  • yasirbtech

    MemberJul 14, 2011

    Successful Entrepreneurs

    Most people dream of becoming an enterprunr. Although enterpruship is a "BIG JOB", which requires strong desire, clear vision, real focus, . I believe entrepreneur should be ready to get his hands dirty by working in area where he is wiling to start a business.
    One example is a succesfull entrepreneur in our area in AP is about engineer starting a dairy farm (Nandi dairy) and making it a succesful business, creating massive jobs etc., Now how many out there are ready to get there hands dirty working initaly in a dairy farm, getting the do's and dont's and then start a business.

    people saying "common iam an eingineer how can i do this" 😉 well stop dreaming.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 14, 2011

    I've moved your post to entrepreneurship section.

    I believe it depends on what kind of venture the entrepreneurs enters in. There are lots of challenges at every step - but the rewards are much higher if the entrepreneur doesn't quit.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 14, 2011

    As the quote says,
    “In any task we hav to cross 3 stages:
    1] Insult
    2] Opposition
    3] Acceptance

    Fools stop at 1st.
    Losers stop at 2nd &
    Winners cross d 3rd...”

    Here the Winners are Entrepreneurs... 😁
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