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  • avii

    MemberAug 30, 2014

    It's for a software engineering post, I assume. So what kind of help are you looking?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 30, 2014

    TCS does recruit engineers from variety of engineering branches; but I'm not sure about Chemical engineers. Have you filled up the <a href="">TCS Nextstep Registration and Application</a>?
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  • Akanksha Gupta

    MemberAug 31, 2014

    actually i want help in entrance exam of TCS which happens generally in college the aptitude one for that what part to focus more or less about that
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorAug 31, 2014

    Akanksha Gupta
    actually i want help in entrance exam of TCS which happens generally in college the aptitude one for that what part to focus more or less about that
    You will find these links helpful -
    <a href="">TCS Campus Recruitment Procedure</a>
    <a href="">TCS campus recruitment: very easy to hit TCS</a>
    <a href="">TCS Aptitude Questions</a>
    <a href="">TCS Campus Inteview Question - Year 2011</a>
    <a href="">TCS Online Test Preparation - 2011-2012</a>
    <a href="">TCS Campus Recruitment: Is it so easy to get a job?</a>
    <a href="">TCS Group Discussion (GD) Topics List</a>
    <a href="">TCS Latest Campus Placement Papers 2011 (New Pattern) With Solutions</a>
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  • Akanksha Gupta

    MemberAug 31, 2014

    thank you so much this will be a great help 👍👍👍👍
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  • Akanksha Gupta

    MemberAug 31, 2014

    no i haven't filled up next step application form . plz help me in that too
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorAug 31, 2014

    Sure. Fill up the form and ask any questions you may have here.
    Akanksha Gupta
    no i haven't filled up next step application form . plz help me in that too
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  • Akanksha Gupta

    MemberAug 31, 2014

    but nextstep site is too busy sort of errors are coming
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  • Akanksha Gupta

    MemberAug 31, 2014

    please help me if i could sign through any other way
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  • Neda Hashmi

    MemberSep 23, 2014

    In my college, TCS din't allowed student from Chemical Engg Dept to sit in the test.
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberSep 23, 2014

    This sounds very stupid. But TCS got me reading and since this is a chemical engg backdrop, Why does Technetium form a disulphide and not a sulphide?

    Why TcS2 and not TcS?

    Valency of Tc = 2
    Valency of S = 6

    If I were a TCS panelist, I would ask this to a Chemical Engineer 😀
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  • Neda Hashmi

    MemberSep 24, 2014

    Shashank Moghe
    This sounds very stupid. But TCS got me reading and since this is a chemical engg backdrop, Why does Technetium form a disulphide and not a sulphide?

    Why TcS2 and not TcS?

    Valency of Tc = 2
    Valency of S = 6

    If I were a TCS panelist, I would ask this to a Chemical Engineer 😀
    Well thats because sulphur shows variable valencies and the oxidation state in which S combine with Tc is 4.
    So, am I hired?? 😎😎
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberSep 25, 2014

    Neda Hashmi
    Well thats because sulphur shows variable valencies and the oxidation state in which S combine with Tc is 4.
    So, am I hired?? 😎😎
    Yes of course you are 😀 One thing is still not clear to me. How is the covalent bond formed with a valency of 4 ? With two S atoms and one Tc atom?
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  • Neda Hashmi

    MemberSep 28, 2014

    Shashank Moghe
    Yes of course you are 😀 One thing is still not clear to me. How is the covalent bond formed with a valency of 4 ? With two S atoms and one Tc atom?
    You intrigued me. I did some research on Tc and found out that along with S, Tc also shows variable valencies.
    Now, we have two possibilities of structure of TcS2,
    1) If S is saturated, and Tc shows valency of 2, it can form cross-linked structure.
    2) Second possibility is that both have the valency of 4 and are linked by double bond on each side.
    I am not sure though. I simply did my chemistry. but the reason behind the structure is valency only.
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberSep 28, 2014

    Neda Hashmi
    You intrigued me. I did some research on Tc and found out that along with S, Tc also shows variable valencies.
    Now, we have two possibilities of structure of TcS2,
    1) If S is saturated, and Tc shows valency of 2, it can form cross-linked structure.
    2) Second possibility is that both have the valency of 4 and are linked by double bond on each side.
    I am not sure though. I simply did my chemistry. but the reason behind the structure is valency only.

    Well, I have always been very poor at chemistry. So both the solutions sound fair to me. Good job though 😀
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  • Void Runner

    MemberOct 6, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# : The real reason is thermodynamics. If you are a chemical engineer, get to the chemical engineering thermodynamics of all possibilities of chemical compound formation. The most common structure is not the only structure, but the most thermodynamically favourable one (i.e. most spontaneous).
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberOct 6, 2014

    Im not a CE but a ME and thermo is my favorite. Unfortunately, I could not get the enthalpies of formation for both these compounds.

    Even so, as you must know, thermochemistry gives you the energies involved, and not the reason behind those quantum. You cannot always find the cause from the effect. Hence my question.
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  • Void Runner

    MemberOct 7, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# : The real reason actually has to do with a combination of stereochemistry, quantum and statistical mechanics. If you do an energy level by energy level analysis of the overlaps involved in the compound formations you will find a more stable configuration in the one that is most commonly found. It will be difficult for me to explain without going into some hardcore theoretical chemistry but that's how you try to explain why a compound forms the way it does.
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberOct 7, 2014

    That would be interesting to know, but I am sure would be fairly a bouncer. We used to use Chemkin for combustion analysis study in Grad school. The sheer number of chemical reactions blew my mind. Of the 4th order! Never realized there were so many intermediate steps to a global reaction 😁
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