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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberApr 14, 2008

    There are two different versions of SP2 around, one was a pre-final release, a beta of sorts. If you have got that, then strongly suggest to upgrade to the later.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    Assuming its XP Pro, theres also two different versions: Legal and...

    Speaking of which, can you give some examples of softwares that you ran which require SP2?
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  • sshikhar21

    MemberApr 17, 2008

    I think U should update ur windows first
    then it will definitely support

    the latest softwares which u want to

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  • prabhat kumar

    MemberApr 25, 2008

    u must follow instruction.and re instaal the window
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