  • I sometimes feel so sorry that this website exposes me to the truth of engineering education and mentality of engineers. Day by day, the number of people asking me for all ready made stuff is going. Just a few minutes ago, I got an email from a student who in polite words, asked me to provide him the 'complete source code' along with relevant explanation for his college website project. This guy was shamelessly asking me to write 'source code' for his college website and even 'explain' it so that if someone asks him a question - he'd be able to answer it.

    I'm sick of this! I see that Indian Engineering has no future. [​IMG] All we have is just a few zombies. Even a 10 year kid interested in 'engineering' is 100 times better than any average Indian engineering student. What the hell!
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  • gohm

    MemberAug 8, 2011

    I get those emails too on a regular basis. I used to reply to them but now I just ignore them. It's sad that people feel forced into a career path they have no interest or passion for.
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    MemberAug 8, 2011

    Isn't it better to develop interest engineering by initially copying videos from internet and gradually switching over to self made original ideas?

    I am talking about the mechano sets which children play with; to develop creativity and bolster interest in engineering.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 8, 2011

    Isn't it better to develop interest engineering by initially copying videos from internet and gradually switching over to self made original ideas?

    I am talking about the mechano sets which children play with; to develop creativity and bolster interest in engineering.
    Even that requires some 'creativity'. I'd have happily replied to the guy had he asked me how to get started.
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  • Pensu

    MemberAug 8, 2011

    Well....i guess its the problem with our education system. From the start we are taught to mug up things and get good marks, and when it comes to creativity, we go blank.
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberAug 8, 2011

    This is the time when we have to face the main problem. When site becomes so popular then there is lots of new member & we have to maintain our quality without hearting any member. It is just begging, our moderator have to face lot (donkey) work like move the thread / delete thread / guide a particular member for good posting etc. etc.
    Though my statistic shows that i am less active on CE, i visit CE regularly. In that days i m new in engg. field & our post is of high quality post. This is the only thing which kept me in touch with CE. & now i am taking active part in CE discussions.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 8, 2011

    Even a 10 year kid interested in 'engineering' is 100 times better than any average Indian engineering student. What the hell!
    I agree. Unfortunately not even 10% of these get through the various EETs to get seats. The loss is entirely the world's.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 8, 2011

    I'm against the mentality. See our project ideas section. Almost EVERY request is about getting *everything* ready-made. Not a single person has asked for some 'real' help. The worst part is - no one cares. Because every average Joe will ultimately be recruited in Infosys, TCS, WIPRO or some BPO.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 9, 2011

    Not a single person has asked for some 'real' help. The worst part is - no one cares. Because every average Joe will ultimately be recruited in Infosys, TCS, WIPRO or some BPO.
    Tragedy of the Internet. There is always someone jumping in to help for some awarded 'points'. Whenever some student has a genuine problem with concepts, I try to explain and show how the problem can be solved. It has become so easy to punch some keys and ask for an answer. There will always be someone around the timezones available to be taken for a ride.
    The curious thing is that only the average (or below) get recruited in Infosys, TCS, WIPRO or some BPO. Sort of white collar clerks serving someone 12 hours away.
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberAug 11, 2011

    This is not the problem that occurred today or even yesterday. This habit have been cultivated in the engineering students from almost a decade and the younger generation is paying for that. Even I(little average in my subjects) came up with different kinds of ideas with my lecturer and every time he used to skip and gave me a lot of assignments which I managed to do well. The reason why I have done well is my lecturer knows almost the same as I do and he is lame if he had no text book and he has to prepare everyday for the class. Now the students don't know what to do asking for help in internet though or etc. Here, I didn't mean that every lecturer will be like that and everyone will do the same but the majority carries the same because of lack of interest in their respective field. As there were many threads in project ideas section which raised good ideas but left unanswered and here I don't agree with Mr.K about that Indian engineering has no future because or perhaps we can just change the direction of the Indian Engineering with this site and some day we might discover or invent something which will be very useful for younger generation.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 11, 2011

    @dileep: Changing the direction of Indian Engineering with the help of this site is going to be quite difficult and we don't know whether we're on that course. The fact that Indians, post the 'so called' Independence haven't been able to come up with remarkable innovations for the masses is quite disappointing. The problem likes in the minds - not in the education system. That does not mean I'm supporting the engineering education system in India. It sucks equally. I'd love to be proven wrong that Indian Engineering education has no future - but I don't see even a single ray of hope that'd make me believe there's a way out.

    The IITs which appear in every Indian Engineering related discussions have not been able to shell out innovations, developments like other engineering Universities in the world. I wonder with so much of grants and donations from their alumni - what's stopping them from carrying out research? Every day we cover a ton of news from MIT, Caltech and even the smaller Universities from various parts of the world - but none from the IITs. The NITs and other engineering colleges are nowhere near the scene.

    What makes you believe that Indian engineering isn't doomed? [ Let's keep ISRO out of this discussion ]
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberAug 12, 2011

    IITs, MIT, NITs and other universities - I've never understand the speciality of these universities. It's the students and the infrastructure in the university might have made them great but it is really appreciated if the students are innovative and it don't require for that as any other and even a +2 candidate can make innovation but an engineer must control the invented and improve that instrument with his innovation. In India I didn't see any deficiency in engineers number and we have many talented engineers and percentage engineers(80+ aggregate). The talented ones do innovate and help for any cause. For example, I have watched in a news channel that a +2 boy developed a simple plant which generates power for his village and a group of engineers from VRSEC,Vijayawada,India discovered new material for construction which is cheaper and more stable,reliable material and many more. Innovation can be done in any way but it has to be extracted and our colleges should not encourage students to mug up for percentages to survive in the competition. It's not the problem of we are not having good talent, curiosity and it's because we have habituated to this corruption, recklessness and every other element contribute to this situation. All that they need information and more encouragement with facilities to practice and implementing them irrespective of their percentages can do change the course and I can see only bright future for Indian Engineering because I can see some one is ready to help when it was required and when it mattered. 😀
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 12, 2011


    The IITs which appear in every Indian Engineering related discussions have not been able to shell out innovations, developments like other engineering Universities in the world. I wonder with so much of grants and donations from their alumni - what's stopping them from carrying out research? Every day we cover a ton of news from MIT, Caltech and even the smaller Universities from various parts of the world - but none from the IITs. The NITs and other engineering colleges are nowhere near the scene. What makes you believe that Indian engineering isn't doomed? [ Let's keep ISRO out of this discussion ]
    Looks as though the problem is global.

    There are individual engineers or small groups (may their tribe increase), who do contribute. The system as a whole could do a lot better. There is no denying that Indian trained engineers do contribute in cutting edge technologies abroad. Considering the huge number here in India, their output seems too small. A definition of technology is:'That which works'. The number of technologies from Indian institutions (Public, private or universities) that resulted in actual products is abysmal.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2011

    I'm going to use this tread to post all 'Ready Made Project' Requests -

    please i will appreciate it if i can get a ready made project for my final year in Electrical Electronics that will not cost much.

    Yours faithfully,
    <clipped> response to our 'Welcome to CrazyEngineers Forum' message 😐
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2011

    From Deepak Jain:

    i want a mtech project on image mossaicing using several algorithm

    👍 Keep asking, folks!
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberSep 11, 2011

    Four of all the reasons why this sorry state of Engineering Colleges is in front of our senses.
    1. If you do a BTech, you can apply for a job which is available for other Bachelor degrees as well, but if you have bachelor degree in something else, for example accounting, you can only apply for a job in accounting, and nothing else. Most of the people take engineering for the sake of flexibility.
    2. People usually blame teachers, but never think beyond that. Who appointed those teachers in the first place? In many colleges, even in mine, BTech passouts would teach BTech students, and that too, freshers who would just have passed out, and that too, usually from the same college. Why is that done? Just because they cost less than half of an average M.Tech qualified teacher. And what drives these freshers to be teachers, well, that is inability to secure a job via placements. And they teach students, students become malnourished engineers, just like their teacher, then they apply for jobs in IT sector, no matter what their Engg. religion is, and then they do not succeed, then they come back and apply for teacher's job, they get it. The vicious circle continues...
    3. The rise in the number of private colleges is also one reason. Because of that, even if the student who goes very low in the entrance examination, they get in some or the other college. And if you are desperately lower than them, don't worry, "donate" lakhs of rupees to the Chairman of any college, or to the college management, you get it, no matter even if you don't even know how to fill your name in the application form...
    4. The rise in the number of colleges has also triggered something else - Competition. Due to that, even the IITs are affected, as they want their results better than their competitors, and due to that, they overload students, leading to suicide deaths and, oh yes, bad quality engineers who know only to mug up.

    The reason why an increasing number of people are asking for ready-made projects is one - because they get it.

    Even I(little average in my subjects) came up with different kinds of ideas with my lecturer and every time he used to skip and gave me a lot of assignments which I managed to do well. The reason why I have done well is my lecturer knows almost the same as I do and he is lame if he had no text book and he has to prepare everyday for the class.
    Hope you have a great deal of experience teaching class of 60 or 70 students with a sword hung right over your head. The sword is a thought which runs thus, "If I lose this job, I will never get another. How will I show my face to the world? I got to teach well this time. If I don't one of these students will complain to my Head, and I will lose it.".
    Never dis-respect your teacher, if you do, that shows what you are where you were born...
    A teacher is a teacher, no matter what! You must have grasped something from him/her. Respect that person the next time you see that person. A simple good morning can do wonders, you can give him confidence, and you can make your day a tone better.
    And yes, please sue that management if they don't provide you good teachers, don't curse the teachers.
    Sorry if I talked too much, this is not to hurt anyone, just to open a few eyes. (I've been seeing this cursing from the time I got into my college.)
    And please, never call your teacher lame in an international forum. That's my humble request.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 11, 2011

    [h=2]Sick Of People Asking Me To Do Their Homework![/h]
    Is there a way of educating/guiding students to make them realize that assignments/projects are the only chance to be innovative and creative. If students stop asking for free stuff and do the homework, they will be better engineers.
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    MemberSep 11, 2011

    Friends, I have a different opinion on this. I believe that world is spherical and it all goes in circles.

    The students who take up admission in Engineering colleges have their eyes on FINAL YEAR PLACEMENTS right from the start of their four year degree course. So, They are kind of bribing the University by paying yearly fees just to get a degree. This is wrong.

    Everyone, including University curriculum, Parents and teachers should expose the students to practical work and hence induce in them the pride of self work. We will have to depend on honesty of teachers and valuers for that. No one can make laws which can define sincerity of individuals in grooming up of students.

    If it is done in this manner then even if you don't start a business and apply for a job, you will be successful in it.
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberSep 11, 2011

    The discussion is going in such a way that an engineer starts his/her training only when he/she secures an admission in a college.
    The engineer is professional, by all means. As Voltaire says, "All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God". The lifestyle, the environment in which he/she grows are the factors which shape him/her from nothing to something. The basic education and higher secondary education should aim at making professionals, and not muggers. A professional can turn into anything. It is mistaken that only a few courses like medicine, engineering and management are professional courses. Actually, every course in the world is professional in its own way. We talk about engineering because engineering has an expanse which covers the whole world due to which, we compare our engineers with engineers all over the world. the education problem is affecting everything else too, but the effect in those fields is just like diabetes, its a silent killer, taking its toll very, very silently. So now, when we talk about why engineers are worthless, according to me, we must admit that it is the way in which we grew, the way in which we were taught, are the factors that caused all these problems. If all of us over here want our kids to be good professionals(it depends on them if they want to be engineers), we would require to educate, train, prepare and most importantly, enlighten people of our generation in such a way. But see, the way in which we are growing is not different from our teachers, almost worthless as compared to the international standards. At least, the change to be brought is to be brought, but where? In our roots.
    As dear Issue said, practical work is mandatory for engineers during their learning time. But the sense of practicalising (I forged that word, don't know the exact word) each and every thing you read in books, to see, touch, feel, hear, taste and learn the basics and above has to be inculcated.
    After teaching people till the 12th standard using the spoon-feeding mechanism, you cannot expect them to go practical one fine day.
    The change have to be done at the lower classes, at least from the secondary level (eighth grade). That is the place where human mind grows and develops at the fastest pace.
    But hey, nowadays, professionals are defined as the people who can secure the highest marks in Physics, Chemistry, ,Maths, and may or may not have some common sense. So, I doubt if I must call engineers and the best in all other fields professionals, at least in this 'new' (Narrow minded) era.
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberSep 11, 2011

    In actuals, the plan for changing the outlook towards life for an engineer(engineer's life in the professional front) has to be two-tier. One has to be a short term, changnig the mind-set of the engineers right from the first day of their first semester. The other has to be a long term process, changing the way people learn from the start of their secondary education. They should be encouraged to think professionally, no matter whatever they like. As I said, if professional attitude towards everything is encouraged, the way of thinking changes.
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberSep 12, 2011

    Nice post by @rupam das for those people!
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberSep 13, 2011

    The attitude is the definite answer. But, the fact is you don't need to be told the basics even at an early age; it's just a better option(and only a few are born geniuses); but age is no criterion for learning.

    And the fact that Engineers are born, can never be considered as a statement. The family backgrounds from which each and every Indian Engineering Student comes, is totally different. Some of the parents find it difficult to meet their daily requirements, none-the-less have the means to provide the necessary ideas for the child's career in the future. And would any of our parents or us (parents of the future) want their child to end up as a coconut collector(who in fact gets paid well and is a highly demanding professional in Kerala 😛)

    The truth however is as Thomas Alva Edison said, "If we did all the things we're capable of, we'd literally astound ourselves". So what most of the 'B.E. or B.Tech' students 'try' with Engineering is 'their luck' (sadly); and how else to know what you're capable of, unless you give it a try?

    And it's heart-breaking when you don't do your own homework (Why is it?? Because there's someone else who's got that particular 'job' of doing it for you).

    If you want to blame someone, don't blame the poor engineering students (who have nothing in their minds, but to get a good job - THROUGH WHATEVER MEANS), blame the system in which 'things' work out in India(or the world). And blame the CORRUPTION in the Education System that deprives the student of their learning skills and possibilities.
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberSep 13, 2011

    And the fact that Engineers are born, can never be considered as a statement.
    Sorry for creating a misunderstanding. I will change post no. 19 in the way I actually thought. Thanks for pointing it out.
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberSep 14, 2011

    @aj I mean he(my lecturer) is not good in his subject and that's why I said "He's lame(didn't find another word to substitute for it and had to use it because it is the reason for the downfall of Indian Education) without a text book". If you're seeking a lecturer job then you're creating 100 more engineers, how talented and determined you must be...

    You can criticize a cricketer but you cannot a politician, government worker and lecturer? - what's this.

    If there are flaws in the system then they must be criticized for good. I hope your broad minded thinking will be able to grasp my thoughts.

    Your views are good but changing one's mind is not always a very good option and we cannot change or control one's mind. Let them be themselves and let them do what ever they can and if everyone go to their respective interested fields then the quality will automatically improve. If you force something to happen then there would be no requirement for system to interfere, the person will automatically find ways to get out of it. Every person will have this creative process of thinking and that's also a reason for getting good marks for some students because it is the only way to get success in present situation. A Creative mind will always try to find ways to manage and to survive the present situation but when it is directed correctly then there will be mandatory success.
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