  • Jolla once revealed that Sailfish OS will be available for Android devices, to entice developers to comeup with native apps for Sailfish OS. One months back, we saw a tweet regarding #-Link-Snipped-#. And, now recently a hacker ported SailfishOS for Nexus4. Here's the 2-minute video :

    Seems like flashing of Sailfish OS ROM is done using ROM Manager which takes only 4-5 minutes to do so.

    Some screenshots from video itself :





    Seems like all upcoming mobile OS are trying to port to Google Nexus4, since hardware code is easily available for Google's device. Anyways, there's no official link where you can download SailfishOS & enter the restricted domain & perform hacking/tinkering. Probably, this will be possible only after official release of Jolla's Sailfish OS.
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  • Netradeep Dhonde

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    According to the video,Sailfish OS is being installed on Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3
    If the other files are avalaible,then any other Android phone with an unlocked Bootloader would be able to install the OS.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Netradeep Dhonde
    According to the video,Sailfish OS is being installed on Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3
    And I don't understand this : 'Sailfish OS is being installed on Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3'
    How can you install ROM on ROM ? From what little knowledge I have, I can see that the hacker is flashing the ROM, which means old ROM (Android or CM as you claim) is been replaced by SailfishOS. Now,probably the reason behind flashing on CM looks obvious since CM uses custom Kernel which undoubtedly better than stock, even though it's just fork of it- but with better features.

    However, I am looking for some more official news regarding this.
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  • Netradeep Dhonde

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Abhishek Rawal
    And I don't understand this : 'Sailfish OS is being installed on Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3'
    How can you install ROM on ROM ? From what little knowledge I have, I can see that the hacker is flashing the ROM, which means old ROM (Android or CM as you claim) is been replaced by SailfishOS. Now,probably the reason behind flashing on CM looks obvious since CM uses custom Kernel which undoubtedly better than stock, even though it's just fork of it- but with better features.

    However, I am looking for some more official news regarding this.
    It's not ROM on ROM....the Sailfish OS is based on Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3
    Sailfish OS is a highly customised ROM having base of CM 10.1.3
    Also as u correctly said that CM provides much more customization options than the stock kernel.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Netradeep Dhonde
    It's not ROM on ROM....the Sailfish OS is based on Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3
    I don't understand.
    CM10 is based on Android while SailfishOS is entire different OS with different framework (to be precise it uses QT framework - QML), So how come Sailfish OS is based on CM10 ?
    Link me the source from where you read this, because afaik SailfishOS uses Android runtime which is based on opensource Android libraries, which helps to maintain the performance even at native environment.

    I would like to take a look of source from where you read that SailfishOS is based on CM10.1.Kindly link it here.
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  • Aditya Deshmukh

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Abhishek Rawal
    I don't understand.
    CM10 is based on Android while SailfishOS is entire different OS with different framework (to be precise it uses QT framework - QML), So how come Sailfish OS is based on CM10 ?
    Link me the source from where you read this, because afaik SailfishOS uses Android runtime which is based on opensource Android libraries, which helps to maintain the performance even at native environment.

    I would like to take a look of source from where you read that SailfishOS is based on CM10.1.Kindly link it here.
    It's simple man , as in video that person installs cm10.1.3 as a rom and sailfish zip file as add-on ..... just like we flash gapps to get google services on our phone.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Aditya Deshmukh
    It's simple man , as in video that person installs cm10.1.3 as a rom and sailfish zip file as add-on ..... just like we flash gapps to get google services on our phone.
    I guess you don't understand what I am trying to say here.
    How can you flash two OS with different framework tar files on each other & make the applications run ?

    I am pretty sure, it's not like what it seems in video. Maybe hacker is flashing CM10 first to get CM-Kernel & then flashing Sailfish ROM to replace CM ROM, which doesn't replaces CM-kernel but only replaces the /main files of CM ROM.
    BTW Sailfish OS is based on QT framework, totally different to that of AF.
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  • Aditya Deshmukh

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Abhishek Rawal
    I guess you don't understand what I am trying to say here.
    How can you flash two OS with different framework tar files on each other & make the applications run ?

    I am pretty sure, it's not like what it seems in video. Maybe hacker is flashing CM10 first to get CM-Kernel & then flashing Sailfish ROM to replace CM ROM, which doesn't replaces CM-kernel but only replaces the /main files of CM ROM.
    BTW Sailfish OS is based on QT framework, totally different to that of AF.
    I guess, I used wrong example to explain. Explanation that u gave might be correct.
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  • lal

    MemberJan 24, 2014

    And here is Sailfish OS on Nokia N9
    (There is where it all started. The first phone to make a difference!)

    And the comlete guide to make it happen.
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Sailfish - wiki</a>
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