  • With the latest blasts that rocked the wonderful city;mumbai. I have been thinking of the mentality,perspective of these terrorists who neither bother about old,young;rich,poor; women,men.I wonder what drives them so much crazy to take away the lives of the innocent! Why? And how is it that no government in the world is able to catch hold of these very few people compared to the huge forces.. navy,air force of each country!That too trained!I really feel dejected when i think of the way our government has responded to each of their attacks.Why everywhere the common man has to face this be it Amercia,India,England or any place on this beautiful planet.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 13, 2006

    my view

    With the latest blasts that rocked the wonderful city;mumbai. I have been thinking of the mentality,perspective of these terrorists who neither bother about old,young;rich,poor; women,men.I wonder what drives them so much crazy to take away the lives of the innocent! Why? And how is it that no government in the world is able to catch hold of these very few people compared to the huge forces.. navy,air force of each country!That too trained!I really feel dejected when i think of the way our government has responded to each of their attacks.Why everywhere the common man has to face this be it Amercia,India,England or any place on this beautiful planet.
    Nice that you started this thread.

    What goes in terrorists' minds may never be known. What motivates them to kill the innocent men & women might remain a mystery. One thing is sure- The world will continue to have such people.

    But let's not give up on hope. What could we do to build systems which will prevent the terrorists? How could we build a system that would render the blast, hijack attempts unfruitful? Check out this thread -> #-Link-Snipped-#

    The challenge is to build a 'better world', with 'perfect' systems. Let us not hope that the government will change overnight and start looking after the people. But who could stop us from creating/building mechanism that will make it really tough for the terrorists?

    You'd call me a dreamer. Well, I am!

    -The Big K-
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJul 13, 2006

    No we expect the least!

    Atleast the government has to ensure that they are administrating the state well neither r they doing that nor are they are proving themselves efficient at handling such situation.. imagine y its so difficult for terrorists to even plan an attack on the world trade centre and they are failures some places like the pentagon etc. Y couldn't they atleast reduce the no of blasts to just 2 or perhaps 1 for that matter.They are inefficient and we r still voting for them! why we forget about such incidents later on and no one is bothered if the criminals are really punished!I was shocked when i heard that still the criminals of previous blasts are unpunished and some escaped.
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberSep 8, 2006

    Another disaster to forget...

    The blasts in mosque* of our malegaon(City in Nashik-district,Maharashtra- state,Country-India)has registered another disaster to be forgotten by people over not years but days!How crucial is our memory to remember only happy days,how bitter is the human tendency that we continue with our normal schedules.We are used to human lose as we are used to cutting of hens and goats in the slaughter house. WE are nowhere different than maneaters!How terrible is that? Another successful plan by the terrorist by informing the authorities that they are planning blasts!! and our poor authorities couldn't do anything but call a emergency meeting,declare compensation for the dead and injuiried families.And we are thankful to the beureuacrats and we assure that we will continue to be slaves of terrorism!Sad,Very sad.😔

    * PS: Today is friday a very special day for prayers where large number of people with innocent children are present. Very similar to the Varnasi blasts (State-uttar pardesh,Country-India)which took place on tuesday which is special.
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  • AlameluKrishnan

    MemberSep 10, 2006

    I think it is high time that every Indian starts working towards what can be done to stop this ... terrorism... rather than just thanking God that it did not happen to him or his family today -- imagine how small the world becomes can happen to anyone, anytime... so let us do something to prevent this............ Let us start with this ...

    1. while doing chit chat with neighbourhood, let us talk against terrorism and how inhuman it is. Maybe we can bring back someone who is thinking in those lines.
    "small streams finally becomes an ocean"
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    MemberApr 14, 2011

    Aha the talk I am going to do is actually comedy. Don't take it seriously anyone. Just chill. I am going to talk about the religion Hinduism and terrorism. Source of it is a video on my facebook profile..

    It is a common knowledge that there are 330 million Gods in Hinduism. So there must have been a time in human history when the number of Gods must have been more than the number of worshipers. Just imagine 3-4 Gods for each person. Which religion gives so much personal attention to its followers? :razz:

    There became a tough competition between them. One of the conversation between Shiv and a devotee is as follows.
    Lord Shiv: I am happy with your penance ask me what you wish.
    Devotee: Make me immortal.
    Lord Shiv: This is not possible. It violates nature's law. Ask anything else.
    Devotee: Do it or I am going to Lord Vishnu. Do it or its over Shiv, its over.
    LOL. It seriously began to hit the TRP of various Gods.

    So in management terms, the supply was more than the demand. Gods thought that "This is not a sustainable model!". So what to do? They organised a meeting.

    Lord Bramha concluded, " Now no more Gods, am I clear?" " And yes Kaam dev, please calm yourself. Just do some Yoga and Pranayam."
    Personally I feel that just see Lord Ganesh. His Father is a God( Lord Shiv). His mother is a Goddess( Goddess Parvati). So naturally he became a God. Personally I feel that it is not what the "work" you do. But it is just "NetWork" you build.

    (Sorry Lord Ganesh. Nothing personal).

    just imagine. There are a few Gods with a high rating while remaining Crores of God are still unknown.

    Now Hindus are born worshipers. We love to worship. We are hardcore worshipers.
    Once my friend asked me hey friend enough of worshiping Gods. Why not worship plants and animals?
    I replied. Why not dude. It will be really awesome. Lets start that immidiately.
    Nowadays we have a new God of cricket. Sachin Tendulkar. (Balasaheb says, He is a Marathi God no comments, we do not have any branches).

    OK jokes apart now. Terrorism is a bad thing. No religion teaches to bully other. Its the bad people who shame to religions.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 14, 2011

    Please don't bump old threads.
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