  • Hello CEans 😎
    Now i am final year mechanical student. Today i want some information about my past subject topic. I know that i have studied it in second year. Then I searched in Google. I got some related topics.
    During this searching i release that if i put small time in posting a my note on blog it is quite easier to find them. So now I want to know your idea about this.
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  • vinci

    MemberMar 13, 2012

    well i felt lots of difficulties while engineering regarding tutorials and notes etc so i think there should be a place where all these necessary elements are collected together and let the others use it.It would be beneficial for others and its not hard at all .But be sure it must be relevant or else it would be waste of time
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 13, 2012

    In fact, CrazyEngineers can very well be that place. If sharing of your own notes is a good idea; CE can help in making sure that it reaches the right audience. I'll work out something to make this process easier.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberMar 13, 2012

    In fact, CrazyEngineers can very well be that place. If sharing of your own notes is a good idea; CE can help in making sure that it reaches the right audience. I'll work out something to make this process easier.
    Can there be a single 'Hold-All' or 'Dropbox' sort of common storage for the whole of CE, where any member can upload files for all to see? Each member can have a limit for storage. Removal of unsuitable material remains with the admin. Files will be accessible to all registered members. Sections can be indexed based on the existing engineering categories. No non technical files can be uploaded. (this can be difficult)
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 13, 2012

    #-Link-Snipped-#: We're in fact planning for something called as 'Resource Manager'. It will take some time to be available; but once it's launched it will offer much more than what dropbox does.

    Here are few of the features -

    1. Members will be able to upload their project reports / abstracts / notes / files /source-codes / presentations / videos / audio etc. We'll have several categories so that browsing is easier.

    2. Other members will be able to download them, rate them, comment etc.

    3. We might even create a facility to 'sell' original content. This however is a challenge and needs to be tackled.

    4. We'll have 'ranks' - Most downloaded, top - rated, most commented etc. for the contributors.

    The biggest challenge will lie in making sure that we don't encourage piracy of any kind and people only upload original, authentic content.
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  • vinci

    MemberMar 13, 2012

    be sure it will also reach outside CE as it helps them also
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberMar 13, 2012

    #-Link-Snipped-#: Here are few of the features - 2. Other members will be able to download them, rate them, comment etc.
    3. We might even create a facility to 'sell' original content. This however is a challenge and needs to be tackled.
    That is quite comprehensive. Worth doing.
    Somehow I am chary of free lunches. Should not CE get some revenue for all the work involved in responding to commercial oriented queries?
    Many small enterprises may have technical issues with technology absorption, detailed engineering or some process related problems, which if solved will be used by them for commercial purposes. Should such queries get free responses?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 13, 2012

    CE will take a small cut for each transaction; but I've not worked out the details. The main concern over here is to make sure that only original content is traded through CE.

    I've been enquired by several small and medium enterprises about this possibility. We can work out something on these lines. But we've, so far received just a few questions from the Industry. In fact, something is in the design stages right now. I'll post more details over the period of time.
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberMar 14, 2012

    Friends i am talking about creating something like Wikipedia. I have own a domain for it. I am now designing a structure for pleasing my notes. I am surprised that you really like this idea. Up-till now I am doing this thing only for me & my few friends who are interested to post there notes. But after reading this conversation i think i have to think more on my structural design.
    The most downloaded, most rated creates competition in poster. Again there is chances that same content can be uploaded many times. It just increase storage also creates difficulties to user.
    I am thinking about this idea from last 6 months & now find some solutions on these. And my imagined design will be available to view at end of this month.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 14, 2012

    Instead of using a blog; why not simply install Wikimedia software?
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberMar 14, 2012

    I think Wikimedia is little completed. I had installed it for one month & try to add content but it creates difficulties when uses in group of friends.
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberMar 15, 2012

    Content page
    Check out this theme..
    The Reference tab contain files uploaded by users. Disclaimer contains message about copyright like "All the content are uploaded by users if you find any violating content please report ****@***.com "😁
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