Member • Nov 16, 2011
Shot Peen Hardness With Nanoindentation
[h=3]The intention of shot peening is ultimately to alter the mechanical properties of a given surface. By hitting the surface with controlled shot the surface will deform plastically. Two of the more common techniques include cast sheet shot and cut wire shot. Cut wire shot is created by cutting drawn steel wire to lengths approximately the same size as the width of the wire. The resulting wire is then rounded to remove the sharp edges. Cast steel shot is created by atomizing molten steel, then heat treating and sieving the resulting material. In both cases, the surface of the material is hit with a controlled energy of shot to create the desired effect. Understanding the mechanical properties of the surface reactions created by these techniques is becoming increasingly important in various applications including medical, aerospace and automotive industries. Proper Instrumentation will play a vital factor in achieving reliable and intended results. [/h]
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