  • hinduja.prasad

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    Ultra capacitors

    i read about ultra capacitors that store energy (or u can say charge ) in hybrid cars. my question is why are'nt these capacitors replacing lead acid batteries which pollute the environment on disposing . do these capacitors have any drawbacks? is there any difference between a capacitor and a battery?
    thanx in advance........😁
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberDec 29, 2008

    buddy,capacitor stores charge were as batteries generate charge using chemical reactions,the biggest disadvantage of capacitors is that it cant hold charge for long as far as i know no capacitors is still capable to hold charge as long as batteries life,and both require a source too,well fuel-cells are best option to replace batteries!!!
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  • shadeslayer

    MemberDec 29, 2008

    buddy,capacitor stores charge were as batteries generate charge using chemical reactions,the biggest disadvantage of capacitors is that it cant hold charge for long as far as i know no capacitors is still capable to hold charge as long as batteries life,and both require a source too,well fuel-cells are best option to replace batteries!!!
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  • me_crazy

    MemberJan 1, 2009

    To delve into Capacitors you can read:#-Link-Snipped-# and you can see also:
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