I'm taking CAT in 2009. The problem is rumour has it that CAT is gonna be online next year. whether it's gonna be computer based test or a computer adaptive test like GMAT is not yet clarified. If it's a computer adaptive test, it's gonna be difficult.
Also, more and more weightage is being given to English, and so this makes it more difficult.
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So, the ideal strategy would be to assume the worst and prepare for that scenario. Also, being equally good in all sections like Quants, Data interpretation and verbal is a must..
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Why is a CBT more challenging than a PBT? I guess its the opposite!
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Ya, a CBT is obviously less forbidding than a PBT. I'm talking about the case where CAT would be 'computer adaptive', not 'computer based'. As in, you cannot move on to the next question unless you answered the current one. so, you cannot skip questions, hence you need to be strong in all sections. And that is not easy.
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All CEans who are willing to take CAT 😀 We've someone really cool to help you with preparations. Keep watch on announcements.
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I'm taking CAT in 2009. The problem is rumour has it that CAT is gonna be online next year. whether it's gonna be computer based test or a computer adaptive test like GMAT is not yet clarified. If it's a computer adaptive test, it's gonna be difficult.
Also, more and more weightage is being given to English, and so this makes it more difficult.
CAT is going to be online this year onwards. Though it should not be computer adaptive considering the fact that its a selective test as one cannot attempt all the provided questions. But that was the scene till now. They can reduce the number of questions or ease the level to make sure that 100% attempt is possible for adaptive process. i'll advise 2009 aspirants to definitely join coaching institutes or atleast the test series even if you have taken them before. These guys make things easy and process familiar.
As for the weightage of english section, well pattern changes every year. One can't say english will have larger number of questions this year too. Prepare for all sections equally.
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Count me in.
whatever the strategy they go for , the difficulty level and logic level will be more or less equal i think.
we have to come up with certain strategy to crack cat .
i can help in Quant to a larger extent and DI to a good extent , as my name suggests you people have to design a strategy for english so as a group we work and hopefully we achieve.
who knows a group of crazyengineers here may have their dream institute tagged in 2009.
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Hi All CAT'09 Aspirants,
why not make use of this forum and communicate our concerns, solutions, work arounds, issues with each other? it may not be possible for all to catch up with every update but we can plan say saturdays to put forth our concerns and say sundays to address those?
this way all of us can keep ourselves updated.
warm regards,
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Hi All CAT'09 Aspirants,
why not make use of this forum and communicate our concerns, solutions, work arounds, issues with each other? it may not be possible for all to catch up with every update but we can plan say saturdays to put forth our concerns and say sundays to address those?
this way all of us can keep ourselves updated.
warm regards,
That's a good idea! 😀 Get started as soon as possible and watch people join in ! 😀
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Hi All CAT'09 Aspirants,
why not make use of this forum and communicate our concerns, solutions, work arounds, issues with each other? it may not be possible for all to catch up with every update but we can plan say saturdays to put forth our concerns and say sundays to address those?
this way all of us can keep ourselves updated.
warm regards,
Hi here is the first question to you all guys , i need some quicker solution for english grammar , i dont want to be a master but i want grammar as a managable to me and please suggest quicker method.
and Mansi cool, you have a good idea , lets work ON!😎
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unlike maths problems which can have quicker solutions and shortcuts, grammar must be learned, needless to say from the very basic concept.. this is so because of the link that binds the different concepts in it.. if u can try and grasp the basic lessons of grammar then u'll find that solving grammar related questions much easier than what u could do by simply having a bird's view to it.. to start off with Wren n Martin's grammar book would surely build a strong base which would eventually help u to master the advanced concepts well..
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@English-Scared: Hi there, I've been watching your posts and you always seem to be concerned with your grammar. But from your posts, I think you are quite good in english. First of all, dont doubt yourself and be confident about yourself. And the best way to develop your grammar would be to speak and write more and more. And make more mistakes of course. So, be cool and enjoy learning english. That's all I can say.
Hope you dont get me in the wrong sense..😁😁
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hey SilverScorpion i take nothing wrong dude , i am concerned because i got badly flunked out in 2008 in english , thanks for saying that my english is good 😀 . the actual problem is am good at basic level whereas the Grammar in a stronger level is considered iam going wrong.
in a process of completing wren and martin , after that i will not get concerned my friend.😎
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I am in my final year( graduating in 2009, last TY exam in may '09) [commerce background] .I'm planning to give the CAT, but i want to know
- whether i should join TIME's correspondence course for CAT for '08 and then opt for classroom oriented for '09... -Are there very long term preparation classes for CAT '09 starting from April 2008 ??? the reason for the correspondence prep. is because i may not be able to devote so much time to CAT as i will be in my final year.
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hi biggie waiting for the initiative you are going to take for CAT 2009 aspirants can you start that ??😛😛.
Eagerly waiting for that 😀😀
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Looks like things haven't gone well. We were approached by a serial CAT topper 😀 [almost 99.90+ percentiler] to write articles for CEans on how to prepare for CAT 09.
I've initiated another round of talk - let's hope we have some good news soon.
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if things dont run well, we ourselves prepare a strategy for CAT 09
CE - Strategy of CAT preparation.
so what say guys??
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sure, we can form one ourselves.
@scared: What is the strategy you are currently following? How do you wish to improve?
Set the ball rolling..
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Currently the strategy following:
Reading the following books at random 😉
English - Wren and Martin Grammar
QA - Arun Sharma
Currently reading the English material and solving all the Exercises in that book and solving TIME material questions.
Regarding Quant and reasoning i follow the oldest approach but the strongest Practice and practice the only way to gain speed and accuracy.
I just started reading Vedic Mathematics book its very good book.
So people please ask questions :
You can ask in this way too..
Book : Arun sharma - Chapter - 3 - LOD - II - QNO - 6 (this is an example )
such that we can help you .
For any questions you dont find the solutions copy paste the question here we will try to address.
Lets start a New thread specifically for CAT Quant
CAT - Reasoning
and CAT - English.
mods we need your approval for this!!😎😎
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yep, that's a good idea. We can start one thread each for CAT quants, reasoning and verbal and discuss things there.
In quants, we can discuss short cut techniques, speed math etc..
In reasoning, similar things like set theory etc..
In verbal, what to read, how to develop vocab and all..
Wat say guys??
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Thats fine SS.
then i will start it and we will discuss as July approaches we can have maximum activity there too as CAT approaches then😉😉
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Hello people ,
we have started three different threads for all the three sections .
Please make the use of it and post your queries there .
This will be also useful more or less for all MBA entrance examinations.
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