  • abhishek. sharma
    abhishek. sharma

    MemberJan 29, 2010

    Reversible system

    If,we increase efficiency more than 50% ,then system becomes reversible why??????
    actually ,i m a student of 1st sem of mech. engg. .
    in mechanics subject is a topic self locking machines ,in that topic this case is discussed so i want to know that this is only a consideration or reality??????????????
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  • arjunoids

    MemberJan 30, 2010

    which efficiency are you talking about?
    we have thermal efficiency,
    mechanical efficiency,
    air standard efficiency,
    overall efficiency, etc.,
    And its not true that the system should be reversible if the efficienct is more than 50%.
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  • ankit bapat

    MemberJan 31, 2010

    its the mechanical efficiency
    related to engg. mechanics
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  • Vega

    MemberFeb 2, 2010

    abhishek. sharma
    If,we increase efficiency more than 50% ,then system becomes reversible why??????
    That's quite a ambigious question. I would like to hear more abt it.
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  • g_rakesh2

    MemberFeb 2, 2010

    abhishek. sharma
    If,we increase efficiency more than 50% ,then system becomes reversible why??????
    no its not possible. to system become reversible.
    Can you elaborate your question?
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  • Riyaz Rathod

    MemberFeb 3, 2010

    no its not true
    more efficiency is good for process and due to more efficiency cycle not became reversible
    but i think its all depend on all parameters and condition.
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  • anu_mech

    MemberFeb 6, 2010

    maximum possible efficiency is reversible efficiency......i mean when the cyle is undergoing idealised reverse process....if the ideal efficiency is X% then u cant go beyond that be it any process...
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