knowledge for a better world(peaceful). Can you please Elaborate it?
    WIN :I think knowledge is a waste until implemented. I want to implement my knowledge for the betterment of society and the main aim of human life is to achieve peace, I will be glad to lend a hand.

    SP : You are a very good Badminton and Basket Ball player, Please share some of your unforgettable moments of your sports journey!
    WIN : I am not very good, I can just play. I once got hit by the badminton(accidently),and the scar is still there, it’s a bad memory but (unforgettable)😐

    SP : You like to keep low profile, talk little, a bit lazy, But How you come to sports?
    WIN : I feel sports has some kind of calming attraction, it makes you feel fresh and active again, I am lazy but when it comes to have a game of badminton, it cheers me up.

    SP : Tell us any 3 things that annoy you the most?
    : Talking about myself, “judgmental opinions” of others(when they have no right to do so) and backbiting.

    SP : How come this - "-Focus on the post- You will not find much in my signature"?
    WIN :
    It just came to my mind, no actual reason behind this.

    SP : It's really good that All the threads that you have started are almost productive. I like your #-Link-Snipped-#, #-Link-Snipped-#, #-Link-Snipped-#. They are really Superb.
    WIN : Thank you Sahithi, those are just the outcome of ideas chirping in my mind, all the credit goes to all the CEans who inspired me.

    SP : What changes you found in yourself before and after joining CE ?

    WIN : I had become more communicative and find it easy to share my doubts now.

    SP : If you are given a chance to take a role in CE , what would you like to have and What would you do for CE ?
    WIN : I would love to be a CE-Mod, I love cutting away spam.

    SP : What do you like the most about CE and Why?

    WIN : The whole environment is so inspiring, after you just click on the login button, it feels like you have entered a different productive world, it feels like an institution where you can learn, teach and share with friends😀

    CE Quickies aka Rapid Fire:

    1. Who are the best CEans according to you?
    WIN : All of them are very very good and (I hate judging people).

    2. Why your user name is 'Whats In Name'? Your username itself answering my question, though we want to know from you.

    WIN : I feel I should have an identity which people remember by personality and not by name.

    3. Define yourself in a single word!

    WIN : Introvert

    4. If you are granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for?
    WIN : 1)To make me so much contented, that I never wish for more wishes in life.
    I don’t think I will need 2) and 3) then.

    5. If you were not an engineer, you would be?

    WIN : Still Crazy.

    6. Your biggest blooper till date is?

    WIN : My life is full of bloopers, to be specific, my fav. one is-
    I was walking in my own glee coming from college and it had just rained, there came the mud sludge, I was passing over it very carefully, and there was no chance that I could slip, but then a car passes by me, and all my uniform was in mud. I turned in hurry to just scold him up and I slipped at no time. People standing there were laughing at me and no one had the courage to help me standing up. I was very much in rage on that day, but now thinking of it makes me laugh a lot.

    7. A moment you can never forget.
    WIN : There are many but I can’t remember a single one right now.

    8. If you were the one day admin of CE...
    WIN : I will find out whats Area-51 😛

    9. What you like the most about yourself?
    WIN :
    I can help people at my best.

    10. Five years from now, you will
    WIN : Be more experienced but still a learner.

    11. If you were a politician, what will your 5 year plan look like?
    WIN : Cleanliness of streets and roads. Strict Ban on spitting. I think to implement it people will take more than 5 years.

    12. What do you want to say about CE ?
    WIN :
    I just love CE.It is a great platform to learn,share and extract knowledge.A great innovative approach by Biggie.I hope one day we can have our own CE University.

    We wish you all the very best,Cheshtha. We are proud to have you on CE. Hope to see you as a Crazy Successful Entrepreneur 😀
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  • Reya

    MemberJul 20, 2011

    Nice to know about you 😀
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    MemberJul 20, 2011

    You are still doing our 'Cheshtha' 😛 What's in name?

    Five years from now on-> I like your answer. 😀
    The above like is for you and not for Sahithi. (Sorry for that sahithi 😒)
    Wishing you a great life ahead. 😀
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJul 20, 2011

    Wonderful answers.

    I loved this one the most.

    I think knowledge is a waste until implemented. I want to implement my knowledge for the betterment of society and the main aim of human life is to achieve peace, I will be glad to lend a hand.
    Great questions Sahithi!!
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  • cooltwins

    MemberJul 20, 2011

    Great answers WIN! 😀 love the simplicity 😉
    good work sahithi 😁
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJul 20, 2011

    +1 for the following answers:

    5. If you were not an engineer, you would be?
    WIN : Still Crazy.
    I was walking in my own glee coming from college and it had just rained, there came the mud sludge, I was passing over it very carefully, and there was no chance that I could slip, but then a car passes by me, and all my uniform was in mud. I turned in hurry to just scold him up and I slipped at no time. People standing there were laughing at me and no one had the courage to help me standing up. I was very much in rage on that day, but now thinking of it makes me laugh a lot.
    Has happened me so many times! 😐

    after you just click on the login button, it feels like you have entered a different productive world,
    a.w.e.s.o.m.e 😀

    I hope one day we can have our own CE University.
    I can visualize it.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJul 20, 2011

    Nice to know about you WIN. 😀

    I hope one day we can have our own CE University.
    Which Position you are going to take in CE University if you had given chance? 😀

    PS:- Nice Post Title Pallavi. 😁
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberJul 20, 2011

    Its really nice to take your interview, WIN. I liked most of your answers 😀

    @ishan : No problem, I know 😀 the likes for my Know your CEan threads are for Interviewees 😁

    Thanks CT,ES,GF 😀
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  • Whats In Name

    MemberJul 21, 2011

    Nice to know about you
    Thanks Praveena😀

    You are still doing our 'Cheshtha' What's in name?

    Five years from now on-> I like your answer.
    The above like is for you and not for Sahithi. (Sorry for that sahithi )
    Wishing you a great life ahead.
    Thanks Ishu,Wish you a great life too😀 and
    Thanks to Sahithi,whom I bugged alot by taking a lot of time(she has planned it a time ago).

    Wonderful answers.
    Thanks ES😀

    Great answers WIN! love the simplicity
    good work sahithi
    Thanks CT😀
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  • Whats In Name

    MemberJul 21, 2011

    Has happened me so many times!
    You can understand my condition better then😁

    I can visualize it.
    I really wish,it comes true and thanks for the + point😁

    Nice to know about you WIN
    Thanks GF😀

    Which Position you are going to take in CE University if you had given chance?
    Student😀(Something related to computer research or similar),what about you?
    sahithi pallavi
    Its really nice to take your interview, WIN. I liked most of your answers
    Thanks Sahithi,your questions were awesome and your advice made me comfortable answering😀
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  • Gurjeet Singh

    MemberJul 21, 2011

    Hey good to know about you WIN 😀
    Let me confirm you are from delhi right?
    I am not preparing, I am just focusing on the process of learning, when the right time comes, I will start the preparation, I need a force to do things.
    which types of force do you need ..Newton laws of motion Couldn't help you 😛
    nice thoughts!!!

    Keep it up the good work SP and nice title !!
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberJul 21, 2011

    Originally Posted by WIN
    we can have our own CE University.
    Superb!!! Which provide the knowledge of practical requirement. First discuss about which field you want to select for carrier & then start learning about it without any books. Just ask your doubt and clear them !!!
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  • Pensu

    MemberJul 24, 2011

    Great answers WIN....good to know about you.....😀
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 26, 2011

    Awesome man! I liked these parts!

    Every (productive)second more I live is an achievement.
    I was walking in my own glee coming from college and it had just rained, there came the mud sludge, I was passing over it very carefully, and there was no chance that I could slip, but then a car passes by me, and all my uniform was in mud. I turned in hurry to just scold him up and I slipped at no time. People standing there were laughing at me and no one had the courage to help me standing up. I was very much in rage on that day, but now thinking of it makes me laugh a lot.
    Cleanliness of streets and roads. Strict Ban on spitting. I think to implement it people will take more than 5 years.
    Be more experienced but still a learner.
    Awesome read... 😀
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  • anuraadha

    MemberAug 26, 2012

    Such a nice interview! 😀 I really loved the following...

    My inspiration is every person who struggles to live, I think we should feel very lucky, that we get some things very easily but some people don’t even after sacrificing their life.
    I love this! So true😀 And about the judgmental opinions.. I would say.. Exactly! 😀

    Cleanliness of streets and roads. Strict Ban on spitting.

    I just love CE.It is a great platform to learn,share and extract knowledge.A great innovative approach by Biggie.I hope one day we can have our own CE University.

    My life is full of bloopers, to be specific, my fav. one is-
    I was walking in my own glee coming from college and it had just rained, there came the mud sludge, I was passing over it very carefully, and there was no chance that I could slip, but then a car passes by me, and all my uniform was in mud. I turned in hurry to just scold him up and I slipped at no time. People standing there were laughing at me and no one had the courage to help me standing up. I was very much in rage on that day, but now thinking of it makes me laugh a lot.
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