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  • srksakthik

    MemberJul 19, 2012

    nitesh mishra
    please anybody tell me the working of two stroke petrol engine . I didn't i understand it in the class . please .
    the working of two stroke petrol engine is some what complicated one,
    It has three ports and no Valves, inlet port, exhaust port, Transfer port.
    All of them are controlled by the movement of piston
    The air fuel mixture enters through inlet port and enters the cylinder through crank case and transfer port,
    inside the cylinder the combustion and exhaust takes place at the same time,. This is the main drawback of two stroke petrol engine
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  • Kedar Malwadkar

    MemberJul 19, 2012

    #-Link-Snipped-# <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">2 stroke petrol engine.3gp - YouTube</a>
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  • Kedar Malwadkar

    MemberJul 19, 2012

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  • nitesh mishra

    MemberJul 19, 2012

    thank you all for helping me .
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 20, 2012

    in two stroke engines the inlet air is compressed twice. first in the crankcase , then in the cylinder by the piston.
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 20, 2012


    You appear to be a biomedical engineer. how come you are studying about I.C engines in class ?
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  • nitesh mishra

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    it is compulsory to study I.C engine in first year for all groups
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    oh you mean the subject called "basic mechanical engineering" ?
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  • jaspal rautela

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    the working of two stroke petrol engine is some what complicated one,
    It has three ports and no Valves, inlet port, exhaust port, Transfer port.
    All of them are controlled by the movement of piston
    The air fuel mixture enters through inlet port and enters the cylinder through crank case and transfer port,
    inside the cylinder the combustion and exhaust takes place at the same time,. This is the main drawback of two stroke petrol engine
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    jaspal rautela asks: what about two stroke diesal engine??
    what exactly do you want to know about the 2-stroke diesel engine ?
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  • jaspal rautela

    MemberJul 22, 2012

    its working?
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  • Kedar Malwadkar

    MemberJul 22, 2012

    It's similar to 2-stroke petrol engine, but here air comes in as fuel and there is no spark plug, instead of that there is fuel injector . when the air is compressed ,fuel injector injects diesel and combustion takes place and after that exhaust.
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  • Kedar Malwadkar

    MemberJul 22, 2012

    this might help you to understand.
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  • jaspal rautela

    MemberJul 22, 2012

    what is the function of flywheel and crankshaft?
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 22, 2012

    jaspal rautela
    what is the function of flywheel and crankshaft?
    crankshaft : to transmit power and convert motion

    flywheel : to store energy.

    Dude, don't you think you have asked this question for the thousandth time ?
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  • Kedar Malwadkar

    MemberJul 22, 2012

    crankshaft : to transmit power and convert motion

    flywheel : to store energy.

    Dude, don't you think you have asked this question for the thousandth time ?
    I am agree with you man!
    especially with the last line!!! 😉😉😉
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  • nitesh mishra

    MemberJul 25, 2012

    oh you mean the subject called "basic mechanical engineering" ?
    yes the basic mechanical engineering
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