  • Sumit

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    Tell me about Passwords

    Most of the PC users have windows installed. Actually it doesn't matter in this case. I just want to know that how the User account passwords work in windows? Where are they stored? And also if in case I want to make a program to change the password without inputting the old password, Is it legal?

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  • Aadit Kapoor

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    Most of the PC users have windows installed. Actually it doesn't matter in this case. I just want to know that how the User account passwords work in windows? Where are they stored? And also if in case I want to make a program to change the password without inputting the old password, Is it legal?

    -------- $un € ---------
    They are stored in sam file
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    There are ways also called fail-safe to re-enter a password in a machine without knowing the old one. It is legal since it is used in case when people forget their passwords.
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  • Aadit Kapoor

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    You can also use net user command
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  • Sumit Thakur

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    Thank u both for giving me this info.....

    one more doubt is, I know about the net user command but what's SAM FILE ?
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  • Sanyam Khurana

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# Your passwords in Windows are stored in a special file known as "SAM" file, but you can't simply open it and see the password, they are always encrypted, and moreover, when you login to your account, the SAM file corresponding to your account would be hidden.

    Thus if you really want to see SAM file, boot any LINUX distro from a flash drive or other source and then you can see it.

    If you want to change the password, you may use software like Hiren Boot CD, OPHCRACK etc. You can change the password without even knowing the previous one.

    As #-Link-Snipped-# said, you may use the net user account from a guest type account, but they don't work every time, because it works actually when your other account has those privileges.
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  • Sanyam Khurana

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    If you want I can also explain you the main operation of software like OPHCRACK and Hiren Boot CD 😁
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  • Sumit Thakur

    MemberMar 20, 2014

    Thank you #-Link-Snipped-# and of course I shall be obliged to know about OPHCRACK.
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