  • This may not be an ideal debate topic; however I'm posting it in a debate topic because it's a generic one. The question is should we really promote our Facebook, Google+ and Twitter pages via CrazyEngineers? We set up those pages in order to reach out to people to make people aware of CrazyEngineers so that they come to CE and sign-up and become a part of our family.

    But should we really be promoting our social feeds on CE? Or should we let these social pages grow independent of CrazyEngineers and we use these pages with an aim to reach out to new people who 'haven't' heard about CE?
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  • rukku

    MemberJan 8, 2014

    yaa we should using those social networks we can get more informations and also we can catch our frndz....the use of those networks depend on the user..
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJan 8, 2014

    I hardly find Facebook/twitter with constructive opinion, comment or any helpfulness. These are mostly about news items and time-pass.
    but on Google+, if promoted to right audience/group CE will get better exposure and constructive discussion.
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  • rukku

    MemberJan 8, 2014

    each network has there own comparing doesn't works.when generation develops ideas,there working platforms all varies
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 8, 2014

    Anoop Kumar
    if promoted to right audience/group
    Could you shed some more light on that?
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJan 8, 2014

    Well, if you observe on twitter/facebook you can probably reach to large number of audience. It's kind of updating your status that yes, we have the content at this link.

    While community feature in Google plus, I observed that when you share a link or description, you can get some really useful comment.
    For an instance see the groups #-Link-Snipped-# or #-Link-Snipped-# one can find good stuffs shared and helped to others. That means there is potentially fair chances of getting better people on CE.
    While answer to things shared/question asked on Facebook/twitter are mostly troll or useless.
    I am sure that CE is reaching to people on Facebook more than any other social media but what is the ratio of user conversion to CE family?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 8, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - we don't get traffic from Facebook, Twitter and G+. We do have join with FB button which allows for quicker registration.

    We want all the discussions, resources and fun on CE to reach out to wider audience through social channels; to those who already have liked the pages or are following; but also to those who haven't yet known about CE.

    My concern is that if we start sending people from CE to these pages; people would rely on these channels to receive updates and not actually participate on CE.
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  • rukku

    MemberJan 9, 2014

    whatever we try to make more audience ...the wish will be with catch up others..such debate,quiz contests will add +mark...
    we should show our own difference then it will help to improve more ..😀
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  • Shreyas Sule

    MemberJan 22, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    My concern is that if we start sending people from CE to these pages; people would rely on these channels to receive updates and not actually participate on CE.
    I agree that CE parent site should be the destination and not a diversion.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 22, 2014

    With the efforts of @#-Link-Snipped-# who is the brain behind all our social media channels right now, we are targeting to reach more and more people. When there are 100s of crazy engineers online at the same time, there's a lot of food for the brain for everyone and the legacy lives on. 😎
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