  • Pensu

    MemberJul 1, 2011

    The Google+ Review

    Hi ppl,
    Google released its new social networking platform Google+ 3 days ago. I started using it and I really like it. The product is awesome as all Google products are. Its been called facebook killer. Well I don’t know about killing facebook, but it matches facebook a lot. Here are some points I would like to emphasize on:

    Interface: It’s a simple interface with white background. And as they say “simplicity is the power”. So, basically they just show you streams (like Facebook status updates) from your friends, your circles and chat (obviously…😉) on a white background. You can share photos, videos and even your location. Yes, they actually have a “share” button (remember something…😉). A very simple and attractive interface.

    Circles: I personally liked the concept of circles more than anything else. I can make different circles for my college friends, my work friends, my family and my girlfriends….😉.
    I can also set updates visible to a particular circle only. You can also be online for a specific circle. So basically, this is the most highlighted and highly useful feature.

    Hangouts: Just one word, Awesome. I mean you actually feel like you all ppl are sitting together. Start hanging out and normally you find ppl online and start chatting that too video chatting. All your friends are in front of you. Do whatever you want to do and enjoy the party….!!!!!

    Notification: Now this is a real good part. When you get notification on facebook like someone commented on your post, then you click on it and you are redirected to the post. Come to Google+, you get the notification, you click on it and whoa the status get opened there only. Your home page stays there only and the status opens in the notification window only. So, here you can comment without actually going to Google+, it doesn’t matter if you are on web search page or email page, you can see and act on the notifications from there only. It really looks like extension of Google.

    Except that you can +1 your friends’ status, you can comment on them, you can mention them is a comment, you can share pics. It has everything that a social networking site should have. Basically this is an awesome product and as Google said there are more features to come, it could really be Facebook killer. Lets hope it doesn’t join Wave and Buzz.

    Anyways, did anyone notice the change of interface of Facebook…😉

    P.S: There used to be a CE-Review section and surprisingly i couldn't find it.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJul 1, 2011

    CE-Review section has been renamed as CE-Gadgets & Software.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 1, 2011

    Thread has been moved to Gadgets & Software section 😀 . Nice review. I'm thinking I'll join the network soon. Anyone's got invites?
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  • Pensu

    MemberJul 1, 2011

    I think Google has shut down the invites. Earlier their was a invite button, but now all of a sudden its gone. People have to wait till they start distributing invites again.
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  • Pensu

    MemberJul 1, 2011

    If anyone in an hurry to get invites, you can buy them on ebay....😉

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  • cooltwins

    MemberJul 1, 2011

    Nice review... looks cool 😎 looking forward to it 😁
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