  • Hello world, Its a new year - 2008, hope you all have a blast and be prosperous and happy and all other good things. Phew... now that, that is done with, I will like the readers of this blog to be humbled and brought down to earth (literally) by some of the slightly (?) exaggerated facets of, none other than, Rajnikant !! yeah... He is literally a demi god for South Indian movie fans and no less than an icon for others. I was inspired to do this bit for this man after I saw his latest multi million dollar flick, "Sivaji". This is a piece contributed by a friend of mine, Saurabh, to show the world that there simply is, no equal, to the legend called Rajnikant... hold your breath, here it comes -->

    1) Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Rajnikant (some science, huh !!)

    2) Rajnikant has counted to infinity - twice. (of course, he went on the negative side too...)

    3) (Now this one is my favorite...) When Rajnikant does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing earth down.

    4) Rajnikant is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head. (and Einstein though nothing runs faster than light...)

    5) Rajnikant doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is. (and then there was Rajni !!)

    6) Rajnikant can slam a revolving door.

    7) Rajnikant gave Mona Lisa that smile. (alas !! the code is solved...)

    8) Rajnikant's house has no doors, only walls that he walks through. (birla cement filed a lawsuit on him once, they say...)

    9) Rajnikant grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage. (thats why his movies seem to be having such a pot boiler of an end, huh??)

    10) If you Google Search 'Rajnikant getting kicked', you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen. (No comments)

    11) It takes Rajnikant 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes. (Space time continuum is a joke for this dude, must say...)

    12) The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajnikant kicked one of the corners off.

    13) There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; Rajnikant lives in Chennai. (There you go Mr. Bush, Saddam was innocent, after all !!)

    14) Rajnikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink. (No wonder !)

    15) The only things that run faster and longer than Rajnikant are his films.

    16) Rajnikant's every step creates a mini whirlwind. Hurricane Katrina was the result of a morning jog. (oh Katrina...)

    17) (quite proverbial, this one) Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is Rajnikant, there is no other way.
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  • MaRo

    MemberJan 11, 2008

    So funny 😁

    I like this one the most : 12) The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajnikant kicked one of the corners off 😁😁
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 12, 2008

    Anyone from South India here? [​IMG]
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  • Nidhinkoroth

    MemberJan 12, 2008

    Anyone from South India here? [​IMG]
    Ya...I am frm Kerala

    Here is the reason. Why Newton Committed Suicide.....

    Once, Newton came to India and watched a few Tamil movies that had his head spinning. He was convinced that all his logic and laws in physics were just a huge pile of junk and apologized for everything he had done.

    In the movie of Rajanikanth, Newton was confused to such an extent that he went paranoid.

    Here are a few scenes

    1) Rajanikanth has a Brain Tumor which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, our great Rajanikanth is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise, the bullet passes through his ears taking away the tumor along with it and he is cured! Long Live

    2) In another movie, Rajanikanth is confronted with 3 gangsters. Rajanikanth has a gun but unfortunately only one bullet and a knife. Guess, what he does? He throws the knife at the middle gangster? & shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knife cuts the bullet into 2 pieces, which kills both the gangsters on each side of the middle gangster & the knife kills the middle one.

    3) Rajanikanth is chased by a gangster. Rajanikanth has a revolver but no bullets in it. Guess, what he does. Nah? not even in your remotest imaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot. As soon as the gangster shoots, Rajanikanth opens the bullet compartment of his revolver and catches the bullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment and fires his gun. Bang... the gangster dies...
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  • Yamini L

    MemberApr 12, 2008

    Please just do tell something that we all can believe(Reasons for Newton's Death)..You know there are countless die hard fans for Rajnikanth.....No one can get his style..He is just such a SIMPLE and a great person..and that is why he is the cant expect all real things to happen in a film..
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberApr 13, 2008


    1) Rajanikanth has a Brain Tumor which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, our great Rajanikanth is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise, the bullet passes through his ears taking away the tumor along with it and he is cured! Long Live

    2) In another movie, Rajanikanth is confronted with 3 gangsters. Rajanikanth has a gun but unfortunately only one bullet and a knife. Guess, what he does? He throws the knife at the middle gangster? & shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knife cuts the bullet into 2 pieces, which kills both the gangsters on each side of the middle gangster & the knife kills the middle one.

    3) Rajanikanth is chased by a gangster. Rajanikanth has a revolver but no bullets in it. Guess, what he does. Nah? not even in your remotest imaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot. As soon as the gangster shoots, Rajanikanth opens the bullet compartment of his revolver and catches the bullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment and fires his gun. Bang... the gangster dies...
    Everybody is appreciating RajniKanth

    No buddy is appreciating the imagination of the script writer or courage of action director.

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