Member • Aug 28, 2007
Promoting CrazyEngineers - Serious Discussion
I've been scratching my head since past two weeks & nothing seems to pop up in my brain. The best thing to do, I thought, is to put up this question to our talented, creative & crazy engineers!
Statistics show that we've been growing at a good rate. We took only 54 days to grow from 3k members to 4k members. Note that we did not spend even a single buck on advertising or promoting. The growth is a result of mouth to mouth publicity & referrals. That's impressive. Yet, I think we can do wonders if a team of craziest engineers from all around the world come up with a strategy to promote CE.
The aim is to come up with a plan in which everyone can participate & promote CE. Some suggested that we start communities on social networking sites. Some suggested that we make CE as a permanent link in our email signatures/scraps. What else can we do? Rather, what can you do to promote CE?
I'll not talk more. Post your ideas & how to go about implementing those ideas.
-The Big K-