  • This thread is dedicated to the best days of my (our) lives - the college days! [​IMG]

    Share the best(est) moments from your college days with each one of us here. 😁

    Let's celebrate those golden moments with everyone on CE! 😀
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberSep 17, 2008

    Am certainly not having the best moments in college right now 😛 But I have a feeling I will miss it greatly once I graduate.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 17, 2008

    Yep, you will. I guess those who are in college can share the best moments too. Everyone's got something to share, I guess.
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberSep 17, 2008

    I'm in my third year of engineering.
    Some best moments of mine were spent in IIT madras. Their tech festival, Shaastra and their culturals, Saarang are the real crowd pullers. Every year, we used to bunk our own college classes for days together and go to these events.

    I'm a robotics enthusiast and i also enjoyed doing some bots last year.. Many of them miserably failed. Some of them went on to win some competitions in college symposiums. That was great.

    I learn Japanese. Last year, I got a sponsorship from my college and the Japan government to visit Japan on a cultural tour for 2 weeks. Japan rocks. enjoyed it very much.. There are lots more, but then, I'd have to start a separate blog on that.

    But alas, i dont know where all those fun stuffs vanished in the middle. come to 6th sem, u have placements, CAT, GRE, dilemma between higher studies and job.. lots to worry about. But still, having som petty fun, of course..

    When I completed school, I came out thinking schooling is the best part of one's life. I now think the same about college. Probably this continues in every part of life...
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberSep 17, 2008

    oh, i mentioned the fun i had outside campus. there was lot more fun in my college, in my hostel room, especially.
    Have any of u bunked the first hour and slept till 9 am? Try that.It's one hell of fun..

    about 15 guys in a single room, watching a movie.. that beats every other thing.

    and of course, flirting with some beautiful(??!!) gals in the campus, preferably juniors..

    spreading false rumours thru sms.. That's great. something like
    "tomorrow surprise test planned by professor. pass to all" or
    "semester results out. pass to all" will get circulated in minutes all around the campus and guys will be panicking.. Of course, I was the victim of the same prank, sometimes...
    these are some of the indoor fun..
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  • Gurjeet Singh

    MemberMar 21, 2010

    hello everyone i am Reopening this old thread ..hope you guys will continue:

    The best days of my life in college is when i got the opportunity of being the Media coordinator in my college fest and I organized a press conference before fest ,organized the event well as it covered in all reputed newspapers and some news channel.I was honored by my HOD. Also when I got campus recruitment from the college 😀
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberMar 22, 2010

    I can't believe I would be the only one having fun in college!!

    I posted these one and a half years ago, and I forgot about it...

    Come on guys!! None of you are having any fun out there??!! 😀
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  • Gurjap

    MemberMar 22, 2010

    man I've had some crazy moments in mine own college. there was the annual fest, Utkansh 5.0, which ended yesterday. reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally good. I seriously enjoyed all day.

    opposed to this is the hectic schedule and pressure and seniors say that this being only my first year, I am supposed to complain. I wonder what that means.....does it mean it eases off, or does it mean that I will eventually get used to it?
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  • MaRo

    MemberMar 22, 2010

    Really from my heart, can't remember ANY good day.
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  • safwan

    MemberMar 30, 2010

    Soon !! when I get my result !!
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMar 30, 2010

    OK, I have seen this but never posted!

    Here is one of my best moment from my college days , when I topped my class in 2 -1 everybody got stunned. Since the geek looking and most absent minded person getting highest marks and cent percent marks in 3 subjects! everyone congratulated me too!
    Thats one of my best moment!
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  • cooltwins

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    well for my gang (DASHAVATHAR- the gang of ten) it is daily a gala time.

    some of the stuff:

    1. having snacks during class may seem simple but not when you are sitting in the very first bench 😀

    2. the college day that took place recently..... IT ROCKED!!! it was all fun. there were like 3-4 skits totally emphasising on damaging the reputations of movie stars....😁 it was awesome.

    3 then in the list is the Industrial visit we had. it had little of industry and more of other stuff ranging from going from one hotel to another in search of food (none of them had any 😭 ) to cajoling the so called "strict sir" into allowing us to visit a dam nearby.... it was really tough to do so, the entire class had to sing a film song "please sir" (tamil) and it was only then that the sir allowed us to go and get even a peak at the place. it was fun clicking pics of people munching away seriously and we also took videos where we interviewed each and every gang member about each other....

    4. my total transformation in the 4 sems. i was a total book worm in my 1st sem and would get tensed if any teacher even questioned me but then the coll life had more in store for me.... and now in my 4th sem i am the most talkative girl in my class or at least thats how i am addressed if i go inside my dept. 😳

    5. though i am a talkative girl i do get serious when the last month of the sem arrives and i go back to my days of bookworm life. and the best moment was when i got complete scholarship for my four years course.......😁

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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    when i feel that i am in love.really that was amazing moment but Alas! she was not in love 😉

    2nd when i won first trophy for wining web designing and Game Development in college tech Fest

    3rd whenever I passed my 4th sem and i was 2nd in my class

    and lots more
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    And... I forgot when I proposed my Computer Organization Madam!
    It was a wonderful moment!!
    She didnt accept though 😀
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    And... I forgot when I proposed my Computer Organization Madam!
    really? direct madam
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    And... I forgot when I proposed my Computer Organization Madam!
    It was a wonderful moment!!
    She didnt accept though 😀
    Ha ha ha..! Mam..?
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    Yeah, the Mam was very good looking and attractive.
    I used to note down all the dresses she was dressed in. This was in 3 -1 semester.
    Next on the first day of 3 -2 I handed over that letter to her , folded 100 folds almost in my purse!
    She asked why have you listed all these things?
    I said I am just interested 😀
    She smiled and went in.. But after an hour I got a call from principal room and suspended me for 1 week reasons not disclosed 😀
    But she was a very nice mam 😀
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberMar 31, 2010

    Oh! Sad. Suspended for this only reason?
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberApr 1, 2010

    IS this only reason?
    My principal wanted to expel me out , but my percentages saved me!
    I got suspended in all the semesters starting from 2-2 for reasons undisclosed 😉 except the last 4-2.
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberApr 1, 2010

    IS this only reason?
    My principal wanted to expel me out , but my percentages saved me!
    I got suspended in all the semesters starting from 2-2 for reasons undisclosed 😉 except the last 4-2.
    Yes, Percentages always saves us.
    All the semesters? So, you do good things..! 😉
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  • lal

    MemberApr 1, 2010

    ES you are simply too great..! 😉
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberApr 1, 2010

    @ES Right said ..Love has no limits as well as boundary

    I salute you man
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  • sherya mathur

    MemberApr 22, 2010

    the best days of my life was my childhood when I used to go outeside with my parents for shopping and
    used to go college and schools by school buses.really those were amazing days now I am sad because
    those days will never come .but this is universal truth " time never comes again"
    so don,t waste your time and enjoy every moment of your life and we happy with presents
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  • sushant005

    MemberMay 8, 2010

    After reading all the threads i thought that this would be the best way to share my best days of my life among the engineers........

    The best days of my life was when I topped my 1st and 2nd semester and just missed to top the college and now waiting for the 3rd sem result and now i am in 4th sem.
    As i never topped in my school days so it feel very proud to my parents and that was the great moment for me.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMay 8, 2010

    I prefer my high school days rather than uni. Whenever I think of school, its the fun and carefree days. Uni will always be remembered as studies and projects *sigh*
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  • rishi0922

    MemberJul 11, 2010

    Presently I am in 3rd year of my engineering degree and i have so many beautiful and rocking time in my college but i remember that first day of my college ........this i want to share with all of the CE's..../
    on the first day of my college i was very nervous, many different things was going in my mind as usual like how will be my professors, how will be my classmates, and offcourse how will be my class girls...etc, so i get into the 3rd period of my first class which was of english. It was the first class so my english mam told us to introduce our states from where we have came. I am from Bihar. So mam asked one of us to come on stage and tell something about Bihar but no one was going to the stage as everyone including me was very very scared to go on stage as usual, we can call it was stage fear.
    till 3 or 4 minutes no one came on stage, nd suddenly what happened to me, what i have thought i didnt remember but i stood up and very scarefully in thin voice i had given the first speech in my class nd everybody clapped .

    That was the best moment for me and i will remember it always........./
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