  • I am planning to buy laptop. I hate this secure boot crap, yeah it is possible to disable UEFI secure boot in x86-64 system but not in ARM, but still I will prefer not to waste my precious dimes & energy on any pre-installed sucky Windows laptop.

    Here's the configuration which is ideal (for me) that I want in laptop :
    - Nvidia GFX card (No Optimus, please) [ This is because, I have suffered lot with ATI drivers in gaming, while I've noticed that games under Nvidia Proprietary drivers are working like butter] [Optimus power saving official support is still not merged in Kernel, news claims it will be soon : Hence it is better not to go for it]

    - AMD CPU{latest} (most preferred) // Intel i5 3rd Gen will do too

    - 4 GB RAM

    - HDMI & VGA Port

    - Preinstalled OS : None/Free-DOS/DOS

    - And Ofcourse LED screen with backlit

    Budget : < INR 41,500
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberSep 28, 2013

    Check out this #-Link-Snipped-#, you can trade in 40k in local market.
    I don't suggest laptop with dedicated graphics, they kind of compromise with hardware quality which makes working experience bad *and they sucked up after a year of heavy use.
    For a geek I would suggest desktop or business series laptop.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberSep 28, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# : I hate dedicated gfx, dead slow. And even that laptop ain't that good.
    I couldn't find a single laptop with AMD CPU, Nvidia GFX & running on DOS or Linux.
    If I won't be able to find anything better, then I will go for AMD A8 APU + AMD GFX.
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