  • Jeffrey

    MemberJul 6, 2013

    Powering tech in households

    Every house with digi meter is turning out shelling a larger amount as eb bill. Is there a smarter way to reduce eb bills by getting subsidies from our government

    If so do share here
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberJul 7, 2013

    Actually SEB's are already providing subsidies to Farmers, no need of subsidies to others..actually we are shelling out more other charges..
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  • aarthivg

    MemberJul 7, 2013

    Every house with digi meter is turning out shelling a larger amount as eb bill. Is there a smarter way to reduce eb bills by getting subsidies from our government

    If so do share here
    For home, there is no subsidies from our government. But places like colleges, Industries where huge power is consumed, subsidies are given from our government for maintaining good power factor.
    Correct me, If I am wrong
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberJul 7, 2013

    I heard this if a household sets up solar panels in your complex you get subsidy from the Government

    Is it true

    I am not sure about this either?

    Cos companies get subsidies from government since they consume a lot. What about small users like us so I want to know about this
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  • arunchary

    MemberJul 7, 2013

    yes govt offered a subsidy for implantation of solar power at home,but one more thing i heard that more than 40kv panel may get 50-70% subsidy below that they dint mention,these all look ofter and comes under MNRE/NABARD get more idea about that please follow the link:#-Link-Snipped-#
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