Member • Oct 15, 2008
Project: Creation of resume template for graduating students
While our other CE Projects are dormant :sleeping: , let's work on this small but very useful project.
Problem: Lot of graduating students are clueless about the resume format. As a result, most of them create very unprofessional resume.
Aim: To come up with a resume template for our members who are in the final year of their engineering studies. We will then distribute the template as a PDF through CE Forums. End users will be able to copy the format and put their own data into the fields.
Procedure: All our active members will brainstorm on the fields we should incorporate in our resume template for graduating students. We will identify common fields and include them in our resume template. We will also come up with suggestions/guidelines for each field so that the whole job of creating resume is simplified for end users.
Schedule: The whole project should be complete in not more than 3 days time, starting now [ 16 October, 2008, 4:00 pm ]
Notes: Let us aim for a resume which can be formatted in plain text. So no tables, images et al.
How to get started: We will wait for someone among us to post a template for all of us to get started. If we do not get anything for next 4-5 hours, I'll do the needful.
Let's get started!