  • geococeo

    MemberAug 15, 2008

    power at the gym

    every time i walk by a gym in new york city where i see countless people creating rotary motion on bicycles or reciprocating motion on any number of "work-out" machines i think my golly what an incredible output of energy these places could be powering half the city block if the energy output was converted into electricity!!! what do you all think?? got any specific ideas for different kinds of exercise machines besides bikes?? any investors out there?? ha this should be fun!! 😛
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  • technospartan

    MemberAug 15, 2008

    thats a damn pretty idea man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • killerrock123

    MemberAug 15, 2008

    Hey do u have ideas to workout this project don't day dream
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  • geococeo

    MemberAug 16, 2008

    dude this is no daydream i could make a generator out of an old motor and a bicycle with my eyes closed, im curious about other kinds of workout generation device ideas you all might have + i am broke as a skunk so i surely could not come up with the overhead...dig??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 16, 2008

    every time i walk by a gym in new york city where i see countless people creating rotary motion on bicycles or reciprocating motion on any number of "work-out" machines i think my golly what an incredible output of energy these places could be powering half the city block if the energy output was converted into electricity!!! what do you all think?? got any specific ideas for different kinds of exercise machines besides bikes?? any investors out there?? ha this should be fun!! 😛
    Oh wow! 😁

    Every machine in GYM can be used to produce electricity! Can someone here estimate how much power can be produced using machines in the GYM?
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  • gohm

    MemberAug 18, 2008

    I've seen several pedal powered TV sets. In addition to electricity generation you could also pump water.
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  • Jeanius

    MemberAug 19, 2008

    I've actually heard of this idea (and heard of it being implemented), but I'm rather skeptical as to whether or not the energy that's produced is worth the cost of revamping all those exercise machines, even in the long run. I mean, I've seen high school science fairs where a kid converts bike rotation cycles into energy to power a light bulb, but it didn't seem all that bright (no pun intended). Think, however, of the cost of replacing (or retrofitting) all of those pieces of equipment and running them to batteries, or even just to the grid.

    I agree that it is essentially a cache of free, wasted energy, but we could probably do just as well harvesting methane from people's farts.

    If someone could crunch the numbers (as I don't know what the average resistance of an exercise bike is), I'd be interested to see what they'd come out to be. Or better yet, but probably not as accurate, get on one of those bikes, ride for 30 minutes, and see how many calories you burn. Convert that to joules/s and you'd get a ballpark estimate of how much power you produce. As a reference, for anyone who may try this, an average Walmart requires ~1 Megawatt of power.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberAug 19, 2008

    I think its quite easy to retrofit an exercise bike with dynamos, and use them to recharge SLA batteries. I read somewhere an exercise bike can produce an output of at least 15W.. quite respectable. Put the system at home, and it'll complement P.V solar off grid solutions pretty well.

    Plus, instead of lifting/pulling heavy weights, we should put turbine shafts linked to generators. I'm pretty sure that those doing weightlifting could lift any heavy object whenever and wherever they want, but they go to the gym because:
    1) they want to know exactly how much they are lifting
    2) use the most efficient way to exercise a specific part of the body without serious injury
    3) in some cases, know how much calories they are burning

    If want to implement a electrical generating exercise system, we'd have to figure out those issues to make it more viable for commercialization.

    What do you guys think are the technical challenges?

    Patty, you reading this? why don't you collect some power data since you work out so often 😛
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  • vinod1993

    MemberJul 20, 2012

    But cost is a major factor right?? Because use of strong magnets(for electromagnetic-induction) may increase the cost of machine right?? But it'll be most effective in gyms i suppose..!! is it not?? what say guyz?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJul 20, 2012

    An adult consumes about 2000 KCals a day. His out put will be about 40W average. At the gym it may be about 100W but for short bouts. Why not just calculate with that as a base value?
    I will recount what Wisconsin University did decades back. All that physical activity is finally released as heat (Good old second law operating). They just collected that with radiators and circulated to the hostel room heaters. I understand that their winter heating bill on the dormitory account came down some 90%.
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  • vinod1993

    MemberJul 20, 2012

    But were all windows were closed and fans are not switched on during the collection using radiators?? if yes, wont it lead to suffocation?? if no, wont it reduce efficiency of heat transmitted greatly?? a doubt sir pls clarify bioramani sir..!
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  • vinod1993

    MemberJul 20, 2012

    oh..! were air conditioners used as a potential radiator?? even then air conditioning a gym is not considered healthy right??
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJul 20, 2012

    Not air conditioners. They consume power. They just used radiators in which cold water, which became cold after radiating and warming the dormitories, was circulated to pick up the gym heat and incidentally cool it (sort of AC) as well. The only power used was for the small pump.
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    Not a bad idea at all. this turns out to be another idea for entrepreneurship.

    good thinking geococeo
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    But were all windows were closed and fans are not switched on during the collection using radiators?? if yes, wont it lead to suffocation?? if no, wont it reduce efficiency of heat transmitted greatly?? a doubt sir pls clarify bioramani sir..!
    Winter in Wisconsin will be quite cold. Adequate ventilation for fresh air is ensured. Yes, there could be some reduction in efficiency of heat collection. However, the frequent opening and closing of doors gives sufficient air changes.
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  • vinod1993

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    how stupid i was....! 😔 it never occured to me that it was a cold place...!!
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  • vinod1993

    MemberJul 21, 2012

    and sorry fr tht bad English of mine...!..!
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