  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, introduced a new initiative called OpenCourseWare, OCW

    Its a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, i
    a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
    MIT OCW:
    • Is a publication of MIT course materials
    • Does not require any registrationnnovation, and leadership.
    MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials

    Take a look at this
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    I check it,

    Really this link was so cool,

    Now I will check and screw fully.

    And acknowledge.

    Thanks and Regards,
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  • skamthe81

    MemberJun 1, 2008

    nicelink but it doesn't show courses starting in next june/fall2008
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  • bharathsv87

    MemberJun 4, 2008

    good stuff dude.....😁😁😁
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