  • I am facing problem in configuring the Apache.Installed Apache 2.2.
    When i m trying to save edits, using notepad to the confg file but i get "Access is Denied" and i m logging as Administrator.
    How can i?
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  • slashfear

    MemberApr 4, 2011

    Hi sushan,

    Can you be more specific about what operating system your using?

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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberApr 4, 2011


    You need to stop the Apache service first. Then do the edits, save and start the service again.

    Most likely you are using Vista/Win7/2k3 server, which have very detailed user rights (in other words not that simple). Even if you are administrator, you may not have rights to the file if some other user has created the file. In which case you need to edit the file ownerships.
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  • sushant005

    MemberApr 4, 2011

    @slashfear: I am using Windows 7
    @ Kidakaka: I have tried editing configuration file by stopping Apache Server but it doesn't work.And can you please Explain the second point of ownership..
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  • slashfear

    MemberApr 4, 2011

    Hi Sushant,

    Windows 7 ha... virtualstore problem ok its kool and stupid feature from windows ok anyway let me explain how to over come this issue,

    -> right click on the folder which contains the apache files (which you want to edit) and choose Properties
    -> Then choose Security tab

    and give Full Access privileges to all windows users

    Done!! now when you use the notepad or wordpad to edit the file and save, if it is still not working and throwing an error stating "permission denied" then use any third party editor like komodo edit and that should fix the problem!! (because notepad or word pad will trigger the virtualstore) 😉

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  • sushant005

    MemberApr 5, 2011

    @Slasfear: I downloaded Komodo Edit and edited the configuration file and also saved and i made three statement edit
    1>LoadModule php5_module "c:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"

    2> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    3>PHPIniDir "C:/PHP"

    But when i am trying to start the Apache server it shows an error message that " INVALID Command ' PHPIniDir ' perhaps mispelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"
    How to short out this error...
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  • slashfear

    MemberApr 5, 2011

    Hey sushant,

    Ok I would probably suggest you to remove the lines you have included in the http.conf file and then try copy the php.ini file and put it in the location where your Apache.exe is located or in the windows system32 folder. I guess that should fix the problem!! (But not sure though... 😒 )

    Why are you making your self so much trouble dude instead you can try installing XAMP which has default Apache php configured ......

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  • sushant005

    MemberApr 5, 2011

    @Slashfear: Let me try first what you have suggested now . And XAMP would me my last option if i find myself unable to configure that file.
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  • ramana_slv

    MemberApr 6, 2011

    hi sushant..

    I am also faced same problem. Then I done. Uninstall apache and reagain install in D drive not in c drive. Then it's working properly.. Try this it's working surely ...

    At the installation time it takes default path: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0

    then just you can replace C with D k . At that time you can create one folder in D drive with Program Files
    then the new path is: D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
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  • sushant005

    MemberApr 6, 2011

    I some where read that PHP 5 is not compatible with Apache 2.2.x.
    So i installed Apache 2.0.58 version but it shows " No Installed Service named "Apache2"..
    How to make Apache work as a service?

    @Ramana_slv : I installed Apache in D drive but it shows that " No Installed named "Apache2".
    How to fix this problem?
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberApr 6, 2011


    the best solution out of this is what slashfear said, use XAMPP. I think its a 50mb download.
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  • sushant005

    MemberApr 6, 2011

    @Kidakaka: Thanx but i have done it now i am able to run PHP 5 through Apache 2.0.58 but the problem is that it(Apache) is not installed as a service .
    I tried " D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\bin> Apache.exe -k install - n "Apache2 " this through command to install it but not working.
    Is there any other way to make Apache 2.0.58 installed as a service?
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberApr 7, 2011

    Do you have any other firewall installed in your PC except Windows default one?

    If yes then uninstall it and restart your computer and start apache
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberApr 7, 2011

    Sushant, are you running an elevated command prompt (as admin)?

    Your command should do the trick
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  • anirow

    MemberApr 7, 2011

    Why don't you use tools like XAMPP and WAMP, they would automatically do the task for you.
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  • sushant005

    MemberApr 7, 2011

    @Goyal: no firewall installed except default one.

    @Kadakaka: yeah..
    @anirow: XAMPP would be my last option . Apache 2.0.58 is working fine with PHP 5 but the problem is it is not installed as a service. how to installed as service?
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  • Hansie1graham

    MemberApr 8, 2011

    I am using vista ultimate and having problem with tomcat Apache server. I don't know how to configure it on vista(ultimate). Provide necessary solution on it. Thanks in advance.

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  • anirow

    MemberApr 8, 2011

    Why don't you use tools like XAMPP and WAMP, they would automatically do the task for you.
    I think visiting this link might help you, #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • abhijeet.patil

    MemberApr 16, 2011

    Have a look at this guide. Nice guide.

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Configuring The Apache Web Server | Abhishek Nagar's Blog</a>
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