  • hie 's
    I m posting a thread aftr a reallyy long tym....( may be ...more than 4 months....).....finally i hav Holidayzz.......nd i m simply luving it....😁😁
    I thnk every engineer here would agree that
    sem-break is smthng v al wait for,v al simply luv it(Don't U ??)....
    Soo temme wat u do during ur semester holidayzz.....??(pplzz tel smthng interesting or creative u do).
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  • Differential

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    Nidhi varma
    hie 's
    I m posting a thread aftr a reallyy long tym....( may be ...more than 4 months....).....finally i hav Holidayzz.......nd i m simply luving it....😁😁
    I thnk every engineer here would agree that
    sem-break is smthng v al wait for,v al simply luv it(Don't U ??)....
    Soo temme wat u do during ur semester holidayzz.....??(pplzz tel smthng interesting or creative u do).
    I simply used to play cricket, wander around city, visit relatives. In one of my semister vacation, I did an Industry training that really helped me during my curriculam.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 3, 2008

    We never had semesters during our engineering days [99-2003]. 😀 So we'd have fun all the time except the two deadly months before the final exam 😉.

    I spent most of my time learning to play Guitar, with friends, and learning as much I could about computers.
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  • komputergeek

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    I play computer games in semester holidays and each time i try to learn a new programming language.
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  • aashima

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    Yeah sure, this break is much awaited period for all engg. students. As of me, it was a mixed bag. As they were so many, I went for some computer course, went for proper training in 3rd year which I really count in my best moves, had to prepare for CAT in one. But something that was present in all of them was friends, music and parties. The days used to be overflowing with these plus, relaxing relaxing and relaxing 😛
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    well in my summer breaks i used to lazying around the house eat,sleep and TV.evening times was for all kind off freinds,then later on i used to do summer jobs the money i spent on buying stuff for myself and yess in one of my breaks i attended summer camp.....very healthy exp i also used to indulge in many things which are not appropriate here!!!!
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