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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberFeb 12, 2008

    Very very good Q. I too have a blog, an indie blog, which can be either a source of pride or downright irritating! For example, one of the search terms that google shows, people stumbling to my website is "Retards" or "Retarded Horse" !!! Crazy isnt it? Thats because I had linked one pic from my website of 2 retarted guys, (for some reason too long to explain check my about page on my blog).

    Anyway, regarding the SEO (search engine optimization) get a pack, like All-in-one-SEO. I think you already have it. Just set it up THEN THEN:::::

    The most important thing, register your website with Google Webmasters. Might have done that too.

    The last step is to visit your interest websites and keep posting a link to your page, if you provide something useful for people. Like my website is for electronics and blah, I have a link on my signature and most come to my page after reading the Parallel Port Tutorial.

    So dude keep bloging!@!! Nice blog bytheway 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 12, 2008

    Hi CE!

    Can anyone of you shed some more light on SEO, and more specifically how to go about increasing the Page Rank and the Alexa Rank of a site?
    I've something to share. I've been working on it for quite sometime, CE forums have been SEO'ed and the result is that our traffic has skyrocketed (I mean it!)

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is basically a technique to make your website more 'visible' on the search engines. The aim is to have your website link displayed on first three pages of search results (for popular keywords). Normally, people won't care to go beyond 3 pages of search results. So the higher you appear on results, the more you are visible to people searching for specific information.

    Now, to get a higher PR, there are several techniques. One of the popular techniques is to have as many 'static' pages as possible, with permalinks. Secondly, have as many higher PR sites/pages link to your site. Third, have unique content. Four - have sitemaps. The list is big, but above four should help getting a higher PR.

    I think you don't have to do anything special to get higher Alexa ranking. If your site drives lot of traffic, your alexa rank will go up gradually.

    So, to have a good PR and traffic:-
    • Develop backlinks to your site
    • Put unique content on your pages
    • Have clean urls & static pages
    • Submit your site's sitemap to Google & Yahoo
    • Allow spiders to crawl your website
    • Convince Michael Arrington to cover your website
    • Try to be popular on Digg, & Technorati
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberFeb 13, 2008

    Hey xheavenlyx and Biggie,

    Thanks a lot for your responses. Google Webmasters is enabled, and I am on the look out for more tips.

    Just registered with Technorati. Havent started digging my own posts yet 😀

    Do keep me informed on more such tips!!#-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 13, 2008

    Hey xheavenlyx and Biggie,

    Thanks a lot for your responses. Google Webmasters is enabled, and I am on the look out for more tips.

    Just registered with Technorati. Havent started digging my own posts yet 😀

    Do keep me informed on more such tips!!
    Take my tip about having Michael Arrington cover your site on techcrunch 😁😁😁

    (and if he does, be prepared to pay extra $$ to your host for that extra bandwidth)
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  • Sameer Fadnavis

    MemberSep 7, 2008

    Some nice tips are mentioned here, but they are just the DO's. But how to achieve the DO's? Here are some links, which will explain further in a visual manner -


    Please answer my two questions, once you have browsed the links -
    1. Did you find the visuals helpful?
    2. Let me know, which other concepts in SEO scare you. I will try to make an easy to understand visual of the same.
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  • Lorenz triol

    MemberAug 16, 2018

    SEO services are widely popular and very effective as a marketing tool, but it is certainly not easy to implement especially if one aims to reach the first page of search engine results. I’m also working on the seo techniques for my business website but haven’t seen positive results. 

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